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This story is a sequel to Silver Spanner gets her Cutie Mark

Silver Spanner's first day on the job is met with skepticism from her fellow workers—but one mare decides to give her a chance, even if she is a little bit different than most construction workers in Ponyville.

An entry for the 2015 EFNW pre-con writing contest.

Chapters (1)

What is memory? Why do the things that matter most sometimes seem to slip away, while that which haunts and breaks us down might never leave our minds?

Her name was Lyra Heartstrings, but no one will remember her.

A short, unofficial, comedic sequel to shortskirtsandexplosions' Background Pony, dreamed up by Ponky and another guy in Italy.

Chapters (1)

A collection of short, random, vaguely comedic stories, for when an idea isn't worth a thousand words.

Cherry Strudel's New Glasses: A new pair of glasses might just change how Cherry Strudel sees the world.

Liquid Diplomacy: Princess Celestia negotiates a peace treaty with the llamas.

(Formerly) The Shortest Shipfic Ever, etc.: Despite the word count, the actual story is shorter than the title (or description). It was ultimately beaten in word count by both Super Trampoline and Present Perfect, which leads us naturally into

Canonical Mute Vinyl Scratch Breaks Up With Fanon Muteavia. You literally can't have a lower word count, and pictures would have been cheating.

Reading of the two breakup fics by AShadowOfCygnus

I Wasn't Prepared for This! Twilight discovers one of the seasonal joys of wings.

The Longest Sentence You're going in blind.

Mother Who is Pipsqueak's mother?

Twilight Sparkle Eats a Potato No, it's not a euphemism. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

Everyone knows the story of Hearths Warming Eve. They know the tales of the three pony tribes and how their strife brought the Windigoes upon them, and how the Fires of Friendship saved them from their frozen fates. For countless generations the tale has been told, but how has it changed over those years?

Or is any of it true in the first place?

Only one pony knows, and Celestia would prefer that the past stay forgotten.

(Based on a 'What If' line of thought that was born from the Stardust storyline. While some familiarity with Stardust and Mente Materia doesn't hurt, this story can be enjoyed on its own)
(Coverart available soon from the amazing FoxInShadow!)
(Many thanks to Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Vandenbz, and Setokaiva for prereading!)
(Complete with it's own TVTropes page as part of the Stardust continuity)
(Character tags will be added as chapters are added!)
(Possible spoilers in the comments! BEWARE!)

Chapters (12)

Equestria is still picking up the pieces after the defeat of Tirek, and everypony is helping out with the paperwork, even Rainbow Dash. Things change when Princess Celestia arrives, bringing with her a letter with some very stunning accusations of the exploits of a resident in the town of Oasis. Now, the main six are tasked with finding out if the letter was truth or fiction. Did this Mister Baker really do what they claim? Only one way to find out.

However, Mister Baker is not who, or what they expected.

Rated Teen for occasional language. Additional tags added for more dark themes.

Proof read and edited by the amazing SunnyPack , Snakeskin Ducktape, and Tyrannosaurus Tux.

Chapters (12)

It didn't take a genius to figure out that that perfume wasn't my own, nor did it take any real effort to locate the source of both of my issues: there was a pony asleep on my arm.

I assume she was asleep, anyway. She was breathing slowly and shallowly, which was quite easy to ascertain, as my right arm was draped across her.

Chapters (3)

Ten years ago, the Griffon Empire opened a portal to a strange new world and tried to annex it. In the peace settlement that followed they lost control of the province containing the portal. Since then, the Griffonian Democratic Republic had been completely isolated, surrounded on all sides by a hostile empire. Now, for the first time, a visitor had been allowed.

Chapters (3)

One early morning Twilight is woken up by the sound of somepony knocking on her door. To her surprise she finds Rainbow Dash on the other side, only the mare seems off. Disgruntled and panicked, the more she talks, the more Twilight is convinced there's something wrong. What happened to her?

Cover art generously provided by the wonderful Angelic Flight over on DA. Go give her some love.

Spoilers in Comments. Read before the story at your own risk.

EDIT: Now with a Youtube reading! Link
EDIT: Now with TWO Youtube readings! Link #2

Chapters (1)

Okay, I don't know if anyone can hear this, or read this, or whatever, but I'm trying my best to use Pinkie Pie's legendary fourth-wall-breaking powers to try and get a message out.

If you can hear this, I need help. I'm in Equestria, and man, this is strange. But I'm also stuck in Pinkie Pie's body, for some reason.

Yes, it's just as weird as it sounds. And now, I need your help... because all the ponies in this town think I'm crazy!

Chapters (19)

After being summoned to a meeting with Wonderbolt Commander Spitfire, Rainbow Dash finally learns the truth about why she has been passed over by the Wonderbolts all this time. A little bit of Rainbowfire.

Chapters (1)