• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012

Darth Link 22

I'm a mysterious man with a large Viewer list, despite being very self critical of my work. Looking to write professionally someday.

Favourites 529 stories
Found 512 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 30,254,014
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks


  • Doorstoppers 35 stories Stories that ran over 200,000 words. My goal is to read all of these on FIMFiction, these are the ones I've finished. Be prepared for the long haul.

  • Momlestia 25 stories Celestia acting like a mother. It's usually to Twilight, but Sunset appears a few times too.

  • Twimom 28 stories Stories where Twilight is a mom. It's usually to Spike, but there are others in here as well.

  • Octavia and Vinyl 11 stories Octavia and Vinyl stories, mostly romantic but friendshipping will also be placed here.

  • TwiJack 42 stories My OTP. Some friendshipping here as well.

  • Humor 61 stories Funny stuff.

  • Equestria Girls 47 stories Stuff taking place in the EqG verse.

  • Dark 44 stories Here's the heavy stuff. Read at your own risk.

  • FlashLight 10 stories I know it's hated, but I can't help but like this pairing.

  • Sad 24 stories Prepare to shed tears.

  • Scootalove 32 stories Scootaloo gets adopted. Usually by Rainbow Dash, but Twilight shows up sporadically.

  • Alternate Universe 74 stories Things change from canon.

  • Slice of Life 42 stories Average, every day life... well, as average as Equestria gets, anyway.

  • Flutterdash 12 stories My 2nd favorite ship, after TwiJack.

  • Adventure 87 stories Everypony goes on a quest of some kind.

  • Other Pairings 60 stories This fandom can make any pairing work. Don't believe me? Check this out.

  • OCs 26 stories Fics where OCs play a big part.

  • Things I've CoWrote 4 stories Right now, this is only stuff I wrote with TheMyth, but more might be around the corner.

  • Sunset Sparkle 15 stories Friendship Games convinced me, okay?


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After the events of the Friendship Games, Dean Mi Amore Cadenza and Alumnus Shining Armor's eyes are opened to the truth about Crystal Prep's principal, Cinch. In light of what Cinch did to pressure their precious Twilight Sparkle into becoming a magical she-demon, Cadence and Shining Armor finally decide that enough is enough, and together, they make the hardest decision that they've ever made in their life.

They quit.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fic contains spoilers for Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. If you have not seen the movie before, then you have the option of watching it before you read this fic. This is a fic about what I think should happen after the Games are over and how Cinch should pay for her misdeeds and manipulation over her students and faculty.


Chapters (1)

Most pirates that stalk the Seven Streams prefer to live only in the shadows, skulking through the skies as daylight dies and striking with brutal efficiency at any helpless merchant vessel in range.

Most pirates that the Royal Equestrian Aeronautical Navy hounds after are ragged, ruthless cutthroats who'd just as soon sell their grandmothers for a chestful of bits and a bottle of rum.

Most pirates that you hear about in stories would flee in terror at the sight of the RES Corona, the -world-famous warship helmed by the most dangerous and determined sky captain ever to fly under the Equestrian flag.

This story is not about most pirates.

P.S. Big ups to Chromosome and CouchCrusader for the editing help. Appreciate it as always, gents.
P.P.S. nitstits, go home.

Chapters (2)

On her first day at Canterlot High, the Twilight Sparkle of the human world learns that it wasn't just her new friends who mistook her for her royal Equestrian counterpart. Realizing that what had seemed like a harmless brush-off to her may have in fact broken the heart of nice-guy Flash Sentry, Twilight becomes determined to make it up to him. What better way to do that than to set him up on a date with the girl of his dreams-or at least, a close proximity to her?

It's a crazy plan to be sure, but it just might be crazy enough to work. Best of all, it's completely risk free. After all, there's no way either of them could develop feelings for each other, right?

Featured on Fimfiction on November 5th.

Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

Meet Pat the changeling. He's in Ponyville on an exchange programme to further pony-changeling relationships.

