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Lyra Heartstings is a pony with an obsession. Humans, mythical creatures from ancient history. Before now, she was just a theorist, a madmare. But with the discovery of the crystal caves beneath Canterlot, all the clues finally make sense. Now it's up to one pony to brave the depths, the fury of Equestria's finest at her hooves, and find the truth.

Chapters (1)

Some things are never meant to be opened, and our insatiable thirst for exploring things we don't quite understand is our gift and curse. This newly discovered universe holds many terrible dark secrets that it never meant to be revealed again. A lone Colonial Guard cruiser is dispatched to investigate one such oddity. As humanity struggles to find a way to make peace and coexist with the ponies of Equestria, what will these new discoveries hold?

This is the first official sidestory of Machine and Might by Kriegor and is independent of the original storyline.

Rated teen for language.

Chapters (2)

Everypony has one 'Longest Night', a night that just never seems to end, whether they want it to end or not. For Celestia, her Longest Night began on the first night she had to raise her sister's moon.

Heartbroken and filled with despair that she may never see her sister again, Celestia makes a wish upon a falling star to see her sister one more time. Little did she realise that the stars listen.

A one-shot story of two sisters, and one Faithful Student.

Side-quel: Myths and Birthrights

Partially inspired by Ponyphonics amazing song 'Lullaby for a Princess'.
Cover art used with permission by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen.
Special thanks to Honey Mead and Iroh for helping iron out some details.

Chapters (1)

All of Equestria is united in celebration for the return of their beloved Princess Nightmare Moon. But when Celestia and everypony else recieve her she's skeletally starved, filthy, and very nearly dead. Meanwhile, while everypony's eye is turned, a lusty Blueblood pursues Twilight Sparkle, intent on adding her bloodline to his own so his family might step closer to godhood. (Alternate Universe, there never was a Princess Luna)

Chapters (23)

[THIS STORY IS NOW CANCELLED AND UP FOR ADOPTION. LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU'RE INTERESTED.] Celestia and Luna play all your favourite games, and some of the more notorious ones, from old to new. Watch as they constantly berate each other! Laugh as they throw consoles out the window! Tremble in horror as they play quality games from Koei! See them take your requests and play games you want them to! All of this, and not much more, can be seen with your eyeballs here!


Inspired, obviously, by the "Two Best Friends Play" series, as well as the "Two Best Sisters Play" videos. All rights go to their respective owners and such, and if you suggest a game, try not to make it too obscure. In case you're interested, here's the link to the original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0cY2NWlddU
P.S. In no way affiliated with Luna Plays... which you should also totally go read because I said. (Shameless cross-promotion: complete)

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle decides to try a special herb the Cake's procured from Zecora, originally used to make Pinkie Pie less... hyper.

Done purely for comedy!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Side-story to Past Sins - Spike almost lost Twilight to a hangmare's noose, but now Twilight is safe and Nyx is a filly again. Normal life is returning. Still, Spike can't ignore the fact that Nyx just isn't the same as he remembers her. Her temper is more volatile, and, when she gets angry, all he can see is the rage-driven Nightmare Moon of legend.

And thus Spike has to wonder: Is Nyx truly reformed, or is she one bad tantrum away from calling herself Nightmare Moon again?

Chapters (1)

The day Big Mac came to Equestria, he was but a small colt. He told his story to passersby, but nopony believed him. Eventually, Applejack and Granny Smith found him, and brought him in. Except, they believed his story. They swore they would never tell anypony. But promises sometimes cannot be kept when you're the element of Honesty, and so the secret slips one night, and Applejack couldn't feel more guilty.

Chapters (2)

Axel, a pegasis is quite the quiet one. He's quite shy, and almost never speaks to people. He has never made it a priority to have friends, or become socially involved in anything. He WOULD interact with others, but he decides at the last minute to change his mind, because he thinks that nopony would like him anyway. That his voice does't matter, and that he could never have any influence. He finds out that voice is important, and he uses it in different ways than he recognizes.

Chapters (9)

Life pretty much sucked. I had little to no friends, failing pretty much all classes in school. My parents abuse me and to make it worse they are my only family. That means I'm kinda stuck with them. The only good things in my life are my Video Games and my remaining dignity. After being humiliated in front of the entire school one day. I decided to end my life and make the pain stop. Right as I am about to end it all. There is a knock on the door and I go to see who it is. No one was there and strange scroll laid on the door mat. I unfurl it to read "It is time to come home, brother".

Chapters (2)