• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012


The world's greatest... eh... I'll get to it later.

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Celestia is trapped on Earth.
Not as a human. Not as an alicorn. She's a common horse, an Arabian mare, without her magic, voice, knowledge of the language - not even freedom, forced to work at a riding school.

What can a single Arabian mare do to get back to Equestria from this backwater European country? With only the mind of a princess and a pencil in her teeth, Celestia must find a way home.

[Illustrated] [Alternate Earth] (without Bronies)
Rated Teen for language and some scarce suggestive themes.
Proofreading by AlicornPriest

Polish language version

Chapters (9)

Ruby Pinch is away for the weekend and Berry Punch is taking the opportunity to get back into the dating game.
Her first major problem will be finding somepony to ask out - although mares outnumber stallions by seven to one in Ponyville, she doesn't know any of her particular orientation.
During her search for love she will meet an irreverent bar owner, Equestria's newest princess and an incredibly bad fanfiction writer called Bon Bon.
She will also discover that there is somepony who has been keeping a close eye on her. Somepony whose motives she may not be able to trust...
Cover picture by Mysticalpha

Chapters (12)

A man, empty.
A mare, damaged.
A life, lived.
A life - loved.

Now with its own TV Tropes page!

Chapters (21)

Ponies are dangerous. At least, that's what everydragon says. They even stole his brother's egg years ago. So why are these ponies being so nice to him?

Expect elements of Comedy, Adventure, and Sad from time to time.
Sex tag added for somewhat blunt discussions about the birds and the bees.

Featured: 5/25/2014
Reason: Smeg knows. Love you anyway though!

Don't feel like reading this before jumping to the sequel? No worries, this blog post will catch you up to speed in about 2 minutes.

Now with a Spanish Translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-nuevo-dragon-1-11-923167089

Chapters (34)

The bamboo forest, a quiet haven for Rush the reed worker. His quiet life of self imposed isolation comes to an end one night when he goes to investigate unusual noises near his home. There, half covered in the first snow fall of the winter, he finds the still form of one who will change his life forever.

Edited by JBL

Chapters (42)

This is a one shot. It is the first one I've ever written and it was done in one session.

Dark tag is for implying certain outcomes.

Alexander suddenly finds himself in the world of Equestria without any explanation at all. He finds himself as one of the Pinkie Pie clones from the episode "Too many Pinkies" and staring at paint. He dares not move as he knows what's coming if he does. With only his knowledge of MLP:FIM and the memories of the clone he now inhabits he has to find a way to stay, while keeping the real Pinkie Pie out of danger as well.

This one, is a hard one.

This idea hit me like a truck after reading "Drifting" Written by: ShadowKirby

Featured: (2015-05-14) to (2015-05-18) Thank you all! Also, this story now has a sequel, it's called "This is worse!".

IK+ likes? Holy Guacamole!:rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

A month and a half ago, my life was changed forever. My nephew and I were plucked from Earth and ended up in a land that we both believed to be mindless entertainment. Now forced to begin our lives anew, we have to restart our lives in this new yet fimiliar land. Thankfully, we aren't the only humans here.

A story set in the universe of The Humans in Equestria Club

Chapters (3)

A collection of short stories that make light of cultural differences and misinterpretations between species. Shit gets hella awkward, yo.

I'm so sorry, Anon...

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Moonlight Palaver

Upon Discord's release, the leaders of other nations must unite to curb the threat he poses.

Easier said than done.

Cover art by anima-dos.

Chapters (5)

It's time once again for the Ponyville Game-Athon! It's a yearly event where teams of two participants compete in various fun events for a chance to win a prize!

Spike decides he wants to enter this year, and take home whatever the prize may be. However, after all his friends are already taken, he ends up on a team with somepony he doesn't even know.

Who the heck is Cloudchaser?

Theme Song: All Downhill From Here - New Found Glory

Editor: Avox
Prereaders: Gidget_TheGear and LightningBass94

Cover Art by Jayesixx

Chapters (10)