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Celestia and Luna have been sisters for more than a millennium. If only that made things easier!

Will poor housekeeping lead to the destruction of Equestria?

Will Spike ever find true love while wearing cupcake shaped hats?

Will Twilight Sparkle ever learn to play the banjo?

(No banjos were harmed in the making of this fiction. If you want to find out the answers to those last two questions, you'll probably have to go read something else.)

Cover art commissioned from Akasashi (http://akashasi.deviantart.com)

Spanish translation by SPANIARD-KIWI

Chapters (1)

What if you had everything taken away from you? Your friends, your love, your life, everything gone in a flash of fire? What if you had a chance to save one of them? Just one of them, would you do it? And if so, how would you choose? These are the questions Rarity must face as she walks into the frozen nightmare of a Hell gone cold and face the consequences of her choice. For when you can only save one, how can you choose?

A great way to get into the holiday spirit!

Chapters (11)

While waiting for Apple Bloom to finish up some chores around the farm, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle decide to wait for her at the clubhouse. To help pass the time, the two decide to look at the clouds rolling past while they wait.

[Edit: A live reading of this story can be found here. Special thanks to The Living Library for the reading!]

Chapters (1)

But she doesn't care.

A short tale about Big Mac and Applebloom. Nothing too spectacular, but I hope you like it. Takes place a couple of years before the start of Season 1.

Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader once more. The amazing cover has been done by PapaSam. Used with permission.

Read the polish translation here, courtesy of Dolar84

Reading here, done by HeySagey; and here done by TheArchitect

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy never thought Rainbow Dash would love her. Never thought Dash would hold her in that way. But she does. So then, why does it hurt so much inside? Why doesn't she feel the same way? Why can't she just love Rainbow back?

Ratings may change in further chapters.

Chapters (2)

It's been a long time since Princess Celestia's had any fun. So when the sun princess, her sister Luna, and everyone's favorite party pony, Pinkie Pie, are given the opportunity to do whatever they want, in a world with nopony else, what could possibly happen? Hilarity, of course!

Pic is not mine, hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Pipsqueak has always been the smallest pony around, and thus the source of bullying. With a notebook and pencil in hoof, he chronicles his adventures as a child to an adult. Follow his tale from humble beginnings in Ponyville to becoming a legend of the seas, whispered in fear or admiration amongst seafaring ponies in taverns.

Also on Fanfiction.net.

Chapters (2)

Author: Pinkie Pie, shut up! No you can't name- You already did. Son of a...
Pinkie Pie: So author, you're always writing stories about me! How about I write a story about YOU!?
Author: That is a horrible... horrible... HORRIBLE ide-
Pinkie: Spectacularific! Let's do it!

A hack author (from "Extremely Terrible and Horrifying Stories" and "Mystery Pinkie Pie Theater 3000") is attempting to write his next magnum opus. Then Pinkie Pie happens.
Not the most original idea in existence, but hey, this is my take on how it would play out.

Chapters (1)

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Chapters (3)