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Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

Ever since the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia has noticed that her student and her friends have been getting into a lot of trouble, so, naturally, she worries that they may end up getting hurt while they're unable to protect themselves. Thus, she assigns a very special guard to keep watch over them, without them knowing, of course.

Ever since he'd met the Princess, he'd been serving her faithfully, how could he not? But when she tells him to head down to Ponyville to keep her student and her friends safe, he can't help but wonder if this is the best use of his time.

Unfortunately for Emerald Skies, a job is a job, and he'd be loathe to ignore an order from his Princess.

Chapters (42)

Spike dreams of becoming a true dragon, and with no one to help him, he seeks comfort and training from a returning Tempest Shadow. In the month before she must leave, can she give strength, skills, wisdom he needs? Two similar souls find solace.

Editing by a certain Curify.

Art by Renciel.

Chapters (1)

It's been nine years since Twilight's ascension, and her relationship with her friends has never been stronger. While many things have changed about their respective lives, Twilight and her friends remain very close.

Unfortunately, their heroism will need to be called upon again, but this time, they may not be enough. The Nightmare Moon Incident had one more complication, one final loose end. One pony, thought forever lost to the passage of time, returns. And she will have her mother free... or die trying.

Now featured on Equestria Daily! Eeyup :eeyup:

Chapters (18)

(Collab with yodajax10 who suggested the idea. Takes place immediately after "Horse Play".)

After witnessing Spike go out there and stall for time in an important play, Princess Luna becomes concerned about the adverse effects it might have on the little dragon's mental state.

She uses this an "excuse" to pay a visit to him after the play and have a one on one talk with him, giving him a chance to know that he is helpful.

But that is not the only reason the night princess comes to see Spike, the alicorn is dealing with her own personal issues and needs a friend she can trust to confide them in. Plus, Luna isn't the only one who wishes to give praise to Spike.

Chapters (1)

Those that would threaten the peace and harmony of Equestria stay awake at night. How do you sleep when you know you are being hunted? How do you run from ghosts that haunt the night and wraiths that hide in your shadow?

It used to be so easy. The Day guard were powerful but they were designed to repel armies and fight wars. If you were smart you stayed small and you slipped under their reach, But now...

Ever since that Moon Princess returned 20 years ago they have been hunted by a team of Nightmares, but will their past actions come back to haunt them.

Twilight Sparkle is the prime student of Celestia and on a fast track to an officer's commission into the Day Guard, but another unit has their eye on her.

Chapters (14)

Sunset Shimmer was getting ready for bed like she did every night and was casually wishing that she wanted to be a pony again. It was a thought that crossed her mind from time to time so she hadn't really thought much about it but the next day she discovers that that quick wish had come true. Now she and her friends have to figure out what happened and how to fix it. Meanwhile Sunset is becoming more and more comfortable in her pony body and she starts to wonder should they fix this?

The image was create by rvceric go check them out on DeviantArt

Credit to the idea of this story goes to friend Tyler as he was the one who started talking about the whole Sunset turning back into a pony thing in a serious light while I was making jokes about it. Thanks for helping me write this buddy and I hope you like it.

Chapters (1)

Every student of the School of Friendship had to complete a capstone project before graduating. While the other students wrote songs, baked cakes, and other ordinary things, Ocellus and her friends decided to make their last project together count--they built a ship, and planned to sail it north all the way up the coast to Manehattan. But none of them were terribly good sailors, and they never could've imagined what found them on the water...

Now they've been washed ashore in a strange land, surrounded by creatures they never imagined in their wildest dreams. To survive long enough to make their way home, they might just have to make some new friends.

Writen as a Patreon reward for Vilken666. Editing by the usual starpub crew, Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Updates Mondays.

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to The Fallen Age

Long ago, before the rise of Equestria, long before the Three Tribes Era even, Equus grew and prospered under the rule of the seemingly immortal Empress Cosmos. For two thousand years, she and her five Exarchs guided the many races of the world into a better future.

And then, she vanished, and her name and all she had done was forgotten.

Ten thousand years have passed since that night. Her Exarchs have not been seen in millennia, and the few who do know of that time think they died long ago.

The civilization she helped create is now forgotten by most, destroyed in a war born of xenophobia. One that heralded the rise of the Three Tribes Era.

But now signs have begun to appear. A long-forgotten prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The once and future ruler of Equus is about to be reborn. But what does this have to do with Twilight Sparkle and the five new ponies who have just arrived in Ponyville?

Chapters (21)

The opening titles of MLP have always felt like they were from a different version of the show. This is that version...

Fed up with being useless at magic, a blank-flanked Twilight Sparkle does the only thing she feels she can do... she runs away. Fortunately, she has a good friend along for the ride...

Now has a sequel: Nightwaker, which presents the return of Nightmare Moon in this timeline.

Featured 10/16-10/19/2018 -- thanks, everypony, for your kind support and feedback on this version of the pilot story!

Chapters (1)