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Spike's going to need help from all of his friends if he's going to grow up as the only Dragon in Ponyville.

More or less a Spike biography from a few months after the wedding to whenever I stop writing.

Spike and Rainbow Dash pairing. RainbowSpike.

Inspired by It Takes a Village, so go read that because it's awesome.

Chapters (5)

This is a single-author anthology, a collection of my short-short stories which are individually below the minimum word count the site allows. Subject matter will be varied, as that is the nature of the beast. Each chapter will be tagged in the title.

These stories are originally from Thirty Minute Ponies.

Chapters (17)

What if a cutie mark was not just related to a pony finding their talent but also a sign of a pony becomming an adult?

This was the question that Apple Bloom thought about after another failed attempt to get her mark.

But is her attempt to get her mark through magic going to work, and more importantly, what will the consequences of her actions be?

Chapters (14)

Have you ever wondered what Spike actually thought?

Chapters (10)

An ordinary week for Zecora gets turned into something special when a foalhood friend from the Savanna abruptly decides to move to Ponyville. The week then becomes something stranger when she learns a secret he had been keeping from her since before she left; and it gets weirder when she meets his bizarre "Beloved". Zecora feels that she can handle this, but can Ponyville?

Rated teen for some mild gore and carnivore culture in some later chapters and for mild sexual themes including inter-special relationships.

Chapters (1)

A week after the Gala, the six friends come to grips that the things they expected to happen never did. Two particular ponies are faced with the idea that everything they were familiar with, everything they've become confident in has been turned upside down. Is it possible to recover your ideals when you've been proven unreliable at your talents?

Note: Formatting for the first five chapters has been corrected. Geez, why didn't anyone /tell/ me it was so bad!? It was missing everything! Story should look MUCH better now.

Chapters (7)

Twilight composes a letter to the Princess about a terrible Hearth's Warming gift.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 23 June 2012.

Chapters (1)

"Good news everypony! I've devised a way for ponies to experience a 100% accurate answer to any what-if question! All you need to do is ask the spell a question, and it will generate a hallucinogenic simulation of the series of events that would follow.

Big thanks to Ptrikle for proofreading. Also; big thanks to Taco Bell for making Cheesy Gordita Crunches.

Chapters (1)

Pound Cake, now 24, is visiting the psychologist. Why is he there, and what stories does he have for the shrink?

Cover art by JBRID on deviantArt

Chapters (1)

Honestly, have any of you just taken a moment to really congratulate every pony, creature, or whatever on this show? My guess, no. So why not raise up a mug and give a nice hooray for everypony out there as we give them all a nice, swift, pat on the back.

Based on "The Real Genius" comical advertisement.

Brought to you by Appleloosa Fund for Free Apples for Everyone; as well as the Sugar-Cube Corner fund.

Chapters (18)