• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012


The world's greatest... eh... I'll get to it later.

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This story is a sequel to Three of Hearts

Joining the Royal Guard seemed like the adventure of a lifetime to Azurite. She just never imagined that her career would heave her life down the path it did. After struggling with her job, the injury of her partner, and her relationship, she’s found herself in entirely new territory: love. She’ll soon discover that love is only one of the elements necessary to keep ponies together.

Three of Diamonds is a comedy-romance story that pokes fun at some of the common tropes found in the genre. It is a direct sequel to Three of Hearts. Readers will need to be familiar with that story.

ToD is also an interwoven side story of Secrets of a Royal Guard.

Quill & Blade Universe
Adorable cover art by Potates-Chan.

Chapters (11)

Stormy, an Equestrian filly, goes out to play one day and vanishes without a trace. She awakens to find herself in a strange place, encountering races of beings that are unfamiliar even in Equestria. Driven by her scruples to change the world for the better, Stormy finds herself taking on one adventure after another, striving to put right wrongs and hoping that each new day will pave the way for her to make the final journey home.

Epic thanks to Balthasar999 for the Cover Art.
Merlosthemad and The Madverse Executive Writing Group for edits and proofreading. <3

Chapters (12)

Captured by your enemy. It's something that no soldier wants to think about, much less experience. Unfortunately for one U.S. soldier fighting in Equestria, that's exactly what happens. At the mercy of the ponies, he will have to resist their attempts to extract information from him, and hope that he'll see freedom again.
(Language warning for those who care.)

Many thanks to my prereader, Cosmic Cowboy, for letting me bounce ideas off him, and not letting me upload garbage.
Cover art by the awesome (and patient) Erindor.
Appeared in the feature box for a brief time on 10/11/2015. I have no words...

Chapters (18)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)

Following his tumultuous defeat, King Sombra is flung across space and time to exit out a human's malfunctioning toaster. For weeks, Sombra monologues his revenge to destroy those that hurt him. But seven months later, when a route back to Equestria is found, does he not seem all that interested in returning.

Edited by spigo.

Prequel: The Roommate From Tartarus
Side Sequel: (Not My) Home Sweet Home

Update: labelled as complete. The last three chapters will remain as bonus chapters.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Roadtrip

The cracks between our worlds are opening. Deciding they can't remain hidden any longer, the princesses decide to introduce Equestria to the human planet at the most logical place on Earth: BronyCon.

This creates many problems, particularly for one couple and their Fiat.

What's harder than getting four pregnant alicorns into a Fiat? Getting four alicorns pregnant in a Fiat!
-Biker Dash

Chapters (25)

Meet Level Ledger, your average, well-read unicorn colt. He has a talent with numbers and systems, which is why Pegasus Air was so interested in acquiring his talents. They use him to make sure their books are balanced. Both the legal ones...and the ones that'll never see the light of day.

Meet Midnight Song, your not-average, well-trained Thestral mare. Everything she sets out to do, she accomplishes with aplomb. When she rises a little too quickly through the Day Guard's ranks, her superiors decide she needs to cool off and learn a bit about how to be a mature member of the Guard. Not a bad idea, seeing as she's a massive flirt.

When Level's rent goes up, he needs to take a roommate or risk being thrown out into the street. A twist of fate will see these two souls coming together and having the time of their lives.

Now, if only one of them could tell the truth to save their life...

A collab fic worked on by myself and Ausbrony. We liked the setting of Las Pegasus and the villains of Pegasus Air a lot, so we put our heads and characters together, and this came from our efforts.

In lieu of a list of dates, I will simply say that this story tends to get featured every time I update it for a short while at least. And I am very happy about that fact.~

Chapters (111)

Very few ponies knew Rarity well, but not even her friends knew her true nature.

Until now.

I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria . But when she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. She can be herself without worrying about what others think, and she can finally talk to another pony, even if he never knows who she really is.

Celestia is worried about her sister, especially right now. Upcoming peace talks with a powerful new nation mean that all the Princesses need to be completely ready. With her Luna so absorbed in a fantasy world, she wonders how she'll make it through the harrowing weeks to come.

Button Mash feels like a failure. He's still living at home, he still can't find work that can use his degree from the university, and he still feels alone. His friends are getting married, starting families, and thriving in their careers. On the plus side, he plays games regularly, and his best friend is a mare, even if she doesn't know his name. He hopes that his upcoming vacation to Canterlot might help his mindset.

But, unbeknownst to all of them, a sinister web within a dark plot threatens to ensnare Equestria... And Luna may be the only one able to stop it.

She may face it alone, or maybe she'll have some help from her knight in faded armor...


Cover art credit to yamashta. Link here.

Preread by -TGM- and Goldenwing

Edited by m1ntf4n, PheonixStarr, Wing, and the_Doc, and Swan Song, and Orion Caelum.

Follows canon up to about season 4 or so. I'm not sure when everything went off the rails, but it was originally as true as possible when initially written.

Link to the Discord chat HERE!

Chapters (42)

Princess Celestia is plagued by a new villain terrorising Canterlot. The guards are useless, Twilight Sparkle is at a loss for what to do, and it falls upon Celestia's withers to deal with this problem herself.

Trigger warning: Kind and benevolent Princess Celestia

Chapters (1)