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Luna is sent, along with young Twilight, to old Neighpon to try and quell the feuding warlords with diplomacy. And, if that fails, reduce the bloodshed as much as possible. Turns out that Luna is the kind of mare that likes to jokingly flirt and see how far she can go to make the other uncomfortable.
Boy is she in for a surprise.
So the inspiration for a lot of aesthetic and naming is primarily Japanese, however I'm taking from all of the orient and I'm being fairly loose with the accuracy. Translations and terminology won't be exact, don't expect a historical rendition of feudal japan in pony form here fellas.
Will update tags if more of them become relevant.

Chapters (2)

It should have been so simple, just make some friends, find the elements and beat the villain that tries to make the night last forever, then find out she's Celestia's actual sister and absolve her as they hug… Well, perhaps not simple per say, but expected.

So then why when they defeated Nightmare Moon did Luna ignore her sister Celestia? And why did she instead hugged Twilight as if she was happier to see her then her sister? Why was it Celestia who soon after groveled and begged Luna for forgiveness, rather then the other way around? And what's with this godmother thing?

For that matter, what else changed?

Chapters (11)

It was a just a common, ordinary spell, one that unicorns use every day. Somehow, something went wrong. Now Twilight Sparkle has to figure out how to cope with the aftermath... before it's too late.

Fourth place finalist in the "Out of Time" writeoff prompt at

Thanks to Bachiavellian, Titanium Dragon, FanOfMostEverything, FrontSevens, horizon, JonOfEquestria, The Cyan Recluse, The Letter J, and Trick Question for their reviews during the writeoff.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Stormsinger

In wake of the assault on Starfall, Serale Everstar has agreed to her mother's wishes, and will travel the length of Equestria to pay respects to her mother's rival Courts. But burgeoning magical ability and the possibility of traitors around every corner have placed on the young Lady more stress than she could hope to bear alone.

Apprenticed to the Court Mage, Cobblestone, recently a cutpurse and recovering addict, is eager to begin her training in the arcane arts. But her own abilities have attracted the attention of old powers, not all of them with her best interests at heart.

Tasked with protecting his Lady at the cost of his honor, Vino Hedera is young and untested in the field of battle and the art of command. But all is not as it seems among his compatriots, and the greatest danger he faces may well come from within the ranks of those he should be able to trust with his life.

With the forces of the Shadow gathering, pursued by forces both foul and Fae, and unsure of who to turn to, these three ponies may have only each other to rely upon in the face of the most terrible enemy Equestria has ever known. It falls to them to prepare for oncoming war, one in which the stars may shake and the sun itself may fall from the sky.

Book Four of the Sunfall Saga. Book Three to be found here.

Chapters (35)

Scootaloo has been getting into arguments with her mother ever since she got her cutie mark, its stressing Dizzy Twister out, when she can't handle it anymore she goes to Twilight who has an Idea as to how she can handle this. While Dizzy Twister is gone for the week Twilight will be making sure Scootaloo learns to be more respectful towards her mother.

Contains diapers, wetting, and anything baby related.

Editor: Autum Breeze

2nd Editor: SuperpinkBrony12

Proofreader: SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (6)

The events of this story take place after the episode Luna Eclipsed

Luna loved her first Nightmare Night. She had so much fun and was dissapointed that it came to an end. However she had a plan to see if she can stir things up by summoning the power of nightmares to trasform herself into a vampire and have more fun. But the Nightmare spread to Ponyville and now the town is trapped in a dimension where its always Nightmares Night. It'll be up to the mane 6 to find a way to save their town and to find Luna before its too late.

Chapters (6)

Gilda only wanted the humble things in life. Cheap rent, copious bits, the respect of her peers, the occasional juicy field-mouse.

Being captured by the Equestrians and dragooned into the Territorials wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of, but at least the rent was free.

And the rats were nice and plump.

Chapters (36)

When the Princess refused Sunset Shimmer the reward which was her right as a pony of talent and excellence, Sunset was determined. She would prove her mentor wrong, she would prove her worth, prove her worth as a pony and as a princess in her own right. The Mirror offered promises. It promised Sunset many things.

The Mirror lied.

The land that laid beyond the Mirror was barbaric beyond all her worst expectations. Ape-like beings strode through this world, arrogant, violent, vicious beyond anything in Sunset's experience. Slavers, savages, brutes, carnivores.

They put her in chains like cattle, and told her she was livestock. Then the brutes tried to give her as a gift to those whom even brutes feared, to the eastern savages. To a people who said there were only two things in this world: those that ride, and those that are ridden.

And so if she has any hope of ever proving herself worthy of being a person again, Sunset Shimmer would have to show that she could be one who rides - that she is...


Chapters (22)

There are many lands through the mirror; strange ones where all manner of things are possible, even one where the righteous are instead wicked and the only hope fell to the villainous. A world put out of sorts when the Good King Sombra absorbed the evil of the Two Sisters.

The Overlord, Thorax, has come to set the world back into its dark path, and only the recently turned Sisters stand in his way... but they'll need help. Light once came through that mirror. Surely light can be brought forth again, to quell this rising evil before it is too late.

Prologue through Chapter 26:
Written by Disappointment-Incarnate
To be proofread by TheAncientPolitzanian

Cover courtesy of the amazing Mr Tech.

(This story involves the mirror universe that appeared in the IDW comics.)

Chapters (28)

This is the original version of the first story I've ever written, over the course of three months as a brand new writer in late 2014.

I'm including these chapters here as a record of how the story looked when it began. This was the prototype for what would, over many years, become Black Feather. The story has gone through multiple complete rewrites, but this was the initial version. Enjoy reading my clumsy first steps into the world of writing!

Note: I will make the chapters visible again after Black Feather is published to avoid spoilers.

Commissioned cover art by SilFoe
Special thanks to onlyanorthernsong for encouraging me to write this and helping to envision Pen Stroke's Nyx as an adult.
Extra thanks to Pen Stroke for permission to write the adult version of his character Nyx.

Chapters (0)