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A normal end to a normal day -- at least, that's what it was supposed to be.

But it wasn't.

Luna went to raise the moon as usual, but something went wrong. Terribly wrong. She felt it, but she couldn't stop it.

None of us could.

It appeared too suddenly -- acted too quickly.

The only warning we received was a roar and a bright flash of light, then everything was gone. No more Canterlot, no more ponies, no more anything.

Nothing survived.

Nothing... except for us and whatever 'it' is.

We may be immortal beings, but that doesn't make things any better -- if anything, it makes the pain all that much worse. The only thing we can really do now is try to avenge those dear to us. Our subjects... our families... my friends...


I don't care how long it takes, and I don't care if it's a pointless battle. All I care about now is making sure we put that thing down for good.

After that?


Cover art done by Little Tigress. Check out her other stuff on deviantart if you wanna see more!

Chapters (30)


Thats what everyone calls us. Freaks or monsters just because we have animal ears and a tail. Me and my cousin just want to live a peaceful life without the government hunting us down for their experiments. My cousin, she's just eight years old and I thirteen. We have lived with our 'deformities' since we were born. The doctors couldn't figure out how either of us got the ears or tail. It was later on in my life that I figured out I had telekinesis and other powers, and that just made the government want us even more after finding out. They wanted to turn us into weapons but I grabbed Nate and ran away before they could.

One day we were backed into an alleyway and corned. With nowhere to run I was about to give up, but that was before a tear in space opened behind us. Now I did the smartest thing you could do in this situation, I used my powers on the soldiers before grabbing a few of their weapons, one of their trucks and my cousin before going in. What lied on the other side we were not prepared for.

A/N: This story takes place in a universe where mlp never existed. This will be set in a YHaY universe and the story will take place roughly close to two years before Nightmare Moon returns.. Also the chapters may be uploaded slowly due to school, but I will try me hardest to get them out to you.

Original story belongs to Madmaxtheblack, and MLP is owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (8)

The Realm of Twilight is expanding again, this time to an unknown land inhabitated by colorful ponies. One more time the Twilight Princess will need the help of the Hero to save her Kingdom.

In the meantime the strange phenomena is affecting the land of Equestria and Princesses Luna and Celestia will ask for the help of the Mane 6 to save it.

Editing and proofread by ScootalooFTW

(All my stories in this profile are translations from Spanish of my previous works, you can find the original story here and my FanFiction profile in here)

Chapters (18)

When facing Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon was given a choice: redemption or revenge. What if she had chosen the latter? A grim fate awaits Equestria, but in a time of greater strife and conflict, Discord's return is accelerated. While he expected to bring chaos, he did not anticipate that he would end the Longest Night and bring hope and joy back to the land.

Discord struggles to reconcile his nature with his desire for admiration. While Twilight's friends strive to carve a new life in the ever-shifting Equestria, she searches for Celestia, the only one who can bring harmony back to her lands. But Nightmare Moon also seeks her sister in a desperate attempt to find her place in the world. New dangers lurk in the wild and more threaten to fall over Equestria. Nightmare Moon's decision broke the balance of the world. Will Equestria ever turn to peace, or will the spiral of chaos and destruction be the end of everything?

(An alternate history, this story takes the universe established by the canon and explores one possible outcome if Princess Luna had not been redeemed.)

Comments contain huge spoilers. Walk softly.

Special thanks to my pre-readers, MmmandarinOrange and DarkmatterButterflies for keeping my head on, taking the journey of the story, and making it so much better than it would have been if I wrote it alone.

Chapters (38)

Nightmare Moon is captured by Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna after a dangerously close call with Moon Dancer. Freeing herself from Luna's prison, Nightmare Moon infests Luna's sister and brings to life one of the most powerful adversaries, Day Breaker. Teaming up with Queen Chrysalis, the two giants invade Equestria, forcing Twilight and her friends to hole up in Ponyville. Heroes will come in all shapes and sizes; for sometimes it is not the big and mighty that save the day, but the small and insignificant.

