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Rainbow Dash finds herself in the middle of an epic clash as Michael Jordan leads the forces of good in an attempt to stop Cobra Commander and his Evil League of Evil from destroying Equestria. Will Godzilla beat Voltron? Can the Care Bears out-stare the Decepticons? Is Ponyville about to get clobbered by King Kong?

Mere mortal words cannot describe this titanic struggle. Just what IS going on?

Chapters (1)

Octavia wakes up one morning to find that she can’t play any of her instruments at all -- It’s almost like her cello wasn’t meant to be played with hooves in the first place! Together with Vinyl Scratch they must figure out what the hay is going on around here.

Or maybe they’ll just end up breaking Octavia's cello.

Art by AspergerGoodness.

Chapters (1)

A warning from Princess Celestia is overridden by Pinkie Sense and leads Pinkie Pie into the Everfree forest where she makes a strange and talkative new friend. A heart burning tale of love, loss, lactose, and alliteration.
A/N: The Pyro's gender has been played with, but Valve has given no indication to him/her/shim being a male or female. Though I personally believe he is a female. I will use male pronouns because magic. I have no idea where this story came from but it exist now and I had fun writing it. Hope you like the read.

Art work:
'Partners in Crime' by kazahnii

Thank you to all those who read my story and who made it more popular than I thought possible. Thanks to all those who added it to their favorites, who gave it a thumbs up, and left comments (even the troll comments, because they made me smile) Here's the sequel

Chapters (5)

For years Nightmare Moon was considered "nothing but an old pony tale," but what did those tales actually say about her? See Luna, Celestia, and Discord as viewed through pony myths and legends.

I may add more short stories on in the future as new chapters.

Image courtesy of anbolanos91 on Deviant Art. Thank you! :)

Chapters (6)

There's a lot more to Big Macintosh's life than just apple bucking...

A collaboration between the members of the Spanish Announce Table Goes First.

Chapters (7)

Applejack discovers something is eating her apples. Whatever could it be?

Chapters (1)

I a human modern nomad, with a backpack full of gear and sporting a styling suit, wake up to find myself with a headache in a world full of ponies. With no way back I am forced to live here for a bit. I've seen a lot of strange things but this takes the cake!

***In the nomad's world MLP does not exist.

Chapters (18)

=====Originally Posted Dec 2011====EQD Link=====
The arrival of a new "Star Buck's Coffee" in Ponyville is putting the pressure on Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes worry they'll soon be forced to say 'goodbye' to their bakery, until Pinkie Pie discovers a sugar-craving plant. Is this bizzare vegetation the bakery's saving grace, or will Pinkie Pie find it's growing appetite too much to handle?

A greedy corporate baron, a ravenous plant, musical numbers, and romance. Three of these four things are in this story, and since there's no shipping tag, you only get one guess.

Story is author-rated to be approximately PG (Nopony gets eaten or anything like that).
WARNING: This story features links to songs on YouTube. They will play when you click the link.

Chapters (3)

The title says it all. Must I really need to explain more? I guess I do because it says I have to.

Basically I took the most unbelievably corny and cheesy ideas that I have actually seen in My Little Pony shipping fics and placed them all into a one-shot romance.

Please, do not take this seriously.

Chapters (1)