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Discord has only been improving, and Twilight wants to reward him with a little more responsibility. As a thank you, Discord rewards her with a shiny new vending machine for the Crystal Tree.

The problem? That vending machine dispenses bees.

Twilight now has a castle full of bees that will attack of she thinks the wrong kind of thoughts... That being said, if she thinks the right ones...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been rising the ranks of Canterlot High's athletics since her first day of school. Now, after years of training and hard work, she has become the captain for the soccer team again this year, and the school cannot wait to cheer her on for the big city wide tournament. With the best support group in the world, Rainbow Dash feels on top of the whole world! To make things even better, Dash now has a good friend on the team!
There's just one friend who isn't as happy.
Fluttershy can't help but feel as if the success of her friend is driving them farther and farther apart from each other. Even after spending all of middle school and high school gathering up her courage to tell Dash how she really feels, she may never get the chance now! Will she finally speak her mind and tell Rainbow Dash what her heart desires?

Now proofread by the awesome Shutup868 for the best reading experience!

Chapters (6)

Here I am, thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, watch as I- A: make my whole race terrified of me B: overthrow a changeling god! C: die, a lot. D: all of the above.

What do you think?

.....wait a minute.

(Open for new cover art)

Chapters (8)

Twilight was trying a new spell. It backfired.
She lost six test subjects and is fighting guilt and sorrow. She calls her friends together so she can confess her horrible crime....

(Its not what you might think. Or maybe it is.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Winona The Immortal Dog

Owlowiscious spends a lot of time thinking and trying new things. Currently he's an assistant to an alicorn princess, something he's never tried before. Sometimes being an assistant to a neurotic purple princess with a penchant for persistent productivity though, can really prickle his primaries.

A-A-Additional tags: Feathers.

Edited by: The awesome Word Worthy!

Tagged Alternate Universe because Owlowiscious is quite obviously not canonically immortal.

(I guess this counts as an 'Immortal-verse' fic, but there's no universe for this, so it's just Owlowiscious talking).

Chapters (15)

After the whole mess with Midnight Sparkle, Cinch gets some well deserved comeuppance. But after seeing her get hers, Twilight begins to wonder why she should have got off so easy while her principal gets all the blame.

AU in what happens at the very end of Friendship Games and the season 5 finale.

Cover art by BloodyPink-M

Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (6)

Three curious fillies...check
Owl delivered school letters ... check
Boy named Harry Potter ... check
Dash of Discord ... check

This can't possibly end well.

**Public safety notice::: Do not drive while spouse is reading latest chapter out loud. While this may considerably stroke the author's ego, in a guilt inducing manner, it may not be conducive for maintaining low insurance rates **

Taneysha has graciously consented to the use of this picture
Featured on August 2nd 2017 :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (106)

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The young Cutie Mark Crusaders find him. A year later, a Hogwarts owl unleashes the CMC, Harry, and Equestria upon wizarding Britain! And adorable cute magic-wielding ponies upon the rest of the world.

Copyedited by gerandakis. Excellent cover art by Mix-up.
Made Featured Stories starting Ch. 18, Jun 25, 2018!
Made Front Page Popular Stories – Jun 11 (15), July 10-13, 16-17, 19-21, 23 (24-29), Aug 1-2 (32-33), 9-10, 13-14, 22-23, 24-25 (35-38, 41-42), Sept. 14 (49), Oct. 5 (57), 2018!

Inspired by Dogger807’s hilarious story, “Magic School Days,” here on FiMfiction. While there is humour (and tree-sap) in this story, that is not its only focus.

Wow, Sir Chaos Omega made a TV-Tropes page for the story! Thanks!

Published on the FiMfiction website with the kind forbearance of the copyright owners of My Little Pony (Hasbro) and the Harry Potter series (Scholastic Press).

The timeline for “My Little Pony” is messed up. That is, if you look closely, the order of the shows as aired is out of order of their logical sequence. Evidence: in Swarm of the Century (#10) we see the dresses that Rarity makes in Suited for Success (#14) — so unless Rarity time-travelled, #14 should take place before #10! Also, in The Ticket Master (#3), the other five seem to know Twilight and Spike quite well, yet in Boast Busters (#6) they don’t seem to know Twilight at all.

With careful attention to details such as those, you can put the three years of episodes prior to Princess Twilight Sparkle (#65, Season Four) into a two-year stretch of time. If you work hard enough, you can even squeeze them down to one five-season stretch of Summer to Summer.

I used the two-year seven-part timeline mapped out by deviantart’s tobyandmavisforever (do a Google search for “tobyandmavisforever mlp timeline” as the fastest way to find them). Thus, Harry arrives in Equestria shortly after the Crystal Empire two-part episode, and Twilight and Spike have been in Ponyville just under a year even though the Crystal Empire episodes start the third year of My Little Pony.

Chapters (128)

This story is a sequel to Steel Soul

Sweetie Belle has discovered a secret. She's spent a few months keeping it to herself, but the nightmares she's had have convinced her it might be time to reveal it.

Sequel to Steel Soul.

Chapters (7)

A collection of short stories, based on fifty prompts given to me by FiMFiction.

Chapters (22)