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Each pony in Miss. Cheerilee's class was given an assignment to write in a journal every day of the week. Every pony has to do it or you don't get a grade. What does Scootaloo have to say about this? What does she really think about such things going on in Ponyville? Why doesn't anyone know about her home? Find out more and go inside of Scootaloo's mind as she starts writing about her life. What will unfold as she writes in it's pages?

(note; this is to be written as i see fit and updated when i feel up to it.)

Feel free to comment and give constructive criticism about it.

Chapters (12)

Eight Minutes, it takes a short eight minutes for the light of the sun to hit Equestria. Eight minutes where the ponies of Equestria can enjoy their lives. This is the story, of those last Eight minutes.

Chapters (2)

Spike is trying to film My Little Pony: Season 3, but the Elements of Harmony keep fighting, and Celestia thinks she can arrive on set late just because she's a goddess. Not to mention the producer from Hell. You'd think he was trying to wreck the production.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds a dusty book of Equestria's worst jokes. She learns many horrible jokes, including "I don't give a buck" jokes. She then ruins her life by using them.

Was originally going to be a one-shot, but it no longer is! Previously called "Twilight learns 'I don't give a buck' jokes", but since chapter 1 is no longer the only one, the name has been changed due to it no longer being one-shot.

It's over. There'll be no sequel. Got it?

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash is very well aware that Scootaloo is her Number One Fan. That doesn't mean she has to like it. While she enjoys the attention and encouragement she gets from the little filly and her other fans, she isn't too fond of actually dealing with them. It's nothing personal.

But after she overhears Scootaloo being bullied by some of her classmates about her flying ability, Rainbow Dash decides that perhaps it's time her Number One Fan got some encouragement of her own.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to "A Twisted Crush". Reading the original is not completely necessary, but 100% recommended.

Featherweight and Twist are now in high school, which means tons of drama, tons of homework and tons of... love? The two foals decide they are now old enough to date, so they, of course, do so. They have an upper-hoof over other couples, considering they've loved each other since foalhood. Or at least, that's what it seems...

Story inspiration by *hahasauce on deviantart. Cover by ~IcyInuYoukai on deviantart

Chapters (1)

Featherweight has always had a little bit of a crush on a strawberry-maned filly. But don't tell any pony! He might die of embarrassment. One day, he decides to draw Twist (yes, Twist) a picture showing his feelings. Will she like it? Please tell me she'll like it!

Image and story inspiration by *hahasauce on Deviantart.

Chapters (6)

The cutie mark crusaders have pulled it off this time, breaking a hole in the roof of sweet apple acres' barn which Big Macintosh finds would be a pain to fix, and the CMC don't seem to care. So, Big mac bribes the fillies with tickets to the seventh annual grand galloping gala, which will be held in a month. If they want the tickets they will have to spend a whole month until the gala comes without trying anything to get their marks. How will they hold with an opportunity around every corner?

Chapters (1)

It's bathtime for some of the young characters, and who else but you gets to wash them? Each filly and colt has a different personality, though, and some of them REALLY hate baths!

Cover by ~strabArybrick on deviantart

Because of the CT limit, I used the "other" tag. But keep in mind that there will be many ponies here.

Chapters (23)