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    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to Shadow Dancers

Some wounds take time to heal. Some wounds never heal completely. Some heal easier than others. And there are some wounds that just can't heal at all. Luckily for Twilight, she has all but forgotten the wounds that blighted her nightmares for so long. She has healed. However, while it is true that some things are best left alone or forgotten, the darkness that almost took her life was not one of those things. The memories will return, but by then it will be too late to stop the coming darkness. The hands of the black mist reach out, the shadows swirl and writhe, expanding away from the very light that casts them, reaching dangerously for their prey. The deadly dance of shadows began... But it never ended.

Chapters (4)

Love is a tricky business. Twilight knows this, and the subject has always fascinated her ever since she saw its raw power at her brother's wedding. She is fully prepared to study it in depth... some day. But when Cadance asks her to take part in an experiment that could revolutionize love in Equestria, Twilight realizes that day has come sooner than expected.

If you had a clock that could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?

Cover art courtesy of Jondor. Go on his page and tell him he's awesome!

Chapters (4)

Twilight embarks on a journey to Skyrim, feeling unnaturally drawn to the foriegn province. She expects only snow-covered ruins, but more awaits her there than she would have ever imagined.

Chapters (10)

May 24th. I woke up and missed a day.

I never miss a day, even if I do sleep in until an ungodly hour. And I'm not normally quadrupedal. Nor do I normally have a beak. Or feathers, or fur, or wings.

And I only just got diagnosed with anger issues and a prescription that actually works with keeping them in check.

Now I'll have to make my way through this damn depopulated city, scavenging what I can before I figure out where to set up my more permanent nest home.

Who knows, maybe I might find somebody else out there. Now the question is, will I survive meeting them?

(Despite the coverart, this is not a story about a griffon hen. This is a side-story for the Ponies After People-verse.)

Chapters (52)

A spell gone wrong teleports Twilight and Rarity outside the borders of the world. Here, amidst a wasteland of barren soil and neverending rain, there is neither food nor shelter to be found.

In the absence of former responsibilities, and with the looming prospect of death being closer than ever before, they begin to open up towards each other. There is no place for dignity or restraint when you have nothing left to lose.

But in the end, none of it matters. Their only hope for survival is to get back to the world before they starve.

Chapters (13)

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria . But when she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. She can be herself without worrying about what others think, and she can finally talk to another pony, even if he never knows who she really is.

Celestia is worried about her sister, especially right now. Upcoming peace talks with a powerful new nation mean that all the Princesses need to be completely ready. With her Luna so absorbed in a fantasy world, she wonders how she'll make it through the harrowing weeks to come.

Button Mash feels like a failure. He's still living at home, he still can't find work that can use his degree from the university, and he still feels alone. His friends are getting married, starting families, and thriving in their careers. On the plus side, he plays games regularly, and his best friend is a mare, even if she doesn't know his name. He hopes that his upcoming vacation to Canterlot might help his mindset.

But, unbeknownst to all of them, a sinister web within a dark plot threatens to ensnare Equestria... And Luna may be the only one able to stop it.

She may face it alone, or maybe she'll have some help from her knight in faded armor...


Cover art credit to yamashta. Link here.

Preread by -TGM- and Goldenwing

Edited by m1ntf4n, PheonixStarr, Wing, and the_Doc, and Swan Song, and Orion Caelum.

Follows canon up to about season 4 or so. I'm not sure when everything went off the rails, but it was originally as true as possible when initially written.

Link to the Discord chat HERE!

Chapters (42)

Rarity tells the story of how she went on an adventure, made new friends and enemies, and ultimately became a hero that would go down in history.

I got sick of not having a cover image, so I just stuck the blank map in there until I can sort some real art out.

Chapters (83)

Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the World of Harmony to a scorched wasteland, and the powerful Magic of old ceased to exist. Even unicorns, the sole remaining wielders of conscious magic, were left with naught but the weakest of telekinetic power.

1000 years have passed... metals, focusing gems, explosives, and steam engines have been rediscovered, and high technology reigns. But once again there are those ponies who seek to enslave the World of Harmony by reviving the dreaded destructive power of Magic. Even now, Harmony hangs by a thread.

Can it be that those in power are on the verge of repeating a senseless and deadly mistake?

FFVI is owned by Square Enix. All credit belongs to its proper owner(s).

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. All credit to its proper owner(s).

Chapters (71)

“Each Event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event."
When Twilight wakes up on a boat docked at Seyda Neen, she realizes she is trapped in her favorite video game. Despite her intimate knowledge of the game, she finds herself utterly unprepared to rise up to the challenges face-to-face. Now caught up in the machinations of the most hostile, xenophobic province in the Arena, the Princess of Friendship must find a way to escape the game with her morality intact.

I do not own MLP:Fim or TES: Morrowind. They belong to Hasbro and Bethesda Softworks, respectively.

Chapters (2)

Fifteen years has passed since The Cutie Mark Crusaders first met. What are their lives, and the lives of their friends and family, like now?

Tags will be updated as chapters come out.

Chapters (9)