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Mark Wells was a klutz, but even he could not imagine stumbling into a mirror that he had just bought at an antique store and ending up in a world of colorful equines, not to mention gaining hooves and wings at the same time. And whoever heard of green fur on a horse? Perhaps the great and powerful Princess that the guard was taking him to would have some answers because he sure didn't!

An alternative version of canon events with humorous twists. Written in collaboration with Airy Words.

Cover art by Mix-up and their DeviantArt account is Amalgamzaku.

Book One: Chapters 1–33
Book Two: "Further Off The Mark": Chapters 34–69
Book Three: "On The Mark": Chapters 70–100

Sex tag added as of chapter 32 but it's mostly due to talk. Actual sex takes place "off camera".

Chapters (100)

What does it mean to be immortal? Celestia has lived for too long. Her memories are old. She has seen many ponies, and many places, and many times, and many stars, and many dreams. She wakes one night to find she does not know the ponies and the stars of today from the ponies and the stars of any other day she has lived. She no longer knows what was real and what was only dreamed.

She desperately searches for the one pony she knows could not have been a dream.

Chapters (1)

Edit: The story is currently cancelled due to inactivity after a few years. However, I'm currently contemplating rebooting the story at some point, so any comments and suggestions on what you like/dislike would be appreciated.

It's been several months since the Alicorn Amulet incident, and much has changed for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Her reputation damaged once again, she continues on with her magic act, determined to try and turn over a new leaf. With Twilight Sparkle now an alicorn princess, however, Trixie finds herself plagued with nightmares and a renewed sense of jealousy. Sympathetic to the mare's feelings, which mirror ones she once held long ago, Princess Luna decides to intervene.
Original sketch of the cover image was done by Becca Hillburn at . Vector of sketch made by myself.

10/16/2014: Now featured on Equestria Daily

8/4/2015: First Time on Featured Box

Chapters (18)

I am a changeling, unlike other changeling, I was born with a purple mane, tail and wings. However, ever since the Canterlot Invasion, I was forced to flee the changeling hive with my friend Thorax. With Thorax, We went to a place call Ponyville, where hopefully we will be accepted for who we are. Follow me, as I go through the challenges ahead of me and discovers some of Equestria's dark past.
Note: This is an OC story
This is set before season 6 finale. Any continuity errors will be accepted as part of an alternate Universe.
The cover art is used without permission, it will be removed if requested.

Chapters (24)

The story of 'The Mare that eats the Monsters' is an old, but still very well known Equestrian campfire and bed time story, often told to scare little fillies and colts into behaving themselves. It tells of a mare who loves Equestria and the ponies who live in it despite how frighteningly different she is. She protects ponies across Equestria from nightmarish creatures and monsters that would seek to kill ponies wherever possible.
What most ponies don't realize, but what Twilight Sparkle is soon to learn, is that the mare of the story was and is very real.

And the stakes of her mission have never been higher.

(This story has the horror tag, yes, but it isn't the dominant theme here.)

Chapters (17)

Just how can a simple visit to a convention go so wrong? Well, when you're Quibble Pants... A whole lot surprisingly enough. It's been 1 month since Quibble last saw Daring Do and Rainbow Dash. During said convention, he finds a suspicious stallion wearing a cloak. He decides to follow said stallion and goes on an adventure he clearly wasn't expecting...

(Collab Fic between Boop-Happy Lass, Comrade Bagel Muffin, Thunder-Bolt and myself.)

Chapters (1)

A dark and mysterious being is out for the princesses of Equestria. Little does Twilight Sparkle know, she’s the pick of the litter, and becomes this creature’s target and host. The Princess is in for a cruel fate, and plans on taking all of Equestria down with her. It's now up to the rest of main six to save her, with a certain impulsive unicorn along for the ride.

Takes place prior to the season 7 finale.

Winner of Napowrimo 2017!

Chapters (7)

What if a fan of My Little Pony was suddenly sent to the world of the show, before Equestria was even founded? In an attempt to get home and survive tribal pony society, Astraeus must enlist the help of the royal sisters before they've ascended.

Can he return to his family without permanently ruining the sisters' future and that of all of Equestria? And will he be able to resist using his knowledge of both the show and modern technology to help his new allies?

Special thanks to PeerImagination for being an amazing editor. You rock!

Cover by slifertheskydragon.

Chapters (12)

Vinyl Scratch, an up and coming, heavy hitting producer is thrown together with a shadow veiled, classically trained composer as they each try to make a living in the celebrity ridden streets of Canterlot. Little do they know, however, they will have to wade through the pressures of fame and popularity, heinous conspiracies and silver tongued threats, before they can walk the golden road of their fulfilled dreams.

Cover Art by KaizenWerx and used with permission.

Chapters (16)

On the day of the Friendship Games, the veil between two worlds is pierced. The magic of Equestria seeps through the barrier to permeate the world of humanity. Entities begin to come into existence. Lore and legend are gaining flesh, bone, and blood, yielding things both wondrous and horrible. Magic is powerful, but a limited resource. If the world at large discovers its existence, Equestria will become a target.

Thus, seven friends agree to keep the secret, but some things will not be hidden away.

Chapters (8)