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Jason has been in Equestria for quite some time and has lived countless lives. Some have been short, others have been rather long. No matter the length, they all share one thing in common. They all end in fire and flames.

He has spent centuries wandering the countryside, gravitating towards events. When whispered words of Nightmare Moon's return reach his ears, his feet take him to Canterlot, where what he encounters leaves himself and many others more than intrigued.

An idea that sparked a story. Immortality is an often used plot device with a Human In Equestria story, and I wanted something different, something new, something... fresh. Thus, the concept of mimicking the phoenix came to life, and from it, this story.

Chapters (14)

Each pony in Miss. Cheerilee's class was given an assignment to write in a journal every day of the week. Every pony has to do it or you don't get a grade. What does Scootaloo have to say about this? What does she really think about such things going on in Ponyville? Why doesn't anyone know about her home? Find out more and go inside of Scootaloo's mind as she starts writing about her life. What will unfold as she writes in it's pages?

(note; this is to be written as i see fit and updated when i feel up to it.)

Feel free to comment and give constructive criticism about it.

Chapters (12)

==Written for Pony Writing Month 2012==

Being the ruler of Equestria, Celestia knows quite a few things. Having lived for an expanse of time most mortals can't ever grasp, she has untold wisdom. That said, when it comes to knowing how to deal with a daughter you've never told anypony about and trying to get her to listen to you before a possible life altering change happens caused by having Alicorn blood... well, Celestia's fairly lost.

Not just that, but Celestia also finds that she's as out of touch with ponies as Luna is, much to her shame. She needs to figure out what it means to be a pony, for her kingdom, for her daughter, and for herself.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Daring DONE!

The princesses need to take a week off to argue about important issues.

Luckily, Twilight is there to rule Equestria while they're gone!

There's absolutely no way this can go wrong.

As it's a sequel to "Daring DONE!", Twilight Velvet is the writer of the Daring Do saga and our favorite Indiana Jones homage is still a fictional character. That's what the AU tag is about!
(yay featured)

Special thanks to my prereaders and proofreaders:

• Selbi
• DaRandomPony
• Chivalry
• PheerthaniteX
• Chaotic Note
• MissingLink
• Super Trampoline
• Outcast4Ever
• Abcron
• Bookworm S

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone here...

Audio reading courtesy of TheArchitect
Audio reading courtesy of joehighlord

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up with a serious head-ache caused by her horn spontaneously growing due to a sudden increase in her magical power. Nopony seems to have an answer for it, but it has attracted the attention of an unusually powerful militant foreign nation intent on her capture and execution. When a string of events lands Twilight before Celestia's father himself he tasks her and her newfound magic with tying up some loose ends he'd left behind long ago, ultimately connecting with this foreign nation's goals. With their powerful enemy baring down on Equestria, intent on taking it in a stranglehold, Twilight and her friends have little other choice than to travel the world and hunt for the rest of Celestia's family and end several thousands of years worth of feuding to prevent the war coming to Equestria before they themselves are caught.

Image Picture by Lostzilla of DeviantArt.
(find him yourselves)

Ech is a whiny bitch, but he helped edit a little I guess. (you too bats)

Chapters (28)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

Celestia has become emotionally withdrawn and disconnected from her little ponies. The imprisonment of Luna compounded with the constant loss of any who got close to her, she has forgotten how to connect with another pony. Until a small, injured filly who is equally distant after the loss of her parents stumbles into Celestia's life. Now, both ponies will help the other heal and rediscover once more what it truly means to be a pony.

A 'Mommylestia' story, the concept of which has been in my head for some months. I will be sticking rather close to canon for events, the major differences are that Twilight's parents are dead, and Shining Armor is a few years older and already dating Cadance at the time of this incident. I plan to keep mostly everything else the same.

Chapters (11)

"I just want the nightmare to end..."

When one closes their eyes, drifts off to sleep, the mind works mysteriously. Dreams come forth, they bring us strange readings on how we are doing in our lives, even when they are not easily readable. But always, when the time to wake comes, the dream fades and is often never seen again.

But then there are nightmares... our subconsciousness trying to tell us something we don't know. They often terrify us... because we are afraid of the truth behind it. But just like the dream, they eventually fade... but not for Scootaloo. For her, each night, she is visited by the same exact nightmare.

Lost and scared in her own dreams, she begins to give up, to slip into depression. After all, no one pony can suffer too much trauma brought upon by their own brain. But one night, during the dream... she realizes that something else is there, floating in her subconscious.

And she feels that soon, the nightmare will end.

Foreword: This story is based upon my own personal experiences after finding my father nearly died from attempted suicide for about a month. Everything in the story is a metaphor to my own life, everything from the shack in the middle of nowhere (my loneliness) to the cliff (the escape).

Mainly, this was written as per request by my therapist, who said I should write a metaphoric story about those times in a way that makes me happy. So naturally, I chose ponies. And who better than Scootaloo, who, in my fanon, lives like I do?

Chapters (1)

Twilight lives a comfortable, expected life with the security of being surrounded by her mentors and friends. As she grows into a model unicorn, a dangerous being takes hold of the volatile Brood and drives them to war, breaking a long period of peace. After years of preparation for a higher order, Twilight is chosen to ascend beyond that of a typical sorcerer in a mysterious plan to counter the impending conflict.

During her dark, trying mission Twilight will discover a caged soul and unknowingly set them free, gradually acquiring an affinity for the darkness as a result. As she struggles within deepening conflict, she must push on and fight for what she believes in. With manipulation, deceit, and betrayal storming around, will she be able to contain herself and protect those she loves, or will she succumb to the creeping darkness and abandon everything she stands for?

*Warning: Comments may contain spoilers.*

Chapters (59)