• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012


The Watcher Watches. He has seen much in the execution of his duty. And sometimes... sometimes... he'll share what he's seen with you.

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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Octavia Philharmonica is one of many who are trying to make it in life, and living in one of the nation's busiest cities doesn't make it any easier. She just got laid off of her job, and bussing tables at her friend's cafe part-time isn't doing much to pay the bills, so Octavia falls to her last resort - she'll use her talent of music to offer lessons for those who are willing to learn the craft.

However, when a bold, crazy disk jockey obsessed with rock-n-roll signs up, everything turns upside down.

Chapters (4)

Just why does there always need to be a princess at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange?

Written for EQD's Writer's Training Grounds #016.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Long Story Short, Things Went Down

Time Turner is preparing for the most important lecture of his life. However, he's so nervous he feels like one wrong move will mess up everything. Thankfully, his friends are there to help him relax.

The problem is not that his friends are sociopaths. The problem is that they are sociopaths and mad at him.

Proofread by:

Lucky Roll
Neko Majin C

Chapters (3)

Side story to Long Story Short, Things Went Down. No need to read that, though!

Beer tastes bad, Whiskey is just horrible, and Colgate does not like drinking.

This is the story of how Colgate met Berry Punch for the first time, and how she saw a bartender who was clearly a ninja.

Proofread by:

Lucky Roll
Octavia Harmony
Neko Majin C

Chapters (1)

When Carrot Top discovers that her coltfriend is cheating on her, her first reaction is to kick him to next Monday. The fact that at the moment her coltfriend is attending Blueblood's birthday party doesn't seem to convince her otherwise.

The good news, her friends are all there to get her out of trouble.

The bad news, her friends are all a bunch of sociopaths.

Proofreading by:

Selbi (Chapter 2 onwards)
Neko Majin C

Chapters (10)

As with any couple, Lyra and Bon Bon experience problems and have disagreements. Be it past marefriends or financial distress, the pair must confide within one another to save both each other, and themselves. Theoretically, love conquers all, but love alone doesn't put bits on the table.

Awesome fan music written by psp7master can be found here!
Beautiful art drawn by Bakki can be found here!

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Accidental Harmony

Several months after moving to Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia are planning their upcoming wedding. With help from friends like Lyra and Bon-Bon, what could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (7)

As fate would have it, Twilight had to hatch a much bigger egg this time.

Chapters (33)

There are many axioms in Equestria. "Go with the grain." "Count your blessings." "Strive to be happy with what you have."

And, though left unsaid, the most important one of all: "Know your place."

Although Flash Sentry loves Twilight, she can never know of his love. She can never return the feelings. It wouldn't be proper. After all, social order is more important than fulfilling one's own wishes.

Alternate Universe tag is due to the existence of a caste system in this story. Please keep that in mind as you read.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket, Draconian Soul, Regidar, and Loopy Legend for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a poem by Fiend from the Darkness!

Now with a YouTube reading by BlackIrisBalloon (and multiple voice actors)!

Now with a Korean translation by Kianoke!

Followed by What Hath Joined Together.

Rated Teen for mild violence and thematic elements.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Order

Despite receiving a harsh reprimand from Captain Ironhoof for his "little stunt," Flash Sentry still struggles with his forbidden feelings for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Maintaining a professional stance while adhering to the law of the land proves an even more difficult task, especially when his one act of defiance only seems to awaken the seething rebellion within him.

When Flash is assigned to escort Twilight to the Crystal Empire at Princess Celestia's insistence, tensions on all sides only seem to escalate.

Full list of character tags: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, Discord, Prince Blueblood, OC, Other.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket and Holo for editing.

Now with a TVTropes page! A huge thanks and tons of Doge GIFs to Poptard for creating it!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Teen for some language, mild violence, and thematic elements. Sex tag is for sexual references in dialogue and implied sexual situations.

Chapters (26)