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After the timeline goes awry for the eighth time, Twilight Sparkle convinces Starlight Glimmer to journey with her through the most recent world she created, using her alicorn magic potion to safely view one of the tragic timelines. As the world spirals farther and farther out of control, Twilight fears the vision may be doing more to strengthen Starlight's resolve than to bring her to an understanding of her mistakes.

Starlight Glimmer vector by itv-canterlot on Deviantart

A good portion of chapters 1-3 debuted in the Writeoff event "Forbidden Knowledge"

Red tags for mild gore and fantasy violence.

Chapters (10)

On one lonely and dull night, Princess Luna finds comfort in the last pony she'd expect to see her.

Her night gets completely turned around.

Story inspired by cover art, which is by MagnaLuna. Check her out, she has a lot of good art.

Made popular 1-28-18 Thanks!

Chapters (1)

[Displaced] When our hero went to a costume party, he never expected to end up in pretty pink pony land as Fairy Tail's most badass fire dragon. After an interesting turn of events, he is now the Red Diamond, the King of the Crystal Empire!

Be ready for humor, fights, and maybe avoiding responsibilities.

[All Fairy Tail characters used are not mine, only the creator's. Please don't hate me...]

Chapters (4)

Long ago, the founders of Equestria built a magical portal on sacred ground, hiding their greatest secret on the other side. Generations of leaders stepped through the portal so that they might emerge as the equal of their forebears.

Celestia and Luna were the last to enter. For a thousand years, the portal lay forgotten, its purpose lost.

Luna thinks it is time that Twilight learn what it means to rule.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

For a long time, Twilight could feel it; a sense of emptiness she couldn't explain. Now that she's a princess, that feeling is stronger than ever. She finally decides to bring the matter up with Celestia. In response, Celestia gives her an old book.

The contents of that book will change her perspective of the world... and her beloved mentor. Just accepting the truth is a challenge. And after that?

She has to make a decision.

If you’re not watching PaulAsaran, let this convince you to.PresentPerfect

An immeasurably well crafted, highly intense read.Ghost Mike

First place winner of Rage Reviews! seventh F*** THIS PROMPT contest! So awesome.

Pre-read by JawJoe.

Cover art by Famosity.

Chapters (1)

Outcasts. That's all some ponies will ever be. Whether you're a traitor to your country, orphaned and raised by a dragon, abandoned by your parents, or objectified by your status rather than your personality, sometimes society just doesn't want you in it. And sometimes society is being killed off by the thousands, so you have to save their lives anyway. Such is the life for the heroes of this story.

Rainbow Dash is one such hero. She along with her friends, her teacher, and a mysterious mercenary, must go on a quest to ensure that the one person who can rid the world of evil (the chosen one, Pinkie Pie) can do so. The Shadowbolts ravage cities and kidnap people, forcing them to work in the Rainbow Factories, and are relentless. Bloodthirsty. Brutally efficient. And they publicly execute all who dare oppose them. Luckily with the knowledge of the young scholar Twilight Sparkle, the strength of the enigmatic crystal knight Spitfire, the raw magical abilities of the child prodigy Starlight Glimmer, and the assistance of the divine alicorns, this small ragtag group just may have a chance to bring harmony back to the world... if the Shadowbolts, monsters, or a particularly shy (and surprisingly polite) assassin and her pet rabbit don't kill them first.


A remake of the story Tales of Sym-pony-a on my old account, A Cubed. This story too is based on events in the anime, manga, and video game Tales of Symphonia, but is standalone and requires no prior knowledge outside of MLP to understand, with some significant deviations from the plot. All pony characters are anthropomorphic with hands and hooves for the sake of holding swords and making it easier for me to write. The first part in a trilogy. Rated T for violence, mild naughty words, and some mild sexually suggestive content.

Chapters (2)

For nearly a thousand years the ancient prophecies of Clover the Clever sat unread in Canterlot's forbidden archives. Until the day that Celestia took on an apprentice, and everything changed.

Sunset Shimmer is smart, resourceful, and determined. No matter how many new lessons Sunset learns, she just isn't satisfied. Equestria is in danger, and Celestia refuses to give her the power it would take to help defend the kingdom.

Another pony might've given up and trusted her princess to handle things. Sunset Shimmer isn't like most ponies. If Celestia won't deal with looming threats, Sunset will take matters into her own hooves. She'll find allies for Equestria even if she has to leave the universe to do it.

A prequel set in the continuity of My Little Apprentice. This story is not required to understand that one, or vice-versa.

This story was written at the behest of Two_Bit, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (15)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has recently returned from a diplomatic mission to Gryphonstone. While she has gone beyond the borders of Equestria many times in the past, this is her first official state visit as a princess.

As a way of celebrating her success Princess Celestia hosts a tea party, during which the other monarchs of Equestria share stories about diplomatic blunders. These include Cadance's bout with Saddle Arabian purity laws, Luna's near beheading, and Celestia's ordeal with limes.

Cover Art is done by Baron-Engel.

Edited by Tempus.

Written for Aragon's Comedy (Is Serious Business) Contest under the prompt, we learned something political.

Sex tag is for sexual language/references and not actual sex, death tag is for mentions of death, and dark tag is because it does get a lil dark here and there.

Now with a Russian Translation!

Oh hey, this fic got featured on Episode 210 of Pony 411. That's kinda super cool.

"That said, Luna's story is hysterical, and there's some great sexual and relationship comedy in here. Worth it, on the whole." - PresentPerfect, Recommended for Laughs, Febuary 28th

Chapters (1)

Twilight thought it was all so real. The ponies, the grass, the air, the shining light of the day. With the breaking of a single connection, everything comes crashing down, leaving a very confused human girl wearing a VR headset.

Good thing she can relog.

Preread by Babroniedad, Twilight Connor, Drakos779966, and Doggyshakespeare.

Now featured in GMBlackjack's The League of Sweetie Belles!

Formerly preread by Silence_EXE, deadpansnarker, TRIBOT 3000, and Naga is alive.
Original fiction spinoff edited by Undyne Devotion, EverfreePony, and RQK.

Join the Pony-Me discord server! Or try the group, if that's more fitting.

Cover art drawn in collaboration between Momoruuu and myself.

Based off of a chapter from What If...?

Read Pony-Me™: Outtakes for scrapped content, sneaky references, and more!

Now with a (somewhat) spinoff story by Undead Equestrian Writer!

Reviewed by The Reviewers' Cafe!
Reviewed by My little Reviews & Feedback!

Table of Contents:
Wake up. - Bonus #2: Epilogue 1: Part 1
...Or go on. - Bonus #5: Epilogue 2: Part 2

The Pony-Me Universal Framework (As of the beginning of Part 3)

Chapters (50)

What is it like not knowing who you are? To be different from everyone?

When a foal is accidentally sent flying with the changelings, it is up to Chrysalis to care and raise the lost filly, though keeping her from learning about her own kind would prove more difficult than it seems. After living her whole life with changelings, this little filly's life is turned upside down when she takes her first steps outside the hive. Old tensions are revealed, and this little filly is going to learn that changelings don't have it easy. But what can filly like her do? All the answers wait for her in Equestria, where she will meet new faces and see new places.

Special thanks to Poets Dream for proofreading.

Chapters (12)