Based on the small changeling that appeared briefly in Slice of Life.

Chapters (1)

Friends who play together, stay together. That was the philosophy Rarity had in mind when she suggested she and Pinkie play a game of chess every week. Unfortunately for Rarity, however, Pinkie has a habit of changing the rules.

Chapters (5)

Commander Cocoon has a pretty great life, by changeling standards anyway. Born and raised into his revered rank, he has everything many of his fellow changelings can only dream of: power, muscles, two gawgeous mates and the long-fought spot as the Queen’s number one minion. And yet, greedy and endlessly hungry as every other changeling, all this luxury and tail still isn’t enough.

When returning home to the Badlands colony after a year of conquest, Cocoon expected only to resume his humdrum life, at least until his Queen's next big crusade. He certainly didn’t expect a personal invitation to the royal chambers by Queen Chrysalis herself.

That night, as the colony celebrates their soldiers’ return, Chrysalis makes Cocoon an offer only a brain-dead male would refuse: to stand at her side as her consort, the first changeling prince consort in over a hundred years.

His pelvis already crying out in joy, is Cocoon really prepared to deal with the real problems and even dangers being Queen Chrysalis’s top buck-buddy entails?

A follow-up to A Canterlot Wedding, The Return of Queen Chrysalis, and FIENDship Is Magic #5.

Edited and pre-read by Chaodiurn, SketchyChangeling , Scarheart and Mistermech

Cover art by Mistermech

Chapters (1)

Four years ago Vinyl and Octavia broke up. It was messy, painful and left scars on both of them. Four years on, now one of the most successful DJs in Equestria’s history, Vinyl receives news that Octavia has been in a terrible accident. The doctors say she may never recover from her coma, but Vinyl refuses to believe them. There are all sorts of stories about coma patients who are brought back by the voice of someone they care about, right? No matter what anypony else says, offers or threatens, and no matter what it costs her personally or professionally, she is determined to stay by Octavia’s side and do all she can to wake her.

But four years is a long time, and no matter how many fairytales end with the princess waking up, real life owes no-one a happy ending.

Featured on EQD - 3rd August 2013

Now with a fabulous dramatic reading by the even more fabulous Goombasa!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapters (13)

Based on the comic Equestria Girls Holiday Speical and will contain spoliers for it.
Warnings: Spoliers, dark thoughts, and attempted suicide. Read at your own risk!!!

For the first time since coming to this world, Sunset was to have a happy holiday spending time with her friends. That isn't to be though as a new blog by an, "Anon-A-Miss" turns the whole school against Sunset, including her friends. After the truth is revealed though, Sunset isn't really offered any apologies by anyone other than the real person, or people behind the blog; Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Leaving Sugarcube Corner while everyone is talking about what had happened. As memories of the past week plauges her mind, Sunset decides to just give up since all of her hard work trying to prove that she had changed was for nothing if everyone could so easily be turned against her. Will the girls save her and prove that they love her, or will it be too late?

Chapters (2)

A reclusive mage.
A devoted cleric.
A disgraced sell sword.
A beautiful thief.
A timid knight.
A travelling gypsy.

Six mares who've never met, will suddenly be thrown together as an ancient threat returns imperiling their entire world. Now these unlikely heroes must band together, or their entire world is doomed to eternal darkness.

This is a dark fantasy retelling of the series premiere, using Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition rules, spells, and monsters. It was an idea that I've been wanting to write for a good while, and I hope folks enjoy it.

Chapters (9)

It is Twilight Sparkle's first night as a princess of Equestria, and she cannot sleep. As the excitement she felt during coronation fades away, it gives way to a deeper anxiety. The young alicorn lies awake, her thoughts dwelling on her new destiny, her responsibilities, her fears, and her own mortality.

Or, as the case may be, her lack of it.

As morning draws nearer, Twilight leaves her bed haunted by a question, and so she decides to seek out the one pony who can answer it.

Now has a dramatic reading on Youtube! Major props to Goombasa.

Chapters (1)