• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012


The world's greatest... eh... I'll get to it later.

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This story is a sequel to Lovey Dovey and the Business Pony

After having Lovey Dovey around for a week, Magnate knew that he couldn't go back to the dull life he led before. When she claims she's moving in with him, however, he comes to the realization that his first impression of her was right: they are very different ponies. Lovey is certain about their relationship, but is he?

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Dinner with Rose

After a dinner with Rose and a late night drunken trip to Sugarcube Corner, Sam wakes up from a nightmare with a hangover and more questions than answers about fitting in in Equestria. Luckily, ponies have pancakes and aspirin, which at least deal with the first problem. For the second, Sam's got a day off to hopefully find some answers.

Chapters (5)

There once was a story about the beautiful dark alicorn who moved the moon. In the tranquil countryside, a young boy listened to the story, looked at the stars, and imagined. He grew up and fell in love with the ruler of the night … and she loved him, too.

It was perfect, except for one nagging doubt in the back of the quiet boy's head: she was a character from a children's story.

Winner of the Writeoff Association's "Written In The Stars" competition! ** Featured on Equestria Daily ** Featured by The Royal Guard (twice! :twilightblush:)

Rated ★★★★★ by Louder Yay! "This is, perhaps, a Lucky Dreams story for grown-ups. ... Plenty of magic and friendship here, but also sadness and loss ... a clear classic."

Highly Recommended by Present Perfect! "An excellently written story about an emotional encounter between the titular characters … yet a good bit more than that. If you like reading, you will like reading this."

Recommended by Titanium Dragon! "This story had an excellent style to it, a sort of fairy-tale-like quality … really, this is a work of original fiction which pokes at MLP in only the barest of ways. But that doesn't mean it isn't relevant to your interests."

Art: Assembled by me. Luna vector by azur-wing.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon's escape from the Moon could not have gone better for her. Celestia herself was unable to face her, and Celestia's trainee was woefully underprepared for the assault. It did not take long to shake out the remaining pockets of resistance, and then she took the throne for herself.

Ten years of darkness have passed, and Celestia has finally managed to break Nightmare Moon's spell and return to Equestria. The exile and the difficulty of the escape took a serious toll on the solar Princess, and she returns to a land very different from the Equestria she loved.

Weak and very nearly alone, she needs to rebuild her strength, and put things right again. But can she even be sure what right is, anymore?

Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I1UxgjF5VdpCmAJ85ir84lWTk2BKGCainy_VICPo6yM/edit?usp=sharing

Lulu Print Link:

EBook Link (mobi format):

Chapters (42)

This story is a side story to Memoirs of a Royal Guard and begins years in advance of it.

Sunny Day doesn't take much seriously. As long as she makes a little money, spends time with her friends, and ends her evening with a cute pony she tends to be happy. The universe, however, seems to have other ideas as Sunny pushes to graduate from the prestigious School for Gifted Unicorns, understand her powerful magic, and start her life as an adult pony.

Quill & Blade Universe

Chapters (32)

Coming straight out of FTL, Captain Amelia Finegold barely has time to blink as her ship, Cobalt Blue, crashes into an unknown vessel in deep-space. Struggling to get ahold of an unexpected situation, things take a turn for the bizarre when she finds out the other ship isn't driven by humans. Or even occupied by humans at all.

One moment, Twilight is asleep. The next, lights and alarms blare as she comes to grips with an unexpected emergency. Problems crop up one after the other. Irreparable damage, wounded ponies, and a new alien species?!

Set in an alternate universe where Equestria became a space-faring empire.

Small note: Some revisions have been made, thanks all!

Chapters (3)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

An A.I. awakens aboard the HKS Dancer, a desolate and quiet ship. The crew of which is nowhere to be found. And in the wake of all of this the A.I. discovers something.... something peculiar.

A super cool 3d model that is relevant to this story.

Chapters (15)

Princess Luna ordered the Tantabus to torture her dreams every night so that she would never consider returning to the dark path she once trod as Nightmare Moon.

Luna should have remembered just how difficult it was for her to obey rules before she used her own essence to create what was, in effect, a smaller, more headstrong version of herself.

The Tantabus is determined to follow the true purpose of her command, no matter the consequences, large or small.

Or very, very small.

Now with a reading by ABagOfVicodin (who is open for fanfic reading commissions)
Done to go with the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

Editors: Tek, Peter, Hilltopper2, Winston, Monarch Dodora

Now on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Dismayed by the price of royalty, a changeling princess turns her back on her heritage and unintentionally falls in love while trying to build a life for herself. Will she return to her people, or will this newfound independence make her turn her back on her species forever? Pairings: Chrysalis/Shining Armor

Chapters (16)