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Being called away to her rock farm for an emergency, Pinkie Pie asks Rainbow Dash to watch Sugarcube Corner and alligator-sit Gummy for a couple of days. It's all going so well, until Dash sits down... and hears a squelchy noise underneath her. Oops.

Yes, the title is a direct call out to Weekend At Bernie's and this book. Just so we're clear.

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be such a pleasant Sunday morning. Nothing could have brought down Twilight's mood on such a beautiful day, not even the fact that she ran out of oatmeal for breakfast.

But what do you do when your future self suddenly pops in for a visit? What do you do when several dozen more suddenly show up? And what do you do when you have no way of getting rid of them?

Chapters (1)

It was just supposed to be a little game, part of the very first slumber party held in Twilight's new castle. Neither Twilight nor her friends expected to learn life-changing things about each other. And none of them could have anticipated who among them had the most experience when it came to sex...

(Unless you read the comments. Spoilers!)

Reading by Max Kongo!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle always does things. Today, she's not going to do anything.

I don't know what made me come up with this.

Thanks to Timaeus and Majin Syeekoh for prereading!

Now with a reading by ChefSandy!

Chapters (1)

Just when all hope for his world seems lost, Optimus Prime finds himself on a new world entirely unlike the one he knows. Now the citizens of Equestria must figure out what to do with their unusual visitor, and how to get him home...but does he actually want to go back?

Contains SPOILERS for the Season 2 finale of "Transformers Prime".

Cover Image by WingedHippocampus: http://wingedhippocampus.deviantart.com/art/Collaboration-The-Visitor-356160975

Chapters (2)

Sweetie Belle discovers one of Rarity's long-held trade secrets.

And she thought Discord was chaotic.

Chapters (1)

The opening titles of MLP have always felt like they were from a different version of the show. This is that version...

Fed up with being useless at magic, a blank-flanked Twilight Sparkle does the only thing she feels she can do... she runs away. Fortunately, she has a good friend along for the ride...

Now has a sequel: Nightwaker, which presents the return of Nightmare Moon in this timeline.

Featured 10/16-10/19/2018 -- thanks, everypony, for your kind support and feedback on this version of the pilot story!

Chapters (1)

With the Friendship Games concluding, Twilight Sparkle is excited to start her schooling at Canterlot High, and so is everyone else. But, Canterlot High isn't all sunshine and rainbows. The girls at CHS will face challenges along the way. But, they'll face them together.

Featured 10/9/15!!!!
Featured 1/21/16!!!

Chapters (10)

Scootaloo has been bouncing from home to home for years until moving to Canterlot City with her new adopted mother. After making friends with two of the greatest girls in the world, she finally feels a sense of security in her life, and being in the same place long enough has allowed her to look up to and idolize a certain star soccer player. Now, with hope and newfound courage, Scootaloo makes the decision to chase her dreams of becoming someone and growing close to her longtime idol, but a crushing blow to her shattered heart puts an end to her emboldened aspirations.

It's up to her two best buddies in the whole world to help her realize her truth self worth and the power of love.

Gratefully edited previously by: gwg

Writer of Chapter 5: Such A Chlorbag

This story takes place after the events of my previous stories; Never Grow Apart and Never Drift Away. You are NOT REQUIRED to read those stories if all you came for is Scootaloo. :yay:

Chapters (5)

Beauty was always easy for her to understand, but love is a completely different matter. A powerful attraction has come over her as Rarity explores her feelings and begins the adventure to discovering friendship, love, and everything in between! Every lady needs a knight to sweep her off her feet, right? That knight just so happens to wear flannel shirts and a cowboy hat!!! Join everyone's favorite Fashionista as she discovers what it really means to be in love during her fast times at Canterlot High!!! :heart::heart::heart:

The events of this story take place after the FlutterDash fic, Never Grow Apart. You don't have to read that beforehand if you desire not to. ^_^

Proofread by Shut868!!!
"Amazing Editing." -Darkcloudx

Chapters (6)