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Life is good for Lyra and Bonbon but something is missing. Bonbon wants more, she wants a foal and Lyra is faced with how to give the love of her life what she wants.

The story continues with Curse of the Werepony

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, a small, unicorn filly, has just visited the library for the first time! She needs to be extremely careful with the book she got or it could be hurt! Twilight must protect the book at all costs! But, can she protect the book, or will the filly end up destroying it?

((So, I came up with this story in my 7th period class, THANK YOU HISTORY! This was just a small fic I liked the idea of. All rating and comments is appreciated, thanks bros!))

Chapters (1)

Twilight is finally old enough to understand Christmas! But when her mother and Cadence tells her that everypony gets presents she has to figure out what everypony needs! Will she be able to get all the presents in time and celebrate her new holiday?

(This fic goes with a headcannon that Equestria has both Christmas AND Hearths Warming Eve! So it will go as a normal Christmas and not like Hearths Warming Eve with the play and such. Enjoy!)

Chapters (1)

If all you've ever seen of me is what I was, then you don't know me. The mare I've become isn't the filly I was born as, and for all of it, I regret nothing of my new life. This is my story.

Chapters (1)

This is an idea that wouldn't leave my head, inspired by Fairy Slayer's "Mommy Nearest," Aldea Donder's "Alicorn," SoundofRainfall's "Play" and RainbowDoubleDash's "Lunaverse"

Alternate Universe: Instead of Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia made Rainbow Dash her personal student instead! Follow her through the events of the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration. A reimagining of "Friendship is Magic"

Chapters (35)

Twilight Sparkle has always admired Princess Celestia. Her fortitude, her wisdom, her eternal grace and love for all her subjects. Twilight has often fantasized about what it would be like to be in Princess Celestia's horseshoes. She never imagined those fantasies would come true.

Events take place a short time after the Crystal Empire's return (early S3).
Proofreading from chapter three-onward provided by Daemon of Decay.
Cover image used with permission from TexasUberAlles, thanks!
Inspiration for Sunny Skies from PhantomFox.

Chapters (3)

Being a blank-flank filly is tough enough, something all the Cutie Mark Crusaders can attest to. When somepony points out that Apple Bloom has neither fancy magic nor awesome wings, the world can seem downright cruel. Fortunately, she's not alone, and Applejack knows a little story or two.

Chapters (1)

Where the world was once her stage, the stage is now her world, and Octavia feels trapped. Will the appearance of a certain pink pony stop her descent, or will she get to mope in peace? Will Octavia get to eat her cucumber roll while she's at it?

The answer to the last question is probably "no".

Chapters (1)

Maybe that glance lasted just a little too long, or maybe a certain conversation could be interpreted as innuendo. Whatever it is, sometimes we see only what we want to see, and sometimes our fantasies get the best of us. Rarity is no exception.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

After Scootaloo was able to get some frustration off her chest, Cheerilee thinks there is something more going on. While trying to offer advice about Scootaloo's current problem, she finds that Scootaloo's life isn't as happy as she probably thought.

Chapters (6)