• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012

Darth Link 22

I'm a mysterious man with a large Viewer list, despite being very self critical of my work. Looking to write professionally someday.

Favourites 529 stories
Found 512 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 30,254,014
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks


  • Doorstoppers 35 stories Stories that ran over 200,000 words. My goal is to read all of these on FIMFiction, these are the ones I've finished. Be prepared for the long haul.

  • Momlestia 25 stories Celestia acting like a mother. It's usually to Twilight, but Sunset appears a few times too.

  • Twimom 28 stories Stories where Twilight is a mom. It's usually to Spike, but there are others in here as well.

  • Octavia and Vinyl 11 stories Octavia and Vinyl stories, mostly romantic but friendshipping will also be placed here.

  • TwiJack 42 stories My OTP. Some friendshipping here as well.

  • Humor 61 stories Funny stuff.

  • Equestria Girls 47 stories Stuff taking place in the EqG verse.

  • Dark 44 stories Here's the heavy stuff. Read at your own risk.

  • FlashLight 10 stories I know it's hated, but I can't help but like this pairing.

  • Sad 24 stories Prepare to shed tears.

  • Scootalove 32 stories Scootaloo gets adopted. Usually by Rainbow Dash, but Twilight shows up sporadically.

  • Alternate Universe 74 stories Things change from canon.

  • Slice of Life 42 stories Average, every day life... well, as average as Equestria gets, anyway.

  • Flutterdash 12 stories My 2nd favorite ship, after TwiJack.

  • Adventure 87 stories Everypony goes on a quest of some kind.

  • Other Pairings 60 stories This fandom can make any pairing work. Don't believe me? Check this out.

  • OCs 26 stories Fics where OCs play a big part.

  • Things I've CoWrote 4 stories Right now, this is only stuff I wrote with TheMyth, but more might be around the corner.

  • Sunset Sparkle 15 stories Friendship Games convinced me, okay?


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

[ Inspired off Season 5 Finale - Nightmare Moon Verse ]
Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle's life couldn't get anymore depressing even if she tried. Yet still she looks to the other things in her life to get by, such as her job selling donuts at Joe's Bakery, her best friend Smarty Pants, as well as her inspiration to someday be as great as The Great and Powerful Trixie herself! Life isn't as bad as it may seem, and she enjoys the simplicity of her daily routine, the peace of her recluse world. That is until suddenly she is targeted by the current ruling body of Equestria, Nightmare Moon herself!? Perhaps she spoke too soon. Better run Twilight, destiny is calling!

Chapters (38)

A month or so after the Battle of the Bands, Principal Celestia calls Sunset Shimmer and friends to her office, for a long-overdue discussion.

Edited and smoothed over with help from the ever-patient Little Jackie Papercut.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been living a reformed life for quite some time now. Whether by fate or random chance, she wound up in a serious relationship with the Twilight of the human world. She's content with where she is and has never been happier to be accepted and loved. In fact, she hopes that this Christmas will give her the opportunity to express how deeply she feels for Twilight.

1. Sunlight fluff for the holidays.
2. Third consecutive year for me producing a Christmas special!
3. Post Rainbow Rocks. Featuring EqG-world Twilight. I could have written volumes to explain backstory but c'mon. It's a fluff-shot.

AUDIO READING by allykitty

As always, art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (1)

Sunset convinces Twilight to spend a Christmas with her and the girls in their world so she could get a taste of what it's like while accidentally showing her one of the best parts of the holiday.
Featured on 12/17/14! *Dash voice* Aw yeah!

Chapters (1)

Twilight receives an invitation from Cadance to the Hearts and Hooves Day Gala, but is confused when she realized that Cadance thinks she already has a special somepony in her life.

Celestia receives a similar invitation, but is more confused at Twilight’s confusion. They were already dating weren’t they?

A Twilestia story if you did not get that already.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Project: Sunflower

No story ever truly ends, and some stories have parts that remain hidden until they are unearthed.

This will be a collection of stories related to Project: Sunflower. Stories as yet unheard, and things that come after the end.

The stories presented here will be slice-of-life style stories based in the same universe as Project: Sunflower, and therefore will contain spoilers. It is recommended that you read Project: Sunflower before reading these stories.

These will not necessarily be in chronological order, and each side story will contain a note describing when it takes place in the main story time line.

(Additional characters/tags may be added as the stories require)

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Project Sunflower: Harmony

In every tale, there are unseen details. Small stories, often going unnoticed. This is a collection of those stories that relate to Project Sunflower: Harmony.

It isn't recommended to read these stories without reading the main story. Without the context provided in Project Sunflower: Harmony, it isn't likely that these chapters will make much sense.

Every chapter will have an author's note detailing where it fits in the main storyline. These chapters are intended to be optional to read, and are intended to add some depth and color to the main story.

Cover art by Genbulein

Chapters (9)

H-hey, it’s me, Fluttershy. I can’t come to the phone right now, so please leave a message if you want to. O-or you could just call again. I’ll try my best to get a hold of you. BEEP.

Hey, Flutters, it’s me, Rainbow Dash. Where the heck are you? You were suppose to meet us here an hour ago! AJ’s already left, and I don’t think the others will stay much longer. Just try and hurry. I’ll be here till it closes. CLICK.

Something happened to Fluttershy, and now no one knows where she is. The cops found her bag in the park, a part of her dress, and her phone. It's all Rainbow can do to stay stable, now that the one she loved is gone, possibly forever.

Now with a wonderful reading by VisualPony.

Chapters (1)

For years Trixie has been living with a secret that has drove her to challenge Twilight Sparkle for the title of Equestria's greatest magician. Till now, no pony knew what that drive was, and once it is learned, can things ever be the same for them again? Or will this revelation bring about a change? Whether if it is for better or worse is for fate to decide.

My second entry for the Everfree Northwest 2014 Writing Contest

Featured on 2/27/14

Chapters (1)

Twilight is invited to Canterlot to compete with some of the greatest magicians in the world for the Moonstone Cup, a prestigious award for the most powerful and skillful magicians, unicorn and otherwise. Can she win? What sort of competition will she face?

Awesome cover image was taken from NoOneBahtim

Chapters (22)