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Something has happened and Twilight finds herself in a strange and dark new world. The Bipeds here have strange magic, advanced technology, and a lot of problems. She needs a few friends, and they just might need her. WORM crossover. Deadpan29 has created some great supplementary material that is canon to the story.

Chapters (32)

Ranma chases a potential cure for his curse in Equestria, which — unsurprisingly — goes awry.

Now there are two of him, one male and one female, and the latter has to come to terms with it and forge a new life.

I commissioned the cover from Crowne Prince.

Chapters (7)

Today just seemed like any other day on Sweet Apple Acre for Applejack. She tilled the fields, fed the farm animals, fixed broken pieces of the barn but then, she saw something she'll never forget.

Just on the edge of the Everfree Forest, there was a bloodied and bruised filly on the verge of death. Applejack's world would soon be changed forever after she decided to foster this young and very unique foal, who's current condition suggest a terrible background. A background that is catching up to them.

Now, this filly will have to learn to move on from her old life, make new friends and find her special talent. A difficult task made even harder by the monsters of her past, lingering in her mind like ghosts. They'll come back for her, and they'll burn everything down to achieve...


Also, the cover art was revamped. I felt like the old one had too much dead space, so I figured something out! Let's see if you can guess who's on the cover art now!

Chapters (51)

All at once, I lost everything in my life, and was swept away to a new world in the body of this small... horse... thing. What now? Will I be able to find new meaning in this new world? Will I be able to get over the loss I've experienced? Will I ever confront that deep dark secret that I keep even from myself?

...and will I ever get used to not having hands?

Wooo my first fic ever! Always been a big fan of HiE fics so decided to give it a shot myself. Hopefully it isn't too depressing at the start, I have some cute ideas for some wholesome moments later on.

Note: Tags may update as I continue the story. I’ll add tags as I introduce important characters.
Also, do note that this fic will contain transgender themes. If that bothers you, please leave.

Edit 4/16/24: 250 LIKES!!! I'm running out of ways to say thank you!! But THANK YOU!!!

Edit 3/17/24: 100 LIKES WOWWWW

Thank you all so much for all the support so far!! I wouldn't have ever thought that a little story I made on a whim would grow so large this quickly! I'll be trying my hardest to get new chapters out for you all >:3

Inspired by Greenhorne's Trust Once Lost and Boopy Doopy's Beyond Me, along with a whole lot of other HiE fics that would take forever to list lol

Cover by Fireglow!

Chapters (10)

Floran: a vicious plant based humanoid that dwell in almost every corner of the galaxy. They have only one thing on their mind. Equestrians, a pony-like race that live on a single plant.

An intelligent and somewhat literate Floran's ship breaks down in the space around Equestria, with no fuel or means of repairing. It's captain has no choice to beam down to the surface and attempt find a means to repair the ship.

A kind of Starbound cross-over. Mainly because recently I have gotten back into Starbound. Will add and put in characters depending on where this goes. Also, expect a lot of long drawn out words that end or start with S, mainly due to how Floran speak.

Chapters (18)

The pony who wishes to make friends with everyone.

The being who exists only to prolong his existence.
Chance brings the two together, showing each that there is always more to learn.

This can be considered a Starbound crossover, but it doesn't really hold relevance to the game beyond using a Novakid as the alien Twilight encounters, as evidenced by the cover art.

Please read the author's note at the beginning of Silence for information regarding the story's structure.

Chapters (2)

Tanya is reborn again. It is her third life. It`s okay she thinks. She have excellent carier path before her in the weather control system. Her attention span problems DOES NOT hamper her at all, no matter what her friends says. Curse you, Being X, for this subpar brain!

(So i was reading a crossover between the "My little pony" and "Saga of Tanya the Evil", where Tanya was reborn as a changeling and then, because of the name of the said story, i was struck by a wild idea, a spark of inspiration for a different canon character, in which Tanya the Evil can be reborn. And nobody would have notice the difference! In certain circumstances (c)). Surprisingly, it is Cadence.)

Warning. This is badly written, this is just a first draft and i dearly hope what some better author will pick this idea and make it work, but i really want to share it. English is not my native language, tho.

Chapters (1)

Tanya Degurechaff gets tossed into Equestria and transformed into a Changeling Queen. It's a nice retirement from modern warfare as an aerial mage. Then Queen Chrysalis attacks and forces her out of retirement. Historians refer to this as 'a bit of an oopsie.'

Chapters (11)

In a desperate attempt to escape the Elements cleansing light, the Nightmare found herself drifting in the void between dimensions after a failed blind teleportation. For how long she remained there she did not know, until, finally, a chance to escape appeared as a strange Shard pierced through the void heading to an unknown destination. Unwilling to let such an opportunity pass, the Nightmare fused herself with it.

On Earth Bet, Taylor Hebert was experiencing what could rightfully be called the worst day of her life, before suddenly discovering that she now possessed strange powers, right alongside an odd megalomaniacal voice in the back of her mind.

This is a MLP:FiM x Worm crossover, in which in an attempt to escape the effects of the Elements the Nightmare abandoned Luna and ended up lost in the void between dimensions. Where she then proceeded to hijack the Queen Administrator Shard and so ended up as Taylor’s power. Meaning that Taylor now has all the powers of the Queen of the Night, up to and including a voice in her head that thinks that World Domination is a perfectly acceptable life goal.

So let’s see how Earth Bet will deal with the Queen of Escalation and the Queen of the Night joining forces, shall we?

Beta Reader: The amazing Emtu!

Featured!: 09/25/2021 - 09/27/2021

Chapters (5)

Everyone said this thing would revolutionize travel. Cross the galaxy in an instant, no ship required.

Well, it worked.

There's just one problem.

I have no clue where I am.

The pony in the cover image was developed here:

Chapters (23)