• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012


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Story number one of the Twilight is Magic series. See the author notes in the first chapter for a link to the read order.

Twilight is the bearer of the Element of Magic, or is she? is it possible that the logic is in reverse? Twilight must learn that every action has consequences. Some are more damning than others even in the best of intentions. But with the power to save someone you love, can you honestly say you would do any different?

This story takes place approx six years after the first episode, Friendship is Magic part one. (Five years after EQG)
Eventual-twidash (this should go without saying for a story written by Twidashforever)

it is said that stories are never truly finished, only abandoned. I have not abandoned this story, as such, if you see something I did wrong, please point it out. I will still make changes as needed.

NOTE 10-18-15: Revisions are in progress (Thank you, The Derpy Writer), revised chapters will be labeled as such with an (R)

Chapters (32)

In a world where Twilight never met Celestia and her family is unknown to her. She also has a knack for sword play. After meeting Cadence, She goes on a quest to find the Elements of Harmony and save Equestria. Base off of Ocarina of Time. With little Twilight Princess.

Since I made Game crossover with Rainbow Dash I thought why not had Twilight games be up too. A few things about this story. One, Twilight is a filly and she doesn't have her cutie mark. Two, she never met her friends, and Three she doesn't live in Ponyville or Canterlot. I also started a story base off of Majora's Mask though I change the masks in that story. That will be up as well.

Another thing, I'm not good on making Dungeons and Puzzles. So I would like some help with that.

I forget who owns the cover but it not mine.

Chapters (4)

Twilight's life takes a turn for the worse when she meets a crazed, sword wielding pony on the outskirts of Ponyville. Now she must learn to cope and cooperate with the voice of a long dead general and traitor in her head. But, Twilight's sanity isn't the only thing up for grabs.

An army of death has been building in the north and as it advances towards Equestria, it grows with every corpse. The ancient Aspects of nature have once again been revealed to the world and once again, war is beginning.

Equestria will have to rely on there princess of magic to protect them, but how can they when Twilight can't even rely on herself anymore?
It's time for another Adventure fic, and I promise that this one will have at least 50% more adventure than my last one. It will also be much darker than my last one (Still not anywhere near grim-dark though).

Crossover with the Warcraft Universe. Though to be fair, I am mostly borrow names and vague concepts from them, most of this is original content (do not steal...(joking, I really don't care what you do with it)).

P.S. the reason there is an other character tag instead of an OC character tag is because all of the characters not from FIM are re-imaginings of Warcraft characters and thus not original.

Chapters (6)

Fearing the consequences of her actions in the bipedal world, Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and moves to Ponyville where Twilight Sparkle can keep an eye on her. Sunset Shimmer, bored and beaten, casts about for something to distract her, but soon the feelings growing inside her for Ponyville's princess can no longer be ignored. Nervously, with a little help and encouragement, Sunset begins to open her long-frozen heart to Twilight Sparkle, but when the shadows of Sunset's past threaten to destroy any chance of her happiness in the present, Sunset and Twilight may have to risk everything they have and defy cosmic forces older than Equestria in order to seize their fragile chance at happiness.

Cover art by Wadusher0

Many thanks to pre-reader The Albinocorn, but don't blame him for any errors you might find in the first chapter, because he only became pre-reader after I posted chapter 1

Chapters (17)

It's the day of Hearth's Warming Eve. Twilight is preparing for the holiday when a surprise guest comes to her house. It turns out to be Princess Luna and she wants to spend Hearth's Warming Eve with Twilight and her friends. Twilight accepts and the two decide to have a slumber party! Little do the two of them know that a deep secret that both of them had will be revealed to each other. Will the secret bring them closer or tear them apart?

Chapters (6)

A long time ago, Twilight Sparkle, former Princess of Friendship and Magic, was banished to the Land of Twilight, a plane of existence where the Sun and the Moon stay in opposite places in the sky; never setting, always watching their only prisoner.
However, after one thousand years of imprisonment, the magical seal holding the plane together breaks and Twilight is set free... into a world that no longer remembers her, neither does she remember it.

Confused and lost in a mysterious world, and with ponies of dubious intentions aiding her, Twilight will have to find the only pony who can help her. And the only one she remembers.

This story is suffering 'rewriting'. Everything will be destroyed cleaned, some chapters will go into the trash and others will pop up and replace them, like changelings craving love. Characters will be wiped out of existence, orange ponies will be reduced to normal level of badass-ness and [DATA EXPUNGED].
Jesus Christ.

Chapters (3)

After being crowned Twilight finds out that she has become a unwilling player in the millenia old powerstruggle of the noble houses. Learning in a quite blunt way that she has to take on a consort. Simply because of a law that states that there must be a royal consort atleast once every 300 years. And not only that, but also that the only nobles themselves can select those of which she can choose them from.
With a ruse she seemed to get a decent choice. However, how will life turn out for the bookish scholar when it turned out that her new bride has been the comfort mare of a spoiled brat ever since getting her cutiemark? And almost equally important. How will the noble react to a 5P:
a pretty pissed purple pony princess?

Coverart by: G_Haze

Chapters (12)


What if instead of going to the summer sun celebration Twilight was called into the Green Lantern Corp to be given the power to fight Nightmare Moon!

A spin off from Crisis on Infinite Twilights written with defender2222's blessing and permission.

Twilight vector is Green Lantern Twilight Sparkle and it belongs to Deviantart user Bronyboy.

Chapters (12)

Luna and Twilight. Once they were good friends. Now they'll discover together a higher and more strong feeling. Love.They never had this experience before. How will they handle this kind of magic? How will others react to this? Will this magic spread among the little group of friends? But they all know that it will change the courses of their whole lives.
Special credits goes to my editor and friend brony 4ever for his amazing work.

Chapters (18)

When Twilight runs into the newly reformed Trixie, she discovers that Trixie has never had a friend before so she takes it upon herself to teach Trixie about the magic of friendship. But the magic of friendship just may become something more.

Chapters (1)