• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012


The world's greatest... eh... I'll get to it later.

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How can this be true? When the sun was later in rising than it should have been, Princess Luna became concerned for her older sister. No pony had seen her since Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's reception had ended late the night before. However when Luna went to urge the moon down hoping to nudge Celestia into completing the cycle, her magic brushed against an aura she had hoped and prayed to never glimpse again.

Had her inability to protect the ponies she cares so deeply for, driven Princess Celestia to do... The unthinkable?

Chapters (10)

For years, Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis have been at each other's throats. Both have experienced victory over the other, and both have experienced defeat. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, none despise each other the way the pony Princess and changeling Queen do. They seemed destined to remain locked in battle forever, or at least until one is finally dead at the hooves of the other. The cruel insults, the vicious loathing, and the powerful spells that have passed back and forth between them at each meeting have become the stuff of legend.

Imagine Twilight's surprise when she finds out changelings consider this dating.

And now they're married.


Sequel: Pony Courtship Rituals


Some beautiful fanart of the end of chapter three was done by Dmann892; you can see it here.

More awesome fanart, this time from chapter one.

Now with a TvTropes page (obligatory TvTropes warning goes here).

If you want a Russian translation, you can find it here.

There is now a reading of the story on Youtube, which starts here.

Chapters (8)

Changelings have never been able to experience love. They imitate it, consume it even, but never actually feel it.
Chrysalis, trapped and powerless, learned the magic that is love. And not by the methods she had planned.

Cover art by Quiss on DeviantArt.

Chapters (10)

Sphinxes. Creatures from ancient Anugypt, shrouded in mystery, myth, and superstition.

When an archaeology caravan passes through Ponyville carrying the find of the century--four mummified sphinxes--an ancient Anugyptian curse awakens and regenerates the Sphinx Queen Neferkitti and her retainers.

Now, four mysterious creatures from another place and time are on the loose...and mildly annoying the citizens of Ponyville.

(Cover art by zimvader42, used with permission.)

Chapters (4)

After the invasion of Canterlot, ponies became aware of the frightening changeling race. As a result, they had adopted methods of exposing and countering the love-feeding parasites.

Glamour, like other changelings, have found it more challenging to find a stable supply of love. Seeing the flaws in posing as a pony's loved one, she tries a new way of getting love.

By becoming a fashion model.

All she had to do was become famous and bask in the adoration of her fans. However, the world of fashion is not as easy as it looks, and Glamour finds her life become much more complicated when she gets paired up with Manehattan's newest fashion designer, Coco Pommel.

First featured on 8/29/15

This story takes place a bit after the events of "Rarity Takes Manehattan".

Chapters (35)

This story is a what if side story to Secret's of a Royal Guard. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the Quill & Blade universe. If you're not, Knight & Day will make little or no sense to you. It isn't meant to be a stand alone story.

Silent Knight and Sunny Day are both young officers in command of a House Guard. They're quite accustomed to working with each other and the princesses but are they ready for the crowns' curious request? Join them on their latest adventure in this what if story!

Not Quill & Blade canon

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Moon, The Flower, And The Door

Effective Immediately, This Story Has Been Cancelled.

"Anyone Can Be A Wizard..."

Morning Glory has succeeded in passing Princess Luna's test, and is now her personal protege... and soon to be her foster daughter. All seems to be sunshine, lollipops, and fluffy puppies forever... until Luna makes a discovery regarding the young filly's parentage, one that could wound the young filly's heart terribly. Keeping this information a secret seems wisest, especially given the connection the young filly has with Celestia's new student, but it soon becomes clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the filly begins exhibiting strange and seemingly inexplicable talents. The young filly seems intent upon becoming a wizard, in spite of being an earth pony. Is such a thing possible, and is Equestria ready for it? And if so, what kind of a wizard would she be?

One thing soon becomes clear: No matter what the outcome turns out to be, something big is about to happen in Equestria, and when it's all over, nothing may ever be the same....

Chapters (12)

The Nightmare has returned, and sat upon Celestia's throne. The guards know better than to interfere with such a challenge, as the princess herself had ordered that they stand aside in such cases. Now all await the princess' return, and the battle that will ensue. The battle for the right to rule Equestria.

Set rating as T to be safe. Nothing too bad, but not sure what the fight would be rated.

Chapters (1)

Pinocchio wasn't the only wooden puppet to become a real person.

There are other puppets out there, animal-like beings controlled by quasi-intelligent trees. Ponies call them timberwolves and know them as nothing but beasts. But what happens if one of those beasts were to gain the intelligence and ambition of one of the most successful hunters in the universe, a human?

This story loosely shares continuity from Split Second: An Eternity Divided. Reading that is not required at all.

Has a Tv Tropes page.
Featured on EQD: 10/2/2015

Chapters (15)