• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011


It's raining. It's always raining D: Why did I move here again...

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Link to TvTropes Page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/EquestrianJoe

Does NOT Contain:
- An overpowered protagonist
- A human-on-pony romance
- Unbelievable characterization
- A contrived plot where everything happens the hero's way

As a brony who prides himself on always knowing where the fine line between fantasy and reality lies, Joseph Ryan Ang was more than skeptical about where exactly he thinks he has landed himself up in when he stumbles and falls through a large hole in the forest while out on a solo hiking trip in the forests of Tennessee. But when he begins to encounter, and subsequently escape from several familiar creatures, each one harassing him and then moving on to nearly killing him on his harrowing journey back to civilisation, the realization that he just might have stumbled into another world altogether begins to take hold.

The realization then batters relentlessly against walls of skepticism, but even as the evidence begins to mount before his eyes, he continues to hold on to the incontrovertible facts that there are no such things as portals, and manticores and wolves made out of wood and bark do not exist.

At least, that's what he thinks until he bursts out of the Everfree, and discovers that he's landed up in Equestria.

All in all, it's just the kind of day that would have had him swearing loudly and at length.

But Joseph's arrival in Equestria isn't just due to fickle chance, or to the myriad ways of destiny. Dark forces of the world stir, their eyes intent upon him. Sinister motives plot and scheme, and upon his arrival in Canterlot he soon finds himself embroiled in a shadowy plot more dire than anything he could possibly imagine, with far-reaching portents beyond his wildest dreams. As he races against time to unravel a conspiracy against the crown despite being surrounded by mistrust and prejudice, Joseph will discover what it means to be a protector and a guardian of what he loves... and more importantly, what it means to be human in a world of ponies.

This isn't just about the machinations of fate, the paths of destiny, or the fickle whimsies of chance. It is about the way a man is capable of forging his own paths by the choices he makes, despite the circumstances foisted upon him. It is about the power of the freedom of choice, to defy what destiny had planned for you and to create your own fate. It is about how even the unlikeliest of individuals can turn out to become even the most unexpected of heroes, and how one man's desire to make a difference can change an entire world.

He came to their world as a man who barely even knew his purpose in life, much less how or why he had arrived there.

He is about to become a man who will forge his own path to the very heights of their nation.

Shoutouts to HeirApparent and DigitalCore for helping me proofread, edit, and generate ideas for this baby!

Chapters (13)

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. A man wakes up with a blinding headache and no knowledge of where he is or how he got there. Furthermore, it turns out that the world that he’s found himself in is populated by Technicolor ponies. However, there’s a glitch in the matrix. This world is not the Equestria of old where peace and harmony reigned supreme. No, this is the Equestrian Wasteland. A place where ponies struggle for their survival against bands of murderous raiders, xenophobic Enclave pegasi, and mutated monsters of all shapes and sizes. Luckily, this man’s name is Ethan Smith, aka The Lone Wanderer, aka that Crazy Son of a Bitch. Join him on his crazy quest to find a way back to his home in the Capital Wasteland, and with any luck make Equestria a brighter place along the way.

A side story to Light Wanderings and Dark Wanderings but neither have to be read in order to enjoy this.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Dark Wanderings

It's been nine months since Twilight Sparkle got back from her solo sojourn to the Capital Wasteland where she met Ethan Smith, AKA that Crazy Son of a Bitch, AKA the Lone Wanderer and was changed forever. Now with Equestria teetering on the edge of a three way war Ethan is called upon to save Equestria, or at the very least to keep Twilight alive. But dark things are awakening in the background and all is not as it seems, can Ethan save Equestria? Can Twilight keep her friends on her side? Will these questions never stop? The answer to at least one of these is yes but can you find out which?

Edited by TacoTown
Coverart by the awesome Derrem

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (40)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

When he was ten years old, Peter Falwell was found by Princess Celestia and her newest student, Twilight Sparkle. Without a home to turn to, Peter was taken in by the princess and looked after him like her child. Over the year that Peter spent in the land of Equestria, he and Twilight became close friends.

Upon returning to his home world, inspired by the culinary experts that prepared the best foods for Celestia and Peter, he sets forth on a dream to become a chef and open his own restaurant.

