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Pregnant with twins, Queen Chrysalis is trying to save her race.

Is the father going to help care for his children?

Will the changelings ever be accepted by ponies?

I was trying to write a one-shot, somewhere along the lines it turned into something greater.
I am going to work on the sequel when I feel like it.

Cover art by Midnight Sonare. Middy is amazing at his art, so check him out.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle was presumed to be dead. Destroyed without even a body to bury, the young victim of a deadly magical surge that claimed the lives of many others along side her. More than a decade later, reports of a violent murder by a pony bearing her name are brought to Celestia and Luna's attention. A trail of carnage leading directly towards Canterlot's doorstep, brought by a pony who strikes without mercy. As Twilight approaches, in service to an unknown master, the Alicorn Sisters desperately try to uncover what happened all those years ago.

Edited by Zintegy and The Pink Mugsy

Chapter Heading Art by KirillK
All Sketches and Artworks can be found HERE

Chapters (67)

[All characters are humanized]

Have you ever woken up somewhere you didn't recognized or even know how you got there in the first place?
Would you even believe me if I told you that I'm in a world which is based on a TV show about colorful ponies with magic and or wings, but instead they are human beings based on those same characters from that same show?
I thought that my knowledge of this place would help me out here and maybe help me get back home.
But I was wrong.

Featured on 14/03/2014
Story Cover by Mr.Scribe
Chapters will be posted, updated and re-edited later.
Pre-readers : Katherine Kerensky & Way2dawn: chapter 1 to 3 [All parts].
Way2dawn: Intermission 1 and chapters 4 to 5.

Chapters (11)

Winner of Tchernobog's AppleDashLight Contest.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash could never have been said to be ordinary ponies. So it really shouldn't be all too surprising that they've managed to lead unconventional love lives as well. Love lives that they might have neglected to tell their friends about.

But they’re not worried; the magic of friendship has taught them well, and they are confident the bonds they've formed with their fellow ponies will result in nothing but heartfelt congratulations and acceptance when they make their relationship official.

They are stupidly, stupidly mistaken.

Cover art by the magnificent Conicer.

Edit: Was featured from 4/6/2014 to 4/9/2014. Thank you to everyone who read, commented, or supplied feedback.

Chapters (1)

After their short-lived training at Rainbow Falls, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo get to talking on the way home. Ditzy at first thinks nothing of it, but as time wears on and she sees more of her fellow mare, she can barely think of anything else.

A story that I hope to be ongoing and run for quite a while.

Chapters (4)

Meet Daymos. He's just like any other pony in Ponyville.

He works.

He plays.

He has bodies in his basement.

Okay, maybe he's not like any other pony.

But he's only trying to help.

He's a killer with a conscience and murderer with morals.

So if you end up on his table... You probably deserve what's coming.

Author's Note: Okay, this is going to take a while... I have a HUGE story planned for this thing and it's going to take a while to write it all. But I feel like if I write like 3000+ words a week, I can make some headway on it. Now, about the story. It's not exactly a crossover; it's more of an 'inspired by'. One day, I started wondering how a Dexter-esque pony would play out and this spawned. I wanted to submit it to Equestria Daily... But I kept feeling like their requirements were so arbitrary and restricting. I almost dropped it because of all the tiny little nitpicks. So, here you are. Unabridged, unabashed, unedited. Enjoy.

Chapters (16)

When Rainbow Dash learns that her number one fan is being abused, how far will she go to keep Scootaloo safe?

Rather than update this box every time I post a new chapter, it's safe to assume that all my chapters are pre-read and edited by:

The Patriot, eggynack, and juter4397

and they're all great, so if you liked this go give them a thumbs up or something.

Woot, I made the featured tab! (For like an hour, but it still counts)

Sequel is here

Now with a Reading

Chapters (11)

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior? What secret is he keeping from the town folk of Ponyville? Join Crimson Storm on a journey that will shake the foundation of the world.

All ponies are humanized. Pegasi still have wings and Unicorn's cast magic with their hands.

Inspired by Gentlemanj's amazing series. 'The Journey of Graves.' and RoosterTeeth's RWBY

Chapters (33)

A brony is transported into Equestria, but he finds himself in the body of a huge wolf. Can a carnivorous predator really befriend ponies, herbivorous equines, or will his new predatory instincts and the ponies instinctive fear of him make it impossible? His strange situation does not dampen the joy of actually being in Equestria, but that changes as an alien hatred starts gnawing at his mind...

Chapters (17)

Please, check out the description at the bottom for context, please.

The Apple family and their tried and true traditions have always been the envy of Ponyville as far as families go. Applejack is one of the humblest ponies around, but can always openly pride herself in having a loving and nurturing family that she helps keep civilized.

Just recently, Applebloom and her friends just found out how all her friends got their cutie marks and how they were connected to each other all her lives. Great story, right?

Well, Spike has always been a careful listener. He needs to be when trying to keep a neurotic unicorn able to cause mayhem on a small country stable on a daily basis. So, when Twilight recalls the stories of her friends to the letter (quite literally since she made him write it down), he finds a discrepancy. It really couldn't be what he thinks, right? There's no way...right?

Well, that's why he is going to go check in on Applejack.
Takes place after the "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" and inspired by "Somepony to Watch Over Me"

Warning: Feels and a bit of humor.
Also, no AJ is not Ab's mother. I know that cuts off suspense and intrigue, but I don't want to give people expectations I am not gonna meet.

Chapters (3)