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Once again Spike is left alone at the library while Twilight is away. Bored and tired of always staying inside he decides to go to a night club with a friend. While there he meets a mare that shows him to loosen up and live life to the fullest.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle can't fly. She's tried as hard as she can, but she can barely lift her hooves off the ground without smacking her face into something. Rainbow Dash has tried to teach her a thing or two about it, but it only leads to failed attempts and frustrated antics.

Princess Celestia decides that this will not do. A princess who cannot fly is not much of a princess at all. She asks the captain of the Wonderbolts to remedy the problem before the public learns of Twilight's shortcomings. As they spend more and more time together, Spitfire and Twilight will forge a bond far stronger than that of a simple student teacher relationship.

The cover art for this story was commissioned from a very talented artist on another site by me.

Chapters (5)

After a week of recovering from her return Princess Luna seeks to return what was lost by her banishment and find the one pony she cares for the most... her daughter.

This is a rewrite of my old story. I hope you like it

Chapters (1)

A continuation of a very short science-fiction story called "Knock" Which consists of these two sentences:

"The last man on Earth sat alone in his room. There was a knock on the door."

Recommended to read this short
Wikipedia page of the story.

Character and story tags are subject to change.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always loved Celestia—as a friend, and a mentor, and something else as well. And she finally, finally found the courage to admit those feelings.

Celestia turned her down as gently as she could. That's what she thought, anyway.

But the night is still young—and it's a night for being wrong.

[Rated T for suggestive sexual content. This story takes place between the Season 2 and 3 finales. Additionally, I wasn't able to find the artist who did the cover art, if anyone knows please drop me a line so I can credit them.]

Chapters (1)

'Caught' has been edited slightly. Re-read and try to spot what's changed XD

The crime rate in Canterlot was hitting an all time high, which was perfect for a young thief like Chase.

Unfortunately his fellow thieves started getting caught. And everypony knows what happens when you get caught.

You're taken to Celestia and interrogated in ways so horrible, so demeaning that the one caught is never the same again.

Chase knows this and refuses to let it happen to him.

For even if he is caught, he knows in his heart that he will never give up his life of crime. And nopony, not even Celestia herself can change that...


This story is just a bit of fun that popped up in my mind. Mostly because I wanna write Celestia in a good way for once XD

No possessiveness, no darkness, just a gentle, motherly Celestia.

I'm not sure about the tags, so if I'm missing something then tell me XD

Chapters (3)

King Sombra survived his defeat, but just. By the time he returned to form, Twilight became the newest princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire was restored to its former glory.

He cannot take over Equestria the same way he tried before, but he has a card up his sleeve. Twilight won't see it coming, and Sombra might gain a powerful ally in the process.

And it will all begin...with a book.

Edits on Chapter 1 done with the help of TempesttheDragnix.

Major props to InuHoshi-to-DarkPen for letting me use this. That artist is really good.

Chapters (20)

The classic "getting sent to Equestria" fantasy has always appealed to me, I mean, come on. How cool would that be? Well, I always wanted to find out for myself, but I never thought I'd get the chance. Cue a creepy old dude in a funky suit, and I soon get my wish. Totally awesome, right? Well, for the most part. But somethings were out of my control. Turns out, while still pretty great, Equestria isn't the same as the one on the show. The characters are all pretty much the same, but with some slight differences. And the worst part, is that I'm not the character I wanted to be turned into.

I get some time to adjust to my new situation, I make some new friends and some unlikely allies, and I get confronted by absurd threat after absurd threat, culminating in a epic showdown of Good vs Evil. And that's pretty awesome...

I still wish I wasn't a filly now, though...

( Book one in the "Pony Life Challenge" universe. Directly inspired by the awesomeness of "The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog" by Rust. GO READ THE AWESOME! )


Chapters (6)

College sucks. At least, you think so.

You don't care what anyone says. College is basically an adult kindergarten, one where depressed teachers try to uphold some semblance of order in their classes full of drunk, disorderly, or just plain stupid students (and you use the term 'students' extremely loosely) that are only there because their rich parents want their brain-dead children to have some sort of higher education. Either that or sports scholarships. Goddamn sports scholarships.

When your best friend leaves for greener pastures over in Equestria, you start dreading who will take his place as your roommate. Naturally, it happens to be an Equestrian that takes his place—and you're put in charge of making sure she feels at home.

Second-person perspective. Contains anthropomorphic ponies.

A short story that I will add to when I'm not working on more important stories. Enjoy it for what it is, and try not to look to deep into it.

Chapters (4)

It's been nine months since the wedding in Canterlot and the changeling race was defeated and all is well. Until Queen Chrysalis returns with very surprising news.

She is nine months pregnant!

But why does she come back just because of that? Because she says one of the ponies she touched/was touched by during the wedding is the one who got her pregnant.

Changelings don't reproduce the way ponies or any other creature does. So even two females can have a baby together. So who is the daddy/other mother? Is it Shining Armor? She did have lots of contact with him. Cadance? She was the one Chrysalis captured. Twilight? Technically they did share a small amount of contact. Or... could it honestly be Princess Celestia?!

One of these four is the other parent to this unborn changeling/pony hybrid. And now they won't know who until after the foal is born. But each one is conflicted about what they will do if it is theirs.

And each one puts a little effort into trying to be nice with their possible-baby's-momma. And they get to know the Queen of changelings a little more. And there's a lot more than they thought there was...

Chapters (2)