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Their camping trip to the Everfree had been through some ups and downs, but Twilight and her friends nevertheless return home having enjoyed it. However, as they enter the Friendship Palace, they're shocked to discover an intruder within. A mare with a very familiar face, who has come to them after having escaped a gruesome fate. But, if that were not surprising enough, then they're truly taken aback when this newcomer explains why she's here.

Chapters (12)

What's one of the more embarrassing things you could ever have happen to you? Getting a wingboner in front of all your friends seems pretty high on the list. Twilight is of course grateful for her wings, but they do have their downsides. Lucky for her, a good friend won't mind comforting you even under such awkward circumstances.

Rated T for: Sexual themes

Featured story on June 2nd 2018
Holy shit, I didn't expect it'd be a popular story at all. Thanks you guys. <3

Chapters (1)

It's an ordinary day in Ponyville, until Applejack says Twilight is purple. She should have known better.

Prereader: CoffeeBean

Para español: Aquí

Chapters (1)

Now, the idea of seeing someone argue who was the "best Princess" in Equestria was hardly a new thing. In fact, such talks had appeared in articles across Equestria for some years now. And every Princess knew what it meant when another one turned up. They'd read it, they'd have a debate amongst themselves over what was said, they'd maybe argue, and then they'd laugh over it afterwards. But today, they come across one such article that causes no argument. In fact, it genuinely surprises them.

Chapters (1)

After straining for a while, it turns out that Rainbow Dash needs reading glasses, which sucks, because that's super uncool. But it's worth it to get to read the new Daring Do, and besides, it's not like she needs them all the time.

Reading with friends can be fun.

A short, unplanned story written in a couple of hours.
Big pop!
V.nise cover image edit provided by Skijarama.
Now also with a neato reading!

Chapters (1)

Trixie's line of work is dangerous. But she's a careful showpony, and that's why she's only died a few dozen times in her career.

She thinks this is normal.

Chapters (1)

While relaxing after a performance, the Rainbooms discover Sunset has scars that she definitely didn't have before the Fall Formal.

As of 9/14/2015, this story has a dramatic reading by Goombasa. Give it a listen!

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

7/23/2016: This story has a reading by Gabriel C Media. Give it a listen!

Chapters (1)

Based off Don't Tell Me You're Too Blind To See by Shaud

Sunset Shimmer is tired of having to prove herself in front of those who won't give her a second chance. Her reformation seems more like a burden than anything. After a stressful day at school, Sunset decides it's better she just give up on Friendship. Feeling defeated once again, Sunset takes a late night stroll through the city....only to bump into...herself?

First featured on 4/18/2015!

This story takes place before Rainbow Rocks, making it AU since it branches off into something else, I believe.

Pre-read and edited by GaleSinger
Cover Art by 0Bluse (Bluse)

Chapters (38)

It has been a week since the Friendship Games, and Twilight Sparkle has been settling into her new position at Canterlot High School.

However, there's something off with the bookish girl.

Chapters (1)