• Member Since 24th May, 2012

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Sweetie Belle discovers an amateur novel lying abandoned on the ground. The mysterious story soon becomes all the rage with everypony.

And then Rarity hears a passage of it being read out loud...

Chapters (1)

I should feel safe, knowing that Chrysalis has been vanquished. But now, I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm used to staying up all night...but not like this.

Chapters (1)

Marble decides to briefly come out of her shell and tries something different with Pinkie's hair.

Art not mine.

Chapters (1)

Octavia's life is fantastic! She's got steady work around Ponyville, she's able to live in relative comfort away from the stress of Canterlot, and she's got a marefriend that lights up her entire life. Or at least she did with that last bit.

When Octavia's marefriend suddenly breaks things off, Octavia's life spirals out of control. What was once a happy life slowly starts to break apart, showing the mare just how bad things had truly gotten. With the help of a few close friends though, Octavia sets out to win back her ex and fix her life. But to do that, she'll have to fix the other issues that have been plaguing her longer than she realized.

Chapters (4)

Beauty was always easy for her to understand, but love is a completely different matter. A powerful attraction has come over her as Rarity explores her feelings and begins the adventure to discovering friendship, love, and everything in between! Every lady needs a knight to sweep her off her feet, right? That knight just so happens to wear flannel shirts and a cowboy hat!!! Join everyone's favorite Fashionista as she discovers what it really means to be in love during her fast times at Canterlot High!!! :heart::heart::heart:

The events of this story take place after the FlutterDash fic, Never Grow Apart. You don't have to read that beforehand if you desire not to. ^_^

Proofread by Shut868!!!
"Amazing Editing." -Darkcloudx

Chapters (6)

Because when her Pinkie Sense is going off and she just knows somepony's been denied the birthright which is their birthday celebration, she'll go anywhere and do anything to make it right. Even if anywhere means heading deep into a changeling hive, and anything is... well, anything!

But she'll do whatever it takes.

Birthdays are important.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Worthless, weak, ugly—as far as Twilight is concerned, that's all she'll ever be. Even three months into their relationship, Twilight still refuses to believe that an absolute goddess like Sunset could ever love a loser like her. And it doesn't help that Twilight spends every night being tormented by nightmares of Midnight Sparkle, the one being who hates Twilight more than she hates herself.

Twilight can only remember a single moment in her life when she felt strong: the five minutes that she spent as Midnight Sparkle. The five minutes she spent with magic.

Now, tortured by fear, anxiety, and never-ending nightmares, Twilight knows the only way to win Sunset's love is to make herself stronger—even if that means resurrecting the demon inside of her.

Originally written for the January 2016 Writeoff, "Look, I Can Explain...", where it made finals.

Thanks to Horizon, Bookplayer, and FanOfMostEverything for offering advice on the original. Thanks to Quill Scratch, Oroboro, Monokeras, Lise Eclaire, Monarch Dodora, Majin Syeekoh, PegasusMesa, Reneigh Haycart, and Hazeyhooves for helping me brainstorm certain parts. Preread by Pascoite.

Art by Ta-Na!

Chapters (4)

Having just finished her evening duties, Twilight heads to the dining hall for her customary meal with Celestia and Luna; tonight they're joined by one special guest.

NOTE: This was just a concept I had in mind and simply wrote it. There is no grand planning or hidden message in it, just a need and want to create something out of the ordinary.

Credit for the creation of this imagine goes to CaptainMorwen

Chapters (1)

Sunset's friends ask her for help with a lot of things. Pretending to be Rarity's boyfriend at her cousin's wedding is a new one. It can't be that hard, right? A sharp suit, some expertly applied makeup, and a good backstory and she'll be charming the pants off of the bridesmaids in no time.

But just what is Rarity hoping to get out of this subterfuge in the first place?

Russian translation

Chapters (1)

Octavia is a high-class pony. Fine alcohol is her wont, and uncouthness her intense chagrin. Such is her surprise to find herself lumbered with an insufferable oaf of a DJ pony. However, sometimes these situations work themselves into a satisfactory ultimatum all the same.

Chapters (17)