Favourites 527 stories
  • Favourites 527 stories - 321 unread chapters
    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 28,277,091
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The Elements of Friendship, Book IS [interlude one-point-five]: Bonds

Peace has found Equestria once more, and they have had their Queen of the Night returned to them! But a dark figure who looms over Equestria's past returns to the present: Discord. The chimerical despot over Equestria in a bleaker age threatens to throw the stable regime into a dominion of anarchy. Worse still, he has removed his one weakness, the Elements of Harmony, from the equation. How will Twilight Sparkle defeat the draconequus deity without the Elements of Harmony? How will her and her friends stay in unity without the Elements? And what connection does Discord have to Equestria's Queens...?

Updates on Wednesday afternoons.
Can be found on TV Tropes.

The Elements of Friendship, Book I: Harmony
The Elements of Friendship, Book IS [interlude one-point-five]: Bonds
The Elements of Friendship, Book II: Chaoskamπf
The Elements of Friendship, Book IIS [interlude two-point-five]
The Elements of Friendship, Book III
The Elements of Friendship, Book IIIS [interlude three-point-five]
The Elements of Friendship, Book IIII

Chapters (12)

Times are dark in the land of Skyrim. A grievous civil war tears throughout the land, splitting brothers and sisters apart. And, as an ancient prophecy foretold, giant fire spitting monsters have returned, killing all in their path of destruction. There is only one who can put a stop to both of these conflicts. The Dragonborn, a being born to mortals, but with the blood of the dragons.

If only the Dragonborn weren't afraid of her own shadow.

Featured! 06-09-18

If you see a link, that's where I placed an appropriate music track. Simply right-click and hit 'Open in new tab.' This is a very music-centered story, where tracks are placed to aid in the storytelling. Here is my intended main theme of the story.

Special thanks to my wonderful editor, The Planyx!

Chapters (7)

Everyone knows how fairy tales go: We meet a dumb protagonist who does something foolish. Things go wrong. We learn a moral.

Clearly, fairy tale authors have never met Clyde Pie.

In this collaboration, a number of your favorite ponyfic authors take a fresh look at classic fairy tales, and what we can learn from the wisdom of an eminently sensible earth pony. (This is an open collection; submission rules can be found here.)

List of authors:

Cloud Wander
Meta Four
Quixotic Enigma
Caffeinated Pinkie
Thomas Hunter
Ghost Pikachu
The Iguana Man

Cover art by Veggie55

Chapters (35)

This is a story about growing up. It's about chasing far fetched dreams even if it means leaving your home. It's about laughter between friends, maturing relationships, the hard end of trade and sales, and how the ties of friendship, though they may strain and stretch thin between cities, will never be broken. It's about the pursuit of your goals no matter the odds against you, and learning what we truly want won't always be what we first thought.

Flight and life lessons mix for Rainbow Dash, Spike, Scootaloo, and all of their friends as everpony reaches for the sky, supporting each other's dreams and hopes no matter where they may lead them.


Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Unwell

Twilight Sparkle is not well.

After the incident in Ponyville, Twilight has been moved to the Canterlot Mental Hospital, a top of the line care facility. Rainbow Dash has moved to Canterlot as well, to be there to provide support to Twilight.

Along the way, she will learn things about Twilight that she didn’t even know she didn’t know, as well as meet important ponies from Twilight’s past.

Twilight Sparkle is not well. But there is a plan for her and she is recovering.

The thing about life is, it never quite goes according to plan.

This story is a sequel to my other story, Unwell.
As a result, it won't much sense if you don't read that one first.

Cover art by dreamingnoctis. Check out his user page here.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A World Without a Rainboom

Midnight Strike, bearer of the element of Loyalty, has gone missing and rumors Discord will return soon. Will she return to stop him if he's released or will they quash the rumors before they get out of hand?

Super thanks to Rancor for being a great proof reader and inspiration assistant.

Chapters (22)

Twilight and the other Element Bearers thought that Rainbow's ego was becoming a problem. So they invented a hero to teach Rainbow a lesson. Instead, they learn that the only thing worse than a wounded enemy is a comrade betrayed. Never betray the Element of loyalty.

Edited by Blazing and icecreammac

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel

DASHVERSE: (Takes place several months after the events of http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68962/hot-heads-cold-hearts-and-nerves-of-steel)

Rainbow Dash and her friends are off to Canterlot to help in the preparations for the wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor! But once she arrives, Rainbow learns of a sinister plot against Equestria. What's worse, she can't even rely on her friends to help her because one of them is not who she seems...

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Rainbooms and Royalty

Alternate Universe (Dashverse): A continuation of "Rainbooms and Royalty" Ponyville goes to sleep one night only to find in the morning that every foal in town is gone! The ancient evil King Sombra has returned and stolen foals from all over Equestria. But why? What is his true purpose in stealing them? It's up to Rainbow Dash and her friends to rescue the foals and stop this evil once and for all. But it's a long journey and complications arise with the ponies that join them. How can they save Equestria and preserve harmony when there is disharmony among their own ranks?

Chapters (29)


It's great, right? Gets your hooves movin', your heart pumpin', really makes you feel alive. I'd always heard, felt, lived, breathed music every day, every second of my life, and I'd never even thought about it.

At least, not until I agreed to save another dimension while blackout drunk, traveled there with my best friends, almost died (many times), fought horrible monsters, met an actual living god...

And, well, there's more than that, but I'm getting ahead of myself already. For now, perk your ears, listen up, and you'll hear a story that I'll never forget. The story of the Eternal Song.

Featured on EQD.

Cover art by the amazing Turbosolid.

Chapters (10)