• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012


The world's greatest... eh... I'll get to it later.

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It's a beautiful day in Ponyville. Or at least it was until Cadance crashes into the side of Twilight's castle. Apparently, the Princess of Love has gone completely insane. Can Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer stop her? Will they stop her before Twilight has a nervous breakdown?

...Yeah, no.

Chapters (1)

By some cosmic happenstance, a young woman is transported to Equestria, and finds herself in a precarious situation. She's taking it in stride so far. Maybe because finding herself in an alien world and in an alien body is not the worst thing that's ever happened to her.

Some wounds, especially those of the soul, can take a long time to mend. What healing arts can the ponies of Equestria offer a scarred young woman? What can she offer them in return?

Timeline-wise takes place starts off in the later parts of season 4 but before the season finale. It also mentions events from the EG-movies and the comics, but neither of which are required watching/reading in order to understand this story.

- Human-turned-into-pony-
- Who's kind of okay with being a pony-
- And becomes friends with the Mane 6.
- Being a pony is pretty awesome.
- Has both slice of life and adventure.
- Equestria Girls happened.
- Like the source material, it has adventures.
- And Celestia is not a jerk.

Cover art by the extraordinarily skilled viwsrasputr.
The piece in particular has been uploaded here: https://derpibooru.org/1478347
Really cool art by Cyanjames2819. Also found here.
Leave a comment if you so desire. Simple praise also appreciated.

Chapters (23)

It's been three months since Princess Celestia appeared in your bed. Three months since she took that bed, along with your sheets and your pillows. Three months since she nearly drove your girlfriend away from you. But peace was made, and everything had been going relatively smoothly. Life was even beginning to look up.

Until today.

A spin-off of Ocalhoun's Princess Celestia is in your bed.
Cover art/inspiration by GSphere.
With pre-reading/advice from Admiral Biscuit, NeonGreenTiger, and Majin Syeekoh.

Live reading by Ichabod Creep!
Russian translation by Hellsmenser!
Chinese translation by Dashwhite!

Chapters (1)

Amethyst Star used to be Ponyville's top organizer. Everything from balancing the Mayor's schedule, Nightmare Night, and even Winter Wrap-Up were dropped on her desk. When the mess ups and the mistakes started to pile up, however, she was only too happy to pass the torch to the new resident librarian.

But, with Cranky and Matilda's wedding under her belt, she can't help but wonder if she threw in the towel a little too early . . .

Good thing there's a pair of friends, dancing around their feelings for one another, that could use a little matchmaking. Amethyst just might be the perfect mare for the job.

Cover art by the illustrious Rossby Waves.
Edited by Jondor and Melon Hunter.
Preread by auramane, Crystal Wishes, and Carabutt.
By special request, pre-preread by Tchernobog

Chapters (3)

Paul Werner was a soldier back on Earth; a high-ranking officer, to be precise. He still maintains that occupation in Equestria, as a consequence of both the best and the worst events which brought him there in the first place. In the end, he knows for certain that he would never trade his current life now for the one he had. He felt it was tainted by the... circumstances surrounding it all.

He thought he was over it, and that he'd never have to face any elements of his past ever again. Paul was one-hundred percent right... in a sense. As he gradually found out, Equestria and the world it rests on has quite the lot of parallels to the Earth he left.

Especially one in particular, a mare who goes by the respective title and name of Generalfeldmarschall Aryanne S. Land

Awesome base Aryanne art done by Antamoanimisan-m, sourced to derpibooru. (Their tumblr is NSFW)

Chapters (2)

One day a man wakes up in a pony's bed. For the next several days the two of them try to discover why such a thing happened.

They don't do a very good job of figuring anything out but they do cuddle a lot.

Chapters (7)

A year has passed since the fateful night - and day - of Luna's return. Regret and insecurity plague her still, but slowly and surely, she is getting better. A sister's love proves itself a treasure in trying times.

Patience, forbearance and a sense of humour to brighten dark moods help, too.

Cover art borrowed lovingly from Silfoe, on Derpibooru.
Here's the artist's tumblr, too: The Royal Sketchbook

Chapters (1)

Ponies are like those weird experimental dishes my broodmother sometimes makes: really interesting and probably good for a story, but never the type of thing I’d want to poke, for fear it might take off my hoof. I already learned my lesson the first time something I ate came back to haunt me. Sure, they're flavorful, but I’d like to be a bit more discerning when I’m trying to distinguish “edible” and “by-the-queen-it’s-looking-at-me.”

C-can I please leave the table?

I’m Nymph, and I'm now a changeling infiltrator.

Special shout-out to Georg for giving my chapters a final passover before publication! He is equal parts terrible and wonderful, and I am thankful for every bit of it.

Chapters (38)

Chrysalis hedged her bet. She supposed that should she lose, she could still have some fun. Infecting Shining Armor with a poison that would turn him into a changeling was a simple task, but one that would have the poor stallion in a panic as to what his wife would do about it.

Now with 20% more art! Somepony mentioned that there was a severe lack of Shining-turning-into-a-changeling art on the net, so I commissioned the amazing Arcadian Phoenix to run one out quickly.

Woo, featured! Thank you everypony!

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Sunsplit

"...okay, ow. My head hurts. I wonder how long I've been--oh, who are you?"

Chapters (3)