• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012


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What if Twilight has been lying to her friends all along and her real mother is Princess Celestia herself?

I got the idea while writing Prism and Glimmer. This story is just to dive into what it would be like if Celestia was Twilight's biological mother. (Teen because pissed Celestia does not hold back on language. Romance tag for some Lunestia).

Original chapters can be found here.

Edited by: Knight of Cerebus

Currently being rewritten

Coverart by ZippySqrl

Chapters (4)

Twilight sparkles wakes up to some bad news.
Apparently she went crazy with magic and decided to try to take over the world, including Equestria.
Oddly enough, this has been working out rather well.
Unfortunately for her she seems to of forgotten most of it.
Goodluck Twilight!
[New chapters being edited. Old chapters being edited as time allows.]

Chapters (7)

Today is astronomy day, and Luna's dragging her marefriend Twilight on a night-time flight.
On this flight, however, Twilight learns more about herself than the stars.

Coverart is by RyuRedwings on deviantArt and is used with their permission. Please check out their art as well, because they're extremely talented.
Warning: The comments will contain spoilers. Read at your own discretion!

Chapters (3)

Changelings are viewed as evil monsters hellbent on stealing love and feeding off of it. But how much of this is actually true?
Chrysalis is now a queen of a nearly extinct race as punishment for mistakes she made many months ago that led up to the invasion on Canterlot. This same mistake was influenced by her own weakness, one she must feed on.
Trying to keep this weakness under her mask, Chrysalis travels to the nearby town of Ponyville where she hunts for love for her to sustain herself long enough to find a suitable pony to help her rebirth her race. What she doesn't expect, is to find the Element of Magic welcoming her in, albeit under disguise. But what comes out of this small bud of possible friendship and simple need to feed?
Artcover by fiendaffliction of Deviantart.
Originally Bakmah Genesis, but then his life took a bad turn and he couldn't focus on this story anymore. He puts it up for adoption and guess who has it now?

Chapters (3)

Twilight never expected her new castle to feel like home straight away, but neither did she expect it to be so terribly cold and empty.

She really needs somepony to help her fix that.

When Fluttershy steps up to the mark, she and Twilight embark on a task of immense proportions - making a castle a home. But when her other friends decide to intervene, Twilight soon discovers that her feelings of friendship for Fluttershy go far, far deeper that she could have possibly imagined.

Chapters (3)

Twilight takes justice into her own hooves, and enacts it on the enemies whom never really payed a price for their actions.

Tirek is in Tartarus, and Twilight has a certain power of his.

She must gain power to carry out this task. When she does, her enemies will know her wrath. But, is this really justice? Will the young Princess stop at her enemies, or will her rage run much deeper?

Rated Teen for Violence and light gore.

Featured on June 20th!

Chapters (2)

'One thousand years ago, superstition, chaos and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness, it was a world of fear, it was the age of Ponygoyles!'

'Stone by day, flesh and friendship by night, we were betrayed by the Queen we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. Now, here in Manehattan, the spell is broken and we live again!'

'We are the defenders of harmony! We are Ponygoyles!'

Being Co-written With:
Lord Lycaon
Spirit Guide.

Cover Art by:

Chapters (10)

Nightmare Moon banished Celestia to the sun a thousand years ago, Equestria is different and so is everyone we know. how will it be different? What will the Equestrian Empire be like? What happens when Celestia returns?

Read to find out.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash thought it was an odd request when Twilight had asked for hints and guidance in stunt flying. Persuaded by tickets to the year's most popular Wonderbolts event, however, gave Rainbow all the motivation she needed to help. While practicing, Twilight's odd and secretive behavior piqued Rainbow's curiosity and required further investigation. What she finds out does not make the rainbow maned pegasus happy. Not one bit.

Chapters (4)

What if Spike had been home when Tirek destroyed the Golden Oaks Library, and had been killed? What would Twilight do? More importantly, who would be able to stand in her way and stop her when she delivers retribution to those who have caused her to lose everything? After she defeats Tirek in combat, she turns her focus on all of Equestria, and those whom she lays blame upon for the death of one she held dear to her.

With the combined powers of all the princesses inside of her, and a deep anger within her soul, can she be stopped, or will all of Equestria answer to her wrath?

Written for the Twirant's Kingdom Competition in the Tyrant Sparkle group.

Proofreading and editing done by:

Chapters (3)