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This story is a sequel to Plastered Pony Princesses

In a fit of boredom, Luna decides that while sobriety has had its perks, a good bottle of whisky sounds like just the thing for a hot afternoon.

Only one thing stands in her way: an obstinate shopkeeper asking for identification.

Doesn't he know who she is?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Alcohol Addled Alicorns

Princess Cadance receives a summons to appear at a Canterlot police station regarding her multiple citations for drunk and disorderly behavior.

There's just one problem. Cadance hasn't been in Canterlot in months.

Featured from 1/18 to 1/22/2022, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (2)

After a long flight at night Nightfall lands on the step when the door opens after he's been lying there for a bit he's kicked into some trash cans by a filly who is his long lost sister is there hope for them to be a family again

I would like to say I also have a co-author for this story Thundercloud93

Chapters (4)

Silverspoon learns that her history teacher of her class is down and out sick and must deal with a sub until further notice

Knuckles Mac Shadow belongs to Darksoul85:


Chapters (5)

Harun is a tower of strength and a well favored warrior and messenger. He had fallen in love with one who far above him in status. Though not a princess, the young lady knows of his feelings; the young woman is one of Celestia's prized pupils.

Chapters (1)