As a young adult, Peter saves enough for a down payment to develop his own restaurant in New York City. However, as he travels up to the Big Apple, fate pulls its strings and returns Peter back to Equestria. Upon reuniting with him, Twilight and Celestia do all that they can to help Peter continue his dream and open a restaurant in Twilight's hometown of Ponyville.


My next shot at a slice-of-lifey story. Set in a time where Twilight has not yet (and probably won't) become an alicorn. I'm also writing this when I'm not writing my Attack on Titan crossover, so if updates seem slow, I apologize in advance. Inspired by the song My Dearest by Supercell

Chapters (18)

Cloud Kicker has an issue.

The human TD Powell is in Equestria, and it is likely that he has... advantages that she cannot find with ponies (and one of her rules is no Diamond Dogs. Ever) but he seems more than a little unresponsive to her advances, claiming silly things like 'I'm not into ponies'. Of course, TD just found out that he can't go back to his planet, so he's stuck in Equestria forever! It's Cloud Kicker's job to make him feel welcome and comfortable, right?

Surprisingly enough, all goes well, and the two become good friends. But when an incident involving love poison affects their relationship, Cloud Kicker will be forced to deal with the fact that one of her precious few platonic friendships may be changed forever.

A crossover between The Winningverse and The Non-Bronyverse

Written for Cloud Kicker Month

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria!

After leaving Ponyville, the human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in even stranger territory than the land of the ponies. Will he find his way home? Or will he find out that he should have stayed in Ponyville under the watchful eyes of the Royal Sisters after all?

Edited by the amazing Jack Kellar and Marioland1

Special thanks to MyHobby for the cover art!!

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

Six months. A lot can change in such a short time. Like going from a human guy on Earth to a female alicorn in Equestria. I may be mostly used to my new body, but I still haven't found my place here. Being an alicorn has only made things worse... everyone expects great things from me, and too many ponies look up to me for no other reason than because of what I am. Hopefully I can figure this out sooner rather than later...

Looking to explore the concept of how a blank-flank alicorn would fit into Equestria... without the stupid silly charisma, insane magical ability, or supersonic flight capacity. I know alicorn OCs have some stigma to them that instantly labels them as a Mary/Gary Stu, but I plan to avoid all of that silliness.

A sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria (can't link directly due to NSFW content), now with much less insanity, but with the same amount of comedy. Reading this is not required, although it is recommended. If sex is not your thing, all three chapters marked with (***) are skippable without losing any story content. The writing is crude/humorous/unedited, please be aware of that.

NOTE - Tags. While the protagonist was human in the previous story, I am leaving the [Human] tag off. This is not a Human-In-Equestria story, please do not add it to any Human-related groups.

Explicit sexual scenes are being left out of this story submission. When I get to them, there will be a note saying to go to its prior story, as I will be posting the scenes on there.

Chapters (5)

A human wakes up to find that not only has he been altered in species and gender, but that he has also landed halfway across the world from Equestria, in an unfamiliar land.

This is not that story. Not yet, anyway.

A decade in passing and Kaz has gained a reputation as a member of a well-known group of explorers traveling the world. Not once have they set foot on Equestrian soil, and she was content to keep it that way, for her appearance would bring about unwanted attention from a few certain ponies and one certain baby dragon. So what happens when the rest of the group hears of unbelievable tales of Equestria, and decide that it's time they paid a visit?

An impending disaster, that's what.

Chapters (3)

The graffiti did not bother her. The art of vandalism was, in some form or another, as old as civilization itself. The content, on the other hoof, was an entirely different issue. “Princest Is Wincest,” it said. Bad grammar and spelling were one thing, but this was an attack on the Equestrian language.

Luna frowned. She would have to ask Celestia about this at the first opportunity. Perhaps there were spare funds for a literacy program. If nothing else, Tia might be able to explain what exactly the phrase meant.

Thanks to Wade and Sereg for prereading. Thanks to Burraku_Pansa and especially Midnight Rambler for editing.

Dramatic reading, courtesy of CaptainBron3y.

Chapters (2)