• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012

Darth Link 22

I'm a mysterious man with a large Viewer list, despite being very self critical of my work. Looking to write professionally someday.

Favourites 529 stories
Found 512 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 30,254,014
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks


  • Doorstoppers 35 stories Stories that ran over 200,000 words. My goal is to read all of these on FIMFiction, these are the ones I've finished. Be prepared for the long haul.

  • Momlestia 25 stories Celestia acting like a mother. It's usually to Twilight, but Sunset appears a few times too.

  • Twimom 28 stories Stories where Twilight is a mom. It's usually to Spike, but there are others in here as well.

  • Octavia and Vinyl 11 stories Octavia and Vinyl stories, mostly romantic but friendshipping will also be placed here.

  • TwiJack 42 stories My OTP. Some friendshipping here as well.

  • Humor 61 stories Funny stuff.

  • Equestria Girls 47 stories Stuff taking place in the EqG verse.

  • Dark 44 stories Here's the heavy stuff. Read at your own risk.

  • FlashLight 10 stories I know it's hated, but I can't help but like this pairing.

  • Sad 24 stories Prepare to shed tears.

  • Scootalove 32 stories Scootaloo gets adopted. Usually by Rainbow Dash, but Twilight shows up sporadically.

  • Alternate Universe 74 stories Things change from canon.

  • Slice of Life 42 stories Average, every day life... well, as average as Equestria gets, anyway.

  • Flutterdash 12 stories My 2nd favorite ship, after TwiJack.

  • Adventure 87 stories Everypony goes on a quest of some kind.

  • Other Pairings 60 stories This fandom can make any pairing work. Don't believe me? Check this out.

  • OCs 26 stories Fics where OCs play a big part.

  • Things I've CoWrote 4 stories Right now, this is only stuff I wrote with TheMyth, but more might be around the corner.

  • Sunset Sparkle 15 stories Friendship Games convinced me, okay?


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Big McIntosh has a unique way of appreciating music, and Octavia certainly provides an experience. Octavia would love to get in touch with her earth pony roots, and Big McIntosh has the deepest roots around. They could learn so much from each other about why they do what they do, and they just might gain some insight into their own simple gifts in the process.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Reading by Goombasa.

Chapters (7)

Lyra Heartstrings is a up-and-coming musician living in the quiet town of Ponyville. Her marefriend Bon Bon owns and operates Canter Candies, the town's specialty sweets shop. They've been together for years, and everypony around knows what a happy couple they are. But any relationship has its ups and downs, and it's hard to ignore every awkward moment.

Like when Lyra's ex arrives in town.
Because she thinks Lyra still has a thing for her.
Because someone's been impersonating her for the past few years.

...Bon Bon might be in trouble here.

Thanks to Einhander for pre-reading and Exuno for editing!

Now with a reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer isn't sure she's got much to be merry about this holiday season.

A few weeks ago, she thought she'd turned her life around. Now she's not sure she's accomplished anything at all. Not since the incident... Scandal, really.

When the rumors had begun to leak, everyone was so certain it was her spreading them. That she'd returned to her old ways, that her reformation was nothing but a charade. Even those she'd called friends were so quick to assume the worst, and to disown her. And even after the true culprits confessed, the damage had been done.

So now it was Sunset's turn to lose faith. Because if those she called friends were so ready to distrust her... Had she ever really had their trust or friendship at all?

Set after the Equestria Girls Holiday Special.

Chapters (1)

A tough week for the Princess of Friendship has ended with an extended stay in Canterlot to repair broken friendships while also successfully getting Moondancer to embrace it again.

But as Twilight and Spike head home to settle in for a long night's rest, a sudden realization hits Twilight like a sack of hardcover books, leaving her utterly distraught and Spike as the only one capable of consoling her.

If he can, that is...

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith recovers from a bout of pneumonia, and the Apple family realizes that if they keep their secrets much longer, they might never get a chance to open up to her. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Braeburn visit her at the hospital and tell her things they've kept hidden for far too long.

How does she take it? Not how you'd expect.

AN: Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

After the Friendship Games, Sunset looks back at her time as a human. She also starts to think about both the past and her future. She isn't happy with what she finds. She has several feelings buried and hidden away and she doesn't want many people finding out about them. She decides Princess Twilight Sparkle (a.k.a. "The Real Twilight") is the only one who can help her. Sunset really hopes there won't be any time loop problems that keep her best and most important friend away this time.

This story takes place after Friendship games and so it does contain spoilers for the movie. It also talks about the events of the IDW comic "Equestria Girls Holiday Special". You have been given notice.

Chapters (2)

Warning: Quick and spoiler-laden reaction piece to Crusaders of the Lost Mark and Brotherhooves Social.

Apple Bloom realizes that she's missed something important in the midst of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' cute-ceaƱera. And with all that's changed in recent weeks, she finds herself needing 'Twilight Time' now more than ever.

Lightning-fast pre-reading & editing by Moosetasm & MisterNick!
Now with a dramatic reading by DRWolf! :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

After years of trying everything under the sun, the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally earned their Cutie Marks and realized their destines.

But destiny is a funny thing, and the Crusaders are in for more than they bargained for.

A visit from Princess Celestia starts the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their new friends Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon on a journey of discovery the likes of which Equestria has not seen in thousands of moons...

Just what is "Trinity Magic"?

Chapters (17)

Based off of this comic by bronybyexception and written with their permission

Comic Dub here

Coinsides in the same world as this comic dub

Cover art from HERE

Apple Bloom always wanted her Cutie Mark. It was the one thing she wanted most in the world and her family fully supported her, encouraging her to keep going until she finds it.

However, she never expected that getting her Cutie Mark would come at such a high price. Apples always have something to do with apples in their Cutie Mark, but Apple Bloom does not.

Now, exiled from the only family she's ever known, Apple Bloom has nowhere to go. Heartbroken and unsure what to do, Apple Bloom goes to the only pony she trusted more than her big sister, in the hopes that she might help the now familyless filly.

In Popular Stories 24-26/7/2015 and then again 31/7/2015. Featured box 26/7/2015.

Holy- In the Featured Box 10/8/2018? Huh?

Chapters (4)

For the first time in her life, Scootaloo has a reason to look forward to the Sisterhooves Social. At least, she thinks she does. It's just a matter of figuring out whether or not she can invite the pegasus she has in mind.

Surely one of the posters scattered throughout town would have some details on the event, right?

Preludes S5:E17 - Brotherhooves Social.
Cover art credit: Dilarus
Edits by Dubs Rewatcher

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)