• Member Since 24th May, 2012

Red Does Reviewing

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Even the best athletes have hobbies, and the best hobbies are the ones you share with friends. The question is, which friends? These are the things Rainbow Dash ponders as she makes her way towards a choice that could irrevocably change her life, for better or for worse.

A gift for the lovely fourths and associated parties.
Wing base by Floralisole on DA.
Chapter art by digif.

Chapters (2)

With another night of drinks comes another visit to Octavia's house for Vinyl. The reasons for both are as they have been for the past while.

Despite the somewhat recent bad blood between the two, Octavia can't see somepony once dear to her suffer.

The trouble is, can she truly speak to one who is unwilling to listen?

Brought upon by "Stay the Night" by Zedd

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer looked at the note again, though she could barely read it. "Midnight, CHS football field, be there, alone." No clue who'd sent it. No idea why. Total mystery why she'd even shown up.

But she was the curious type.

Romance between Sunset Shimmer and Lemon Zest.

Proofread by Infinity Shade.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has been in love with Twilight Sparkle for years. The rescue of her sister had been the start, but since then Twilight has saved Celestia, Luna, and their kingdom countless times. However, Celestia's true feelings have remained hidden, even from herself.

That is, until the day her love is revealed to her through a dream. But Celestia is determined to keep her feelings to herself. She has no idea how Twilight will react, and would prefer things remain they way they are, with the two Princesses as friends.

Unfortunately, Luna immediately finds out. A small group of ponies is quickly gathered, all with one goal: to force Celestia to confess her feelings and end her thousand-year relationship drought.

This causes so much chaos that Discord goes on vacation and will not be appearing in this story.


Edited by ShutterflyYay from chapter four onward.

Chapters (13)

If there was something that broke Rarity's heart more than seeing her best friend getting stood up, it was seeing Twilight go back to the library with a matching broken heart.

Luckily for Twilight, Rarity would be damned if she let that happen.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has a problem. Or perhaps it's Twilight Sparkle that has one.

Every few weeks, an intoxicated Twilight Sparkle will randomly teleport into Celestia's castle in search of snacks or simply for a place to crash.

So what could this all have to do with Celestia in particular?

Now with a reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)

Moondancer may know the principles of magic and science like the back of her hoof, but when it comes to the principles of friendship, she's objectively hopeless. Even so, there's one special unicorn who she's shared a close connection with since foalhood.

With the encouragement of her almost-friend Minuette, and the guidance of somepony she never expected, Moondancer is prepared to do everything in her power to find out just how close that connection truly is.

All she has to do is overcome her fear of putting herself out there...

...and get Twilight Sparkle's attention while she's at it.

Editing duties courtesy of nanashi_jones. Cover art graciously provided by hoyeechun.
Special thanks to Fahrenheit for extra input and motivation.

Chapters (5)

Twilight gets a feeder to study birds.

She also bought a ton of seeds for it.

While she's frustrated at the fact her supply seems to be disappearing into thin air, she's about to realize that she has a much bigger problem on hoof.

Chapters (5)