• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012


The world's greatest... eh... I'll get to it later.

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"Hey, you used to be Celestia's student, right? Did you know Sunset Shimmer?"

Chapters (1)

Bómù Guāng Shǎn, the Prince of Friendship, asks Mèng Huàn, the Prince of the Night, for help investigating a mirror universe. The ponies there call it Equestria instead of Cōng Mǎ Guó, and it might have a few other differences, too...

The original, short story version came in 10th in the Writeoff Association's Feb. 2016 contest, "Look, I Can Explain." The cover artwork is by huhulin from Vectorstock, and overflowing thanks go out to M1Garand8 for help with the Mandarin names and the hànyǔ pīnyīn to render them in Latin characters.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon

It was supposed to be a routine flight over the desert, just a relaxing trip to stretch his wings out. He'd done it a thousand times before.

This time, it wasn't so routine.

Sex tag is for innuendo. No clop.

Part of the Hellpiercer 'verse, but knowledge of that story is not required. Reading the direct prequel How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon is advisable, however.

Chapters (13)

Melody Swiftsong is a unicorn filly living peacefully in Manehattan with her brother. She had everything she could have asked for in her life: a loving brother, a comfortable life, a house to live in and education. Despite having some strange hobbies and tastes, Melody believes she's the most fortunate of ponies.

Over the course of a single day, life teaches her that fate can be cruel. Her entire life is turned upside down, and she loses everything she loved and cherished before. Now she has to deal with feeling like a stranger in a world that does not seem to want her, yet she still persists to be a part of it.

(Disclaimer: Although I don't believe it warrants the sad tag, this story is undoubtedly riddled with sad moments at various points of the story.)

Special thanks to Benny for editing this story so far! Be sure to check him out! [This stopped as of Chapter 3 or 4 since my hiatus caused us to lose contact. Check him out nonetheless, he's pretty nice!]

Chapters (26)

Sometimes, when I look at fanart... things happen.
This was one of them.
I'm sorry.

Shining Armor has everything - the wife, the house, the life. So when he rolls over to find the creature that crashed his wedding and nearly wrecked his chance at happiness snuggled oh-so-sweetly at his side, with his darling Cadance at his other, it's all he can do to keep it together and try to assemble the missing pieces.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Let's Kill Tirek

No one has said ever said that being the Dragon Lord was easy, even under normal circumstances, but in the early days of her reign, Ember has been performing her duties admirably, walking the delicate balance of Draconian politics with aplomb. However, during a diplomatic visit to Equestria, she runs into a snag when she finds herself in the crosshairs of the lovestruck tail of the local chimera. It seems that it's not particularly wise to get between a viper and the dragon of her dreams.

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

She can swim far and wide across the waters of Equestria, but it's not enough. There are places above those waters, places she plans to reach. Where biology failed her, her mind would succeed. Equestria better be ready, because she plans to visit!

Chapters (54)

Everypony knows that Roseluck grows the tastiest roses in Equestria. When a rogue batch has a bit too much Earth pony magic pushed into it, Roseluck finds that she's created a new form of magic!

And we all know what happens next.

Chapters (1)

At one time, Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods. Then they let the first pony in.

There goes the neighborhood

Editors: Tek, Themaskedferret, FanOfMostEverything, BluePaladin42, GhostOfHeraclitus

Cover art is Lady-Princess-Goddess by Cherryviolets and a commission for Mother-Of-Trolls
Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to What I've Done

This is the third book in The Humanity Within Trilogy. If you haven't read the other two books first, go back and do that now. Don't worry, this will still be here when you get back...

Also, if you've already finished this trilogy, you should be happy to know that the next book in the series, A Darkened Sky, is out right now! Go read it, follow it, and all that stuff!

I don't know what to believe anymore. I was sure they were all monsters, all demons bent on destroying any peace I and my new friends might find in this life.

I was wrong.

Instead of burning this world down around me, their weapons are pointed away from the planet, not towards it.

As if that conundrum wasn't perplexing enough, I also have to deal with finding my own place in this odd, yet familiar society. But how does one simply go back to being normal? Especially knowing that the real monsters that caused this mess in the first place could be just around the corner?

After all, it's not like I'll ever see my home planet again. They may not be here to hurt me or my friends, but I still don't trust these 'friendly' aliens to get me a ride home...

Chapters (47)