• Member Since 24th May, 2012

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This story is a sequel to Changeling Courtship Rituals

Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, brainwashed Twilight Sparkle's brother, kidnapped her former foalsitter, defeated her mentor in combat, and conquered her kingdom. She kidnapped the sisters of Twilight's friends, turned them against one another, and tried to drain all of Twilight's magic. Queen Chrysalis has, at every opportunity, done her very best to utterly destroy Twilight Sparkle's life.

For some reason, this has not caused the pony to fall in love with her.

However, due to Twilight's misunderstanding of changeling customs, it does mean they are now married. Twilight eventually managed to tell the Queen the truth, but she forgot that whether it's a kingdom or a heart, changelings conquer.

And since the changeling way of conquest didn't work, Chrysalis is determined to try the pony way. The only problem is, of course, she has no idea what that is. But she knows someone who does: Princess Cadance.

Now, with the absolutely sincere help of her mortal enemy, the pony she once locked in the caves beneath Canterlot while trying to steal her husband on their very wedding day, Queen Chrysalis is going to woo the sister-in-law of that very pony.

Surely this is the most perfect plan ever devised.


Proofread by ShutterflyYay.

Takes place roughly after season five (so Starlight Glimmer is running around occasionally)

Chapters (12)

Twilight discovers an insidious new plot by a new shop in town, they sell things she finds out are named "peesa" and the combinations are unbelievable. Always, however, they seem to be based around cheese and tomato, two of the Princess of Friendship's favorite foods!

Contains: Fun, silliness, changelings... fairly standard fare for me!

EDIT: So, this universe is completely identical to the normal canon universe, except Twilight Sparkle freakin' loves cheese. (in other news, I now know what a quesadilla is)

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (1)

Takes place during Magic Duel.

After defeating her arch rival Twilight Sparkle, Trixie decides to enslave Twilight Sparkle for eternity. With time running out, Twilight must hatch a plan to get Trixie to remove the alicorn amulet, before Celestia arrives with the ambassador's of Saddle Arabia!

Chapters (1)

One night, the Great & Powerful Trixie faces off against Princess Luna! Two huge egos collide! Whom will win, how will it all end? Read on to find out!


Image author unknown, and my GoogleFu fails me. If this is yours and you want it down, please let me know. If this is yours and you don't mind my using it, let me know so I can credit it! :)

Chapters (1)

If it weren't for a group of young mares, saving the day with luck and intuition, Equestria would fall. Chrysalis finds this absolutely unacceptable. For the love of ponies and their carefree way of life, the changeling queen takes a stand. Will she survive? Will Equestria?

Whoa, buckle up everypony, this one promises to be another big story!

The art is once more done by the amazing Vavacung, please show them some love and appreciation!

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (36)

What do you do when you're a shy girl who has a humongous crush on one of your closest friends? A friend who's probably not into girls, let alone you? A friend who's just so beautiful without hardly even trying?

If you're Fluttershy, you bottle those feelings up inside until they burst.

But when Rarity asks Fluttershy to help her with a project, one that puts Fluttershy in a compromising position, the secret might not stay a secret for much longer. How it comes out though, that's a story worth telling.

This is a birthday present for my good friend VampDash. This isn't a ship I usually go for (I'm more partial to RariJack myself) but this is one of his top 3 ships.

Rated T for strong language, and steamy parts throughout, but nothing explicit. Borderline toward the end maybe.

Also, while this IS a free gift for a friend, here's a link to my Patreon.

Featured on 11/23/16

Chapters (1)

Rainbow finds herself with a curious question. When she gets her answer she finds that it will change things for her quite a bit

Chapters (1)

Competition. It drives us all one way or another. Whether it’s to be the fastest flier, the best team, the greatest magician, to steal a land in jealous fury, or simply to beat that other pony to the stall for the last carrot; competition is in all of us.

Some claim that a competitive nature is healthy, and keeps a pony sharp and fit. Others claim it drives ponies apart and should be avoided as much as possible.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack don’t care about any of that. They just don’t want the other to win. Theirs is an unending game of friendly one-upmanship, a constant striving to prove their superiority to one another for no other reason than they can.

Neither of them thought it would ever bring about romance in their lives.


Written for (and winner of) the 3rd AppleDash competition. Prompt by bookplayer.

Thanks to my friend, Radoh from the Escapist, for making some small, but very good, points.

Cover art by nekokevin.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight pays her CHS friends a visit on Hearts and Hooves Day, she expects to learn a bit more about their strange world and it's rituals. She did not expect to find out just how much her friends actually think about her. Sex tag is for raunchy language and mild suggestiveness.

Chapters (1)

Set in an ending to "Friendship Games" where Twilight stayed at Crystal Prep to make friends with the Shadowbolts. Twilight and the others are trying to be more friendly with one another...but friendship doesn't come easy when your entire life has been competition and personal accomplishment. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so any progress is good progress? Right?

Chapters (1)