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Rainbow Dash, the fastest, most fearless pegasus pony in all of Equestria loses something dear to her, her color. As her mane fades to grey she has to come to grips with who she is, and what makes life worth living.

Chapters (2)

Pinkamena Diane Pie is Pinkie from another universe. But she doesn't remember what her old life was like, or why. She regrets what she has done--but what has she done? She has a goal, but she doesn't know what it is. She has no memory, or friends, or defense. But maybe this can be a good thing?

Pinkamena sets out to find out who she is, or at least remember what happened. Armed with the friendship of the ponies she meets along the way, her old pain is forgotten, and happiness fills the gaps.

But deep inside, there is a dark secret that must never be remembered.


Pinkie Pie was living the life! She loved life, her parties, her happiness. But when she is suddenly transported to a new dimension, a dark life full of hatred and war, she has to start all over making friends. The ponies she meets now are ones that aren't as kind as she's used to.

But she has her own defense. She has knowledge stronger than Twilight Sparkle, more than even Princess Celestia. She knew this would happen, and she knew why. And she could help them in her new dimension. The only thing is, if they will follow her lead...

She has two choices: Try harder or...give in.


(Picture is NOT mine, I just added text to a different picture, credit in image source)

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash was simply enjoying a day off up in the clouds. When she finds Scootaloo sitting out in the rain all alone, the older mare decides to hang out with Scootaloo for the day, cheering her up. What she didn't know that the filly was hiding a dark secret, and Rainbow Dash has one of her own. Her loyalty burns inside her and she takes Scootaloo up under her wing.

Chapters (1)

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.I think you can get the jest without reading it, but I would sure appreciate it. Thank you and please read and relax.
Ditzy and Macintosh are now married and soon to be parents of new foal, hope everything turns out alright.

Chapters (16)

Scootaloo, tough Scootaloo...she's been through more than imaginable, but when a caring mare discovers that she's an orphan, what events could lead to Scootaloo meeting her dreams? How could she go from so little to so much family, housing, talent, and love?

When the filly's life goes through the rollercoaster of romance, the river of remorse, and the clouds of destiny, how will she react? Will she be able to handle it all, or will she give out along the way?


Chapters (19)

It wasn't the end of the world right? It's not like she'd meant anything by it. What was so wrong with a little "Just Friends" kiss? Oh, who was she kidding?
Rainbow Dash was so screwed. She didn't mean for it to happen. Now she would have to deal with the fallout. Of course, she could just avoid everypony until the end of existence. A girl has to keep her options open.

Rated for naughty language.

Chapters (1)


After reluctantly agreeing to come to Twilight's second official slumber party, Rainbow Dash finds herself trotting off just managing to keep her lunch down as all of her friends begin to discuss beauty tips and overly mushy-gushy feelings on colts. There she finds sompony (Or more correctly, some dragon) who shares more in common with her than thought.

Shippy-ish, only romance if you want there to be.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Pinkie Pie have been pretty close lately, at least that is what Rainbow Dash thinks. When she brings this to Twilights attention curiosity gets the best of her. Now Rainbow Dash and Twilight are investigating Rarity and Pinkie Pie's relationship to see if there is anything there besides simple friendship.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash, quite possibly the coolest pony in Equestria, inexplicably falls for Twilight sparkle, quite possibly the nerdiest pony in Equestria. Out of curiousity and Rainbow's pleading, the librarian decides to give her two weeks to see what might happen. Both ponies will have to confront their insecurities if they hope to be a couple for very long.

After more than a year, this albatross has landed with the help of Cookie Monstar, Key Tapper, and Shadowsreached. This thing is FINALLY finished! What started as an experiment on writing a relationship changed dramatically. I can't tell you if it's better or worse though. That's for you to decide. Either way, I'm glad it's finally complete and I deeply apologize for taking so long to get it done.

Chapters (14)

Rainbow Dash was on top of her world, but one friends mistake changes all that. Can Twilight help her? Or will she let despair win?

Chapters (1)