Chapters (30)

Beginning of rewrite has started. You may read as if this is a completely new story.

I was a human named ?¿?¿ before being reborn as Eris, Discord's twin sister and one of The Chaos Twins, and I get to live a much better life than my previous one. As soon as I get out of this blasted amulet!

Warning: Fluttershy x Discord is the ship that is supported here.

Chapters (5)

Almost every brony that has ever been in has seen a 'HiE as pony' story.

They usually are fairly predictable, with a few plot twists perhaps, but the general pattern is similar.

A mystical force/accident sends a completely unprepared human into the land of the ponies, and he must then undergo a journey of self discovery/destiny, as a human OR pony.

So what happens when a human is actually prepared with all the knowledge he'd need from the first two seasons of the show? And when Equestria isn't quite as predictable as he hoped?

This is that tale.

Writer: JustAnotherEarthPony
Editor: I'mMrNoobHeadFU1

Chapters (14)

This story follows Lessons for the Teacher, but it can also stand alone nicely.

(What if, ages ago, Sunset Shimmer had leaped through a different mirror? And instead of landing in a high school, had found herself in a mystical dimension filled with dangers undreamed-of?)

When newly-made Princess Twilight attends the first Princess Summit, she is concerned about many things: her new responsibilities, Celestia and Luna’s relationship, and the prospect of immortality just to name a few. But when an old enemy from Celestia’s past returns, Twilight finds herself in a battle for her life and her people, beneath the falling sky of an alien world. And just what does it mean to be a princess, anyway? Sunset Shimmer has reached her own conclusions…

(Chronology note: this story takes place betwixt seasons three and four, and is the point where my Elsequestria timeline branches most distinctly into an alternate reality [though most episodes remain compatible with it]. Therefore, while it was inspired by Equestria Girls, once the stage is set this tale makes no effort to maintain any cohesion with the original movie.)

(Content note: contains violence with serious consequences, some profanity. Initially posted under the working title Equestria Women.)

Part of the Elsequestria Continuity.

This timeline continues in When Legends Meet.]

Chapters (12)

Prequel: Age of Kings, A Long Way to Fall
Sequel: The Lost Connection

Part of the Bloodlines Continuity

After defeating the Dazzlings and freeing Canterlot High School from the threat of eternal strife, the girls finally seem to be able to wind down for the winter holidays.

With less than a month left until school lets out, Sunset Shimmer finds herself being followed around by shadowy individuals who know of her otherworldly origins. As the year draws to a close, Sunset's only hope of making sense of it all may be a mysterious new transfer who is very good at avoiding her.

-Equestria Girls/Assassin's Creed crossover-

Thanks to Cinders of War for the cover!


Featured on 1/19/2016, 1/26/2016, 2/15/2016, 3/13/2016, 5/25/2016, 5/31/2016, 6/21/2016, 6/22/2016, 6/28/2016, 7/4/2016, 7/9/2016, 7/19/2016, 7/24/2016, 8/6/2016, 8/28/2016, 9/11/2016, 9/21/2016, 10/1/2016, 10/9/2016, 10/16/2016, 10/23/2016, 10/27/2016, 10/30/2016, 11/4/2016, 11/6/2016, 11/10/2016, 11/13/2016, 11/17/2016, 11/20/2016, 11/24/2016, 11/27/2016, 12/1/2016, 12/4/2016, 12/9/2016, 12/15/2016, 12/18/2016, 12/22/2010, 12/26/2016, 12/29/2016, 1/1/2017, 1/5/2017, and 1/7/2017!

Chapters (59)

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now? Now that the traffic's stopped, the others , her friends, don't even talk to her when she expresses her concerns. Along with lies and things that have gone untold about her.

What now......that her sole purpose is gone?

P.S. Not too depressing, but you sure are in for a shocker! Includes action, adventure, and Family as well!

Has been updated to a Teen Rating due to sexual references in later chapters

After Season Seven

Chapters (56)