• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012


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" Twilight ...please. I don't want to hurt you." Celestia spoke tearfully. Twilight smirked and leaned into Celestia with her slitted red eyes.

" Aw, my sincerest apologies Princess, but I think you know well what you'll have to do."

What's wrong with Twilight? Will Celestia be forced to kill her own student?

Image and orginal idea belongs to CapcomWarrior on Deviantart

Chapters (1)

King Sombra came from an old age, a time where darkness and evil were prevalent across the land. The Princesse's power and influence were weaker in those days, for the land of Equestria was divided amongst many kingdoms of lesser Princesses and Princes. But out of all their ruling neighbors, The Four Shepherds held the most power of all, even threatening Celestia and Luna's kingdom. However, all of that changed when they vanished for a thousand years, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity. Until that is, when the Crystal Kingdom reappeared, along with one of the Shepherds. King Sombra, however, was thankfully vanquished swiftly, but the following peace of his defeat would not last as long as anypony might think. A new force sets its eyes on the recently coronated Princess Twilight Sparkle, one that seeks to restore a lost heritage and remind the land of who is the true owner of the night. For when one evil is smitten, another appears in its place. And King Sombra was only the first in line.


Set before Season 4

Note: Dark tag is meant for Light Dark

Special thanks to my editor Ladrian for his diligent and superb work. I wish I had him when I first started this story because maybe then the early chapters would have been much better.

Special thanks to Stanku for revisions and prereading this story. It would be at a much worse state had it not been for his detailed opinions to each and every chapter, and letting me know where I can improve.

10/2/2014 : Woah... it's on the featured list... *cue squealing and fist pumping* THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Chapters (55)

Twilight has become a princess along with becoming an alicorn. Celestia is being bombarded with nobles crying out about Twilight becoming a new princess. Luna has been spending time in Twilight's dream to help her in this new hard time of her life. Luna find some moments hard deal with due to her feelings, but they grow stronger as their friendship grows. Will this things between them change into something more or will they just be really good friends?

Art done by SilverFlitterDragon

Chapters (2)

Armed with her mighty hammer Mjolnir, Twilight protects her home, Equinsgard the realm eternal. But after a failed attempt to learn how a small force of Windigos broke into her home and thus starting a war, Twilight is banished from her home. To her despair she is banished to Midgard where she meets Minuette, a unicorn bent on understanding the secrets of the universe. Can Twilight regain her honor in time to protect her new friend or will her brother, Shining Armor, destroy all she cares about? Watch as Twilight becomes one of Equestria's mightiest heroes.
Cowritten with Spideremblembrony(chapter 5 and on)
Proofread by Avenging-Hobbits(prologue-chapter 3)

Cover Art be Tate Shaw( agian this will be a link soon)

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to A Day Between Logic and Insanity

The Sequel to: A Day Between Logic and Insanity

Pinkie Pie, the baker who fell for a princess, now has to make due with her promise to Celestia that if she was to romantically involve herself with Twilight, she would be forced to become a royal guard.

She, with Twilight's help, studies and practices hard to become part of the royal guard. Though with being Pinkie Pie, things will not be so smooth.

Pre-Read by: SolidFire, kiheerSEDMAN

Edited by : N/A

Art by: ratchethun

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child

After the events of Solar Child, the royal family makes some changes that will change the way the public views them, but they don't give a damn! Meanwhile, a group once thought gone rises from the ashes Celestia left it in and plan their attack on the royal family.

Previous: Solar Child
Sequel: Solar Child: Past Demons

Chapters (20)

Collab by: Lilith911 and Vic Viper
Right before Nightmare Moon's defeat, she made a prophecy, one predicting the end of the world at the hands of somepony close to Celestia herself. When the pony comes to be, and Celestia falls in love with the newest princess, she tries to forget the dark prophecy and live a happy life, but as time goes on, she begins to fear for the sake of the kingdom. Will this inner struggle drive her to madness, and what will she do to the pony she believes is from the prophecy, her daughter?
Cover art by: ArtemisX31

Chapters (2)

In which Equestria's newest Princess comes back from a year of royal training, with a wife in tow, which happens to be one Trixie Lulamoon

Watch as Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon-Sparkle, deal with everyday life.

Chapters (9)

This Story undergoing Rewrite

A freak accident leaves Princess Twilight Sparkle blind. With magic unable to help her see again she is resigned to her fate as a shadow of her former self.

Sadness and depression strike hard and fast nearly every day. But luckily for the disable princess, she may stumble across an organisation that could help her to see again. But miracles don't come freely, fortunately, she may have a guardian watching over her.


Chapters (4)

After a horrible accident, Luna is forced to resort to drastic measures in order to save Twilights life. While unconscious, Twilight meets a powerful stallion who claims to be responsible for death, sleep, and all other states of unconsciousness. He turns out to have quite a tale to spin for her, and what he reveals may well be the undoing of one thousand years of harmony.

And so, the rewrite has begun.

Chapters (11)