• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012


The Watcher Watches. He has seen much in the execution of his duty. And sometimes... sometimes... he'll share what he's seen with you.

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Sunbeam Sparkle is not a good pony. She might not be pure evil, but she is ruthless, ambitious, and so power-hungry that she would even aspire to usurp Celestia's throne. Worse, she succeeds in manipulating Celestia into not only surrendering rule over Equestria, but her immortality as well.

It is often said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In most cases that’s true. Many good ponies have begun with good intentions, but slowly lost their way. However, this is not always the case. A rare few virtuous ponies have the character and strength of will to resist temptation, and are never corrupted by their authority.

Even rarer, there comes a time when gaining power makes a pony better than they were before. This is one such story.

Chapters (3)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary life in Ponyville. Every library book is properly shelved in its appropriate place, and her life continues on exactly according to her meticulously planned out schedule.

Then she gets a bodyguard.

Now she has to find some way to fit this new pony into her life on short notice. It won’t be an easy thing to adjust to—especially since Captain Storm Kicker’s presence makes it that much harder for her to go on living like the same old Twilight Sparkle she was before she became a princess.

Chapters (1)


Come hear the tale of Dodge Junction's savior, that nameless stranger.

Written for EQD's Writer's Training Grounds #014.

NB: Although the only character tag for this story is 'Other', the central character is in fact quite well-known. You win if you guess their identity before the end.

Chapters (1)

The Canterlot Caverns are a strange and enigmatic place, untouched and forgotten by pony-kind for centuries. So when a strange metal object is unearthed in their depths, it's up to Twilight Sparkle and Lyra Heartstrings to discover the many secrets it holds.

Together, the two of them will have to do their best to understand the remnants of an ancient civilization, and decipher what remains of Those Who Came Before.

The cover-image is a cleverly edited stock image, which was modified by the stupendous Corvo.
Proofreading was performed by the equally fantastical writers:
Timetraveling Pony (Who started as a proofreader when Cloud was writing this. Hats off to him for being dedicated and staying on as a proofreader for me.)
Night Spark

And a special Thank You goes to The Sentient Cloud for allowing me the honor of continuing this great story after he retired from writing fimfictions.

As it turns out, this story is eerily similar to Lyra Heartstrings and the Hand of Man. Due to their similarity, I feel that it would be appropriate to give said story a mention.

Chapters (4)

Cadance has always loved Twilight, from the very moment the younger pony had entered her life. Lately, however, that love has evolved and blossomed into something altogether more. Will Cadance have the strength to confess her feelings to the oblivious Twilight? With two meddling aunts, she may not have a choice in the matter.

Cadance/Twilight. Twidance. Whatever you want to call it.

Shining Armour and Cadance have never been more than best friends. Set mid season 4. The Changeling invasion and Crystal Empire arc both happened, just differently. May flesh those out in a future oneshot.

Chapters (2)

Expand for links to readings, fan stuff, the tumblr, and more!

When Twilight Sparkle slipped beneath the covers last night, everything had been fine. She had friends whom she loved, a teacher she adored, and a bright future ahead of her. But when she woke up, her blankets and quilts had been replaced by hospital gowns and padded restraints.

Everything is wrong and nothing makes sense; even her friends have changed. The doctors keep telling her that she is sick, that none of it was real and that it was all in her head. Yet she remembers a life far beyond the hospital walls. She couldn't have made it all up on her own. They must be lying… right?


Ask Asylum Twilight - Still updating regularly!
Equestria Daily
Asylum Fan Group
The Tartarus Project
Russian Translation
The Asylum 20,000 View Spectacular Stage Show!

Fan Works

May contain spoilers!

Asylum Cover by conicer
Twilight and Twilight Smiles by dreamingnoctis
Mirror Twilight and Plague Doctor by Jaestring / BloodGoldWings
Twilight Smiles and Doctor AJ by conicer
Nurse Ratchet and Silas and What's in the mirror? by Archonix
Doctor AJ Sketch by Archonix | Colored and vectored version by ReFro82
Twilight's Asylum by Khan the Cake Lover
Smilight by HappySwitch
Twilight Waking Up by Dombrus
Fan Art by toxicdemon10
Asylum Twilight by Madness-With-Reason
Asylum Fluttershy and Asylum Ch 26 by Downburst-Backspace
Twilight and her Twin by v747
Birdgirl by sirValter

Readings and Videos:
Asylum Animated Trailer Video by formuladash
Reading by Gammarobot (SugarCubeRadio): All Chapters Here
Reading by Ender Brony: All Chapters Here
Reading by VisualPony: All Chapters Here
Reading by MelancholyIguana: All Chapters Here
Fan Trailer by Kaidan: Asylum FanFic Trailer Cuckoo's Nest

Related and Inspired Works

Sanctuary by Kaidan
Broadhoof Files: Dr. Humors by TypewriterError
Broadhoof Files: Corporal Phalanx Spear (Ret.) by Phalanx Spear
A Hearth's Warming Tragedy by Seven Fates

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Breath of Plagues, Rex Ivan,
ChudoJogurt, Cynewulf, Death the Kid, Selbi, PrinceDolph, Blahman2816, Queue, and Gage!

Guest OCs

Axan Zenith - Dr. Dreamer
Dratini4 - Way Finder
psychicscubadiver - Bright Mind
Velkaden - Dream Chaser
Reese - Silver Glow
Viola Heartstrings - Clover
Archonix - Spinney Whiteacre

Chapters (27)

Starburst loves her life in Ponyville. She has good friends, a farm to train on, and dreams to achieve. Love never truly crossed her mind, but when her older cousin, best friend and crowned princess of the Crystal Empire, who, though born a pegasus, can't fly, comes to visit her in Ponyville with a request, will the princess of love and true feelings open Star's eyes to whats been in front of her all along? Will she, herself find love? A sweet love story about being true to yourself and not taking no for an answer.

Chapters (7)

No marriage is without its challenges, especially not that of Spike and Rarity. Despite the fairy tale-like circumstances surrounding their courtship (Beauty and the Beast is a popular reference made at dinner parties), their relationship is far from perfect: indeed, the combination of her overwhelmingly large dress orders and his frequent extended trips across Equestria as Celestia's personal envoy makes it seem as though neither one of them has any time for their significant other. Yet there is one key factor, one constant variable in their lives that will always be there to remind them of how much they love and care for one another, no matter what issues they face.

Thank Celestia they have Claire.

Featured 3-27-14!
My third foray into the Kilalaverse. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here to find out!
Pre-read by the Lady herself, Ms. Kilala.
Spike, Rarity, and MLP: FiM in general © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Crystal Clarity © kilala97 of DA

Chapters (1)

Twilight was on the road to recovery from her mental illness. She had started a new treatment, bonded with the staff, and had many friends in her ward. Now she wakes up in the center of the delusions she has been trying so hard to escape: Ponyville.

Inspired by Asylum by Daemon of Decay
Proofreaders: ArgonMatrix, The11thWonder, Gage, Breath of Plagues
Story and Plot Development Help: Daemon of Decay, AppleCrumble

Enjoyed this story? If you are looking for others set in the 'Asylumverse', support these new authors:
Broadhoof Files: Dr Humors
Broadhoof Files: Corporal Phalanx Spear

Chapters (6)