Favourites 527 stories
  • Favourites 527 stories - 321 unread chapters
    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 28,277,091
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Inspired by her favourite books, and keen to settle once and for all who's the fastest, bravest, overall best pony around here, Rainbow Dash challenges Applejack to a race full of perils and pitfalls. To the winner, the title of Most Awesome Pony. To the loser, defeat, shame and ignominity. But when the dangers start getting a little too real, they have to decide what's more important. Victory, or friendship.

Chapters (7)

The Apples are bringing "the best cider in the world" to share with all of Ponyville. But when the cider mysteriously vanishes and Rainbow Dash is accused, her friends will have to ask themselves: do they believe the evidence, or Rainbow Dash?

Chapters (1)

Ponies are starting to wonder why Princess Luna and Princess Celestia aren't queens, but the two princesses aren't quite prepared to answer that question.

Chapters (8)

Lightning Dust wakes up late, to another grey, gloomy day. She's cold and tired, and she's never felt so terrible in her life. But really, all she needs is to get back into a routine, or to see her friends, or to sleep a little bit longer... then she'll be fine.



"Jesus, man."

"I'm sad now. Like.. you don't even know."

Dramatic reading by Limey Reads

Chapters (1)

The city itself is the same. The buildings and streets remain untouched and unscathed by what happened. The population wasn't so fortunate. As far as I have been able to tell, they are all gone now with no hints as to how, why, or where they are. Only the empty city.

I'm still here, however. Whatever end happened, I missed it.

If only I were so fortunate to say 'I fared as well as my city'. I'm still here in the suburbs of my empty city, but I'm far from the same as I was. The Limestone City might be unchanged, but I have been left with new hooves to walk on.

I have no intentions of letting an unknown tell me it's the end.
[A Ponies After People Fic][Art by Zutcha]

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash was going to make history. It was going to be a day nopony will ever forget. With a heart of steel and a force will and determination, she creates the largest sonic rainboom the world has ever seen. She successfully pulls it off... but she never came down.

Now everyone is on an emotional roller coaster as they come to terms with the loss of their most loyal friend in their own ways. Through all of the pain of their internal struggles they have to endure, they soon discover that some things are beyond their control, like the death of a good friend; how the lives of the ones we love are not truly lost if we live their's through our own, and how the best thing to do is to continue the legacy they left behind.

Special thanks goes to Matthais Unidostres

Chapters (21)

Once upon a time, two Princesses ruled the land. Both wielded great power and were greatly respected. Theirs was a rule of peace and contentment. But one Princess sought more than contentment. She began to question the long-held traditions of their joint rule. Looking out upon her nation, she saw much the she would change, so she planned and conspired. Then, one day, she acted.

Cover art by Tprinces.

Chapters (1)

After a freak accident, Princess Celestia finds herself in a whole new universe. As she seeks a way home, she is captured by none other than Team Rocket.


Now on TV Tropes.

Chapters (84)

Nightmare Moon's escape from the Moon could not have gone better for her. Celestia herself was unable to face her, and Celestia's trainee was woefully underprepared for the assault. It did not take long to shake out the remaining pockets of resistance, and then she took the throne for herself.

Ten years of darkness have passed, and Celestia has finally managed to break Nightmare Moon's spell and return to Equestria. The exile and the difficulty of the escape took a serious toll on the solar Princess, and she returns to a land very different from the Equestria she loved.

Weak and very nearly alone, she needs to rebuild her strength, and put things right again. But can she even be sure what right is, anymore?

Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I1UxgjF5VdpCmAJ85ir84lWTk2BKGCainy_VICPo6yM/edit?usp=sharing

Lulu Print Link:

EBook Link (mobi format):

Chapters (42)