• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011


It's raining. It's always raining D: Why did I move here again...

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Skydancer is getting pretty tired of being a young earth pony with a name better suited for a pegasus. Lieutenant Green would love to finish his deployment safely, but first he has to figure out where he is and, just as importantly, why all the Afghans look like colorful little horses. How can a misnamed colt and a misplaced Soldier help each other when they don't even speak the same language?

Contains minor violence. Not really GORE per se, but some violence.

(Image by Skaleal)

Chapters (8)

Everyone has done it at some time. Made that wish upon a falling star, or otherwise gazed longingly with hope into the night sky. Though maybe, we've just been doing it at the wrong time.

Maxwell is a physicist, on his way to finally having his Ph.D, and getting tired of the seemingly minimal impact his work will have in the field as a whole.

That is, until he makes his wish.

Now he's in a bright world full of bright ponies. Also they can talk. And do magic. And fly.

Having hooves is going to take some getting used to.

Chapters (12)

A reclusive mage.
A devoted cleric.
A disgraced sell sword.
A beautiful thief.
A timid knight.
A travelling gypsy.

Six mares who've never met, will suddenly be thrown together as an ancient threat returns imperiling their entire world. Now these unlikely heroes must band together, or their entire world is doomed to eternal darkness.

This is a dark fantasy retelling of the series premiere, using Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition rules, spells, and monsters. It was an idea that I've been wanting to write for a good while, and I hope folks enjoy it.

Chapters (9)

Jason has been in Equestria for quite some time and has lived countless lives. Some have been short, others have been rather long. No matter the length, they all share one thing in common. They all end in fire and flames.

He has spent centuries wandering the countryside, gravitating towards events. When whispered words of Nightmare Moon's return reach his ears, his feet take him to Canterlot, where what he encounters leaves himself and many others more than intrigued.

An idea that sparked a story. Immortality is an often used plot device with a Human In Equestria story, and I wanted something different, something new, something... fresh. Thus, the concept of mimicking the phoenix came to life, and from it, this story.

Chapters (14)

Halloween story time, oh my! Was browsing around the site, and stumbled upon one of those 'insert human into [villain's name here]'s body and have them do stuff.' For some reason I had been thinking about Halloween / Nightmare Night, and the following came to life. Conceptualized and written in a day.

Ethan frequently experiences the phenomenon commonly referred to as lucid dreaming. He finds himself within said dreams, living out things that one could only think of. On the night before Halloween, he falls asleep to dream of a colorful place, a bright place, one filled with ponies and decorated for a special night. Nightmare Night. He's going to have the time of his life.

Note - Marked Complete, and the sequel explores the concept, not the same character.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle have a private meeting during the Royal Nightmare Night Party.

Chapters (2)

The life of a Princess of Equestria is always a stressful one, whether you are an experienced one or not. Sometimes you need to get away from it all. That is exactly what Twilight and Cadence thought when they decided to take a trip to the Hoofwian Islands just the two of them. The vacation is suppose to be about having fun, but deep down one of them wants a bit more than that. Their only concern, though, is how the other will react to this.

Holy sweet mother of Celestia!!! Featured...I honestly didn't expect that. Thanks everyone who supported the fic

Edited by: Avatar of Shadow, TimeLord_Whooves, Elric of Melnipony, and The Abyss

Chapters (1)

Celestia finds herself in a predicament when she finds a bright red dot, and decides to give chase. Will she ever catch the dot, and where is the dot coming from?

Comments and criticism are appreciated.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apotheosis

Celestia leaves Equestria in the hooves of Luna and Twilight.

While she searches among the gods to answer her questions, Luna and Twilight must struggle to fulfill their own duties to ponies and to Equestria.
Now with a Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-3-3-857110357

Chapters (12)

Living in Equestria under a false name and racial identity is one thing. Finding out you're not the only one of your kind stranded here is another... especially when that someone and the element bearers are looking for you.

Being my first attempt at a first-person romantic comedy, this takes a slightly different approach to the concept of being a human stranded in Equestria.


Big thanks to DVAN56 for editing. Go check out his work!

Chapters (18)