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Fleetfoot isn't the most recognized Wonderbolt. She isn't the most admired of the bunch. She doesn't even receive the credit for a successful show most of the time. However, none of that matters to her. What matters to her is her team.

And she wouldn't give them up for the world.

Thanks to Mr101 and Bad Seed for their help on the story. You're awesome.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy spends a typical day with her pet bunny.

Written as part of the One-shotober challenge.

Previous stories:
Rainbow Rides the Gravy Train (Romance/Random/Slice of Life)
Rainbow Dash and the End of Daring Do (Slice of Life)
Luna Reads Her Fanmail (Random/Slice of Life)

Chapters (1)

Twilight's Cuckoo Clock stopped working, so she took it to Time Turner to have it fixed. It turns out to be an ancient artifact covered with seals and filled with mechanical impossibilities. What secrets is the library's Cuckoo Clock holding? ((NOT a Dr. Whooves Story))

Chapters (12)

Spike has always considered Ponyville his home, and has always held Rarity a special place in his heart. That is, until a group of dragons showed up after years of looking for him. After meeting his real family and hearing why he was brought into the ponies' care, he starts to rethink his old thoughts.

Now he only has a week to make a decision: either stay with the ponies who loved and cared for him most of his life, or go with the dragons and finally be with his real family. The decision would have been all so clear...

...if there wasn't another factor in the equation.

Much love to those who oversaw the story:

Pre-Readers: Skeeter the Lurker & Mr101
Editors: The Abyss & Man_Demon

Chapters (3)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

Detroit is a city that has seen many changes in its lifetime. From great periods of boom, to the darkest periods of bust. This city has seemingly weathered it all. It is now 2039, and the city faces the greatest challenges yet. As the world spins out of control around it, the inhabitants of Detroit try to get by any way they can. For Michael Spechart, there is nothing more important than family, and he will do whatever he must to ensure his daughter, Amber Sage, can lead a normal life in these strange times. Times when humans are no longer the only sentient race on Earth.

This is a story about the power of family, and the will to endure no matter what obstacles they may face.

Rated Teen for language.
Pre-readers and Editors: Menelaus Redz, SembrBrony217, Between Lines
Creative Consultants: Kriegor, HumanMKII

Chapters (4)

Some things in this world happen by chance. Others do not. Twilight Sparkle is about to learn a disturbing truth that will turn her world upside down.

- Originally written May 2011 for Deviant Art

Reading this story first is strongly recommended:
(Blood is Thicker) http://ciroton.deviantart.com/gallery/26378692#/d3e1ndq

~Image by JohnJoseco~ ~Edited by BrotherPrickle on Deviant Art~

Chapters (5)

Spartan A-042 finds himself on a mission gone wrong when he winds up in a land of talking ponies and other magical creatures as he struggles to comprehend how he got there, why he is there and above all, how can he leave.

Chapters (18)

Luna starts up a Judge-Judy-like show. But, as time goes on she slowly starts to waste away from some unknown illness. Stubborn as she is, she won't allow it to keep her off the throne dealing with her duties as Princess. Will Equestria watch as she wastes away to nothing, on live television?

Chapters (13)

((The idea from this story was taken from chapter 12 of Gravitys Rainboom fantastic story: MIA. I've talked with the author, and he allowed me to write this story, since I feel as though it will be somewhat similar.))

This story has been cancelled! You can discover the ending (last story on the page) HERE

They say that Spartans never die; that they're only missing in action. But can that really be true if you don't feel alive? If the very purpose of your existence is suddenly taken from you?

Noble Six detonated the rigged slip-space drive on the Covenant corvette as Jorge-052 simply floated back down to Reach, gripping her dogtags tightly.

To Reach, Jorge, and the UNSC, Spartan-B312 is gone; whether it be KIA or MIA.

But to Equestria, Noble Six is anything but dead...

Chapters (15)