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Fluttershy has always been the "mother hen" of her animals. She was the one who fed, bathed, and protected them. Now she is fed, bathed, and protected by them. What is it like to have your children begin to look after you instead of you looking after them?

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle was a mare who had no friends. She had found some with the nudges of her mentor Celestia. However, all good things must end. Everything must fade eventually, fade into the world as if it never existed. Friendship's ending is just like the darkest part of the day, twilight. Beautiful for a moment, and then it's gone.

Chapters (2)

Stone is the very antecedent of life itself. It is cold, unmoving, and unfeeling. Discord is stone now, trapped by the Elements of Harmony wielded by six ponies that represented them. Stone, when undisturbed, is worn down by the sands of time, forever flowing over its hard, cold surface. The sands of time pour forever.

Reading done by Rylius: http://youtu.be/w_3dSJ-N6G0

Chapters (2)

Everypony always asked Scootaloo why she uses a scooter all the time. She always said some kind of excuse. From using it to get around to saying it was her school project, she has said a ton of things to cover up the real reason why she uses it; to fly... or at least try to.

Sad in the beginning and the middle, but with a happy ending!

Special thanks to Sketchy Start for the idea!

Chapters (1)

Rarity has always loved her little sister, but their relationship has always been more than that. This is a look into the mind of a unicorn whose heart has been hardened over time and the little sister who makes her realize it's all worth it.


Chapters (1)

Big Macintosh had a perfectly good reason for taking Twilight's doll; he wanted to use it to finally start a conversation with her. But Applejack's having none of it, Rarity's getting the wrong idea about everything, and the Cutie Mark Crusader Matchmakers are about to really throw a spanner in the works! A comedy of errors launching a full fleet of ships.

Chapters (7)

My name is Celestia. This is a kind of log, an epistolary detailing various portions of my experiences throughout my long life, and several analytical reflections that come to mind at times. Most importantly, it is a collection of personal thoughts as I struggle through my eternal life's hardships.

Now that my purpose has been discovered, I have decided to share these entries with everypony here; perhaps my own shared introspection over my lifetime could provide an alternative way of thinking to some. If not, then I hope I did not bore you. I realize much of it is pointless rambling, but I have chosen several entries that I believe may be of interest.

Enjoy, if you like.

Chapters (34)

Luna visits Twilight late one night to seek her assistance with learning how to dance, and it sparks a series of events.

A story request by Systemfail.

Special thanks to Systemfail and Lunar Justice for their help and support!

Chapters (4)

Growing up under Princess Celestia's wings has caused Twilight's respect and admiration for the ruling alicorn to grow into much more than that, but will Twilight ever have the courage to admit her feelings and overcome the obstacles they may face, or will she keep her feelings suppressed forever. Behind the scenes at the Grand Galloping Gala, she may just find out.

A/N: The second part I ended up adding to the ending in order to cannonize the fic more. Also, I know the opening is different from cannon, I'm aware of that, but it helps adhere to my story more. There is also a slight reference to Aurora's fimfic: Bechdel's Law, with their permission of course. This fic, however, is clop-free.

If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my other works!

Please be gentle, this is my first time ever attempting to write a fanfic and I'm here because I love the MLP community. Remeber, BLT: Bronies Love and Tolerate!(terrible)

Obligatory Disclaimer:
I own neither the cover image nor My Little Ponies (obviously).

Chapters (2)

There was no talking, there was no smiling, there were only rocks. But how then did Pinkie Pie first learn about parties? How did she learn to be such a great baker working on a farm full of rocks? Why did she leave her happy family?
Not everything is as it seems with Pinkie Pie, but she'd be happy to tell you in her own words how she came to be in Sugarcube Corner...why she loves cupcakes...and why she giggles at the ghosties. Pinkie Pie 0rigins is secretly a prequel to the story 'Cupcakes' and deals with her relationship with her family and how Pinkie changed from being a depressed little filly to one who's happy and full of smiles.

Chapters (1)