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Knowing what its like for everyone to hate you is all too familiar for Sunset Shimmer. Since the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, Sunset thought that she was forgiven. That her past was all behind her. But when a MyStable user named Anon-A-Miss appears and starts posting everyone's personal secrets, all fingers are pointed at Sunset. Now the entire school hates her again. Even her friends believe she's guilty. Will Sunset be able to overcome this and prove her innocence? Or will she admit defeat and lose all hope in friendship? Or worse?

Rated T for profanity, violence, and depression

This is my very first story. I have never written anything before this so I would appreciate some comments on how I'm either doing good or bad and what can I improve on
Special thanks to Snowflake Dissonance, Madox, Sar Meister, Tungul, and probably Demegor for helping me proofread and fix some stupid and simple mistakes of mine and for providing the awesome looking cover photo :twilightsmile:

Chapters (5)

Takes place during the Season 5 Finale. (And hints of EqG: Friendship Games)

Sunset Shimmer is out of space in her journal for communicating with Princess Twilight. On a whim, she decides to return to her homeland for a replacement. Unfortunately for Sunset, a pony named Starlight Glimmer was busy enacting revenge, catching Sunset in the crossfire and placing her in a different timeline than she expected. With no Elements of Harmony, no Princess Twilight, and no clue, Sunset must reunite the main six, save the timeline, and find a way home... eventually.

Check out the trailer!~

Chapters (70)

When a group of mages gather to set in motion their own events, they find a creature of grey.

When Nightmare Moon was cleansed, it was not defeated, only sealed away in the armor that was ruined in the cleansing power of the Elements of Harmony. With the help of a group of Mages she now plans to conquer not just Equestria, but also the world that a new creature she pulled in to help her as well.

There is just one small problem to that plan. The Spell misfired, she got the creature she wanted, but it had the gumption to exercise free-will and follow his own morals, it doesn't help that he has vanished. After all, how can one hide A Human in a world of Ponies? What is a nightmare to do?

Chapters (22)

The fist story of The eternal knight.
Nero a human found in and rescued from the Everfree. He remember nothing of who he was save for a few things. But trouble ensures as it follows him where ever he and the ponies he befriends goes. Is his friendship with the ponies worth the risk? And is what he has been given a blessing of a curse?

Warning there is a big gap in time that is not seen and can and will lead to confusion.

Chapters (13)

Lazy Pines is a small town in the high country of Colorado, easily overshadowed by the bigger sights to see along Colorado State 9. When influenza strikes the town hard, it is little more than a statistical blip in a typical flu season. No one thinks any more of it as the initial wave of infection passes ... until the other symptoms begin to manifest.

Meanwhile, during what should have been a routine trip to Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon a strange anomaly which turns into an all-consuming mystery. As she discovers the complex web of magic stubbornly maintaining this mystery's secrets, she grows worried what it could mean for herself and her family.

And as the residents of Lazy Pines struggle to understand -- or even believe -- what is happening to them, two worlds have irrevocably been set on a direct collision course.

Updates every other weekend.

Cover art by Mix-up. Please check out more artwork by this talented artist.

Now has its own TV Tropes page thanks to redandready45.

Chapters (57)

After the defeat of Discord Princess Celestia and Luna took the throne, fifty years later Luna is tired of ponies fearing her night and praising the day. Thus she begins an epic adventure to make the night safer for her subjects. While on this mission her strength will be tested by enemy and friend alike and the ponies that rally to her side will either have to save her or watch their princess fall to darkness.

artwork was made by this guy -->

Chapters (34)

The Siege of Canterlot is over and the Storm King defeated but Tempest Shadow, unofficially the new leader of the Storm King's army and antagonist turned protagonist, realizes there are other nations still under the former tyrant's iron fist. Redemption on her mind, Tempest takes off to put an end to this conflict, but not without help from some new friends. But as she and the others soon find out, war is more complicated than it seems and may prove too much a challenge, even to the Princess of Friendship.

Chapters (3)

For many countless years, the Sun and Moon have watched over the magical world of Equestria. Due to a miracle, they are given a chance to walk upon the world they gazed from afar. Join them as they see what Equestria has to offer.

The following events of this story will take place during Season 4.

Chapters (11)

The scope of the multiverse is so tremendously beyond the comprehension of most beings that, if they were to truly know what it meant, they would break down and be unable to live their lives the way they wished. Most worlds are lucky to be blissfully unaware of the true picture of reality, never to encounter the higher forces and civilizations.

However, when one of those higher forces make contact with one of those unaware worlds - intentionally or not, peacefully or not - everything will change drastically. Sometimes the change is slow, sometimes rapid. Regardless of the pacing, like all change, it is both good and bad. Civilizations have risen from simple worlds overnight and have crumbled just as quickly. Many can't handle the revelation, and those that can are not always the best examples of honor and dignity.

It is often said that each world - each universe - has a Song, and that all these Songs are related, intertwining together in a mesh of powerful destiny among the Spheres of the multiverse.

This is the story of how a certain world inhabited by Technicolor ponies found their Song and how it interwove itself in the Songs of so many others.

This is a story of finding meaning in infinite possibility.

This is a mega-crossover project of immense proportions covering dozens of fandoms. However, it is written in such a way that no previous knowledge of any of them - not even the ponies - will be required. The only warning is that there will be spoilers for any franchise you haven't seen.

There are several side-stories being written for Songs of the Spheres by several authors, and links to them can be found in our Fimfiction group, including links to non-pony related stories. There's also a Discord chat. Lastly, we have a Spacebattles forum. Discussion about the multiverse, setting, and future events can also be found there if you don't mind spoilers.

Has a TV Tropes page now. Needs love.

Special thanks goes to my little editing army. Keywii_cookies55, VoidTemplar2000, Ponygood11, Omnipresent Microorganism, Blaster Master, Useless Common, Galliar,
Mal Masque, Nickle241, and Triv the Imaginary Duck.

Cover drawn by Little Duke. (DA: Spiralling Vibrance)

Has been updated to comply up to Season 8. Does not comply with Season 9 though elements from it are included.

-GM, master of the Dark Tower

Chapters (158)

Sunset was a student of the Princess, a magical prodigy, a diplomat and adventurer long before CHS. She was a researcher, an academic, a fighter, a lover, a general and a thief. She's been to far away countries, alien worlds and deadly jungles, crossed sea and scaled mountains, fought mythical beasts and rescued damsels in distress (and some times the other way around).
So when the time is right and audience is willing, she has tales and stories to tell, to amaze and to astonish.

Some may be tall tales, other - honest truth, and none may tell which is which, yet still, each story is what made Sunset who she is today.

I may accept prompts. Prompts must be in the form of a non-English or obscure fixed expression.
There's no schedule or promises for this fic collection. I write them as they come to me.

Chapters (1)