• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012


The Watcher Watches. He has seen much in the execution of his duty. And sometimes... sometimes... he'll share what he's seen with you.

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Total Words: 32,907,675
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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Since the recovery of her crown, Twilight has become obsessed with rediscovering the lost magic which created the 'Portal Mirror': a gateway to another world. On top of that, a former enemy has arrived in Ponyville, looking to make amends.

With her help, Twilight ends up with more than she bargained for when an accident occurs during her studies, touching off an adventure spanning across multiple realities. With a new gateway linked to a myriad of new worlds, what will they find as each expedition brings them one more step removed from the universe they call home?

Editing by SpaceCommie and Prak
Pre-Reading and Contributions by Minifig.
Special Thanks to InsertCoolUserNameHere, who inspired me to start writing!

Chapters (14)

My name is Gilda. I used to be a Griffon warrior, until I got banished.

When you're banished, you've got nothing. No clan, no funding, no gold watch and friendly job reference. You're stuck wherever the Griffon clans aren't.

You do whatever work comes your way. You rely on anyone still talking to you. A speed-freak ex-marefriend. A megalomaniac illusionist working as a middlemare for the EIS.

Family too, if you're desperate.

Bottom line is, as long as you're banished, you're not going anywhere

Chapters (19)

Niamh, an introverted student of veterinary science, finds herself transported to a strange world inhabited by ponies. Of course, that means becoming one herself. Now she must prove to the other ponies that she is not the 'Nightmare Moon' they think she is, and earn their trust, while they must earn hers. Especially this 'Princess Luna' character.

But two questions stand out above the rest as being truly important: How did she get there, and why?

Featured 19/03/14 Didn't expect that.

Amazing cover art was done by the extremely talented MrFulp.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Love Is Patient

Luna's daughter, Princess Nidra, was once rivals with the adopted daughter of Fluttershy, Anthea, for Turquoise the dragon-pony's heart. Since then, Anthea and Turquoise have married, Nidra has learned to accept her loss, and the two mares have become fast friends. However, when an aged and ailing Anthea calls her friend in for one final request, will Nidra, at long last, be able to honor it?

*Based on the Kilala97 Next Gen.
*Cover art by Kilala97.

Chapters (1)

Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply travel to another type of life.

Golden Delicious is a simple pony. The son of Applejack and Caramel, his destiny in life had already been decided for him: To be an apple farmer just like his mother, just like nearly every other pony in the Apple clan. But he's happy with his life. Life in Ponyville was simple, fun, and happy. So just what happens when two mares from Manehatten who have a different view come to visit?

A story with Kilala97's character's with her permission. Golden Delicious and Red June belong to her.
Inky Melody and Staged Gallery are my ponies.
Read the other stories in Kilala97's AU here.

Chapters (1)

Little Pinkamina has a conversation with her older sister about her future in rock farming.

Written for EQD's Writer's Training Grounds #012.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has a gift for Twilight. Remember when Twilight taught Rainbow Dash to love books? Rainbow dash plans on repaying the favor by getting Twilight to like a sport.

While it begins as a matter of just 'Making Rainbow Dash happy', after seeing how truly competitive the dueling club is, will Twilights competitive side come out to defend her pride?

(NOTE: Slight amount of inspiration from the Dueling Club in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but this is not a crossover)

Chapters (5)

Reader, in ancient days, the old lords of the world numbered in thousands. Then hundreds. Then even less.
Now, they are found only in tapestries and fanciful ballads.
The creatures are all vanished. All but one.

Rumors say there are more of him, somewhere far away. A young and supposedly gifted mage called Star Swirl, and Heartstrings, a gentle spinster, have joined him on a journey to find the rest.

Featured in The Royal Guard's Fic Spotlight #5
TV Tropes page (that could use more love)

Chapters (23)

"... at the forefront of our fandom’s writing scene ... Masterpiece." —PCaRG
"... really enjoyable ..." —City of Doors
"...worthy of high praise." —PaulAsaran
"Lots of wonderful world-building, great action, well-developed characters and an engaging story." —Hoopy McGee

Steel Song is a lot of things. Earth pony. Uncle. Professional bodyguard.


So when he receives a mysterious package from Princess Luna a few weeks after the changeling invasion, he's understandably apprehensive. More-so when he presents himself before the Royal Diarchs to find that not only do they desire him to come out of retirement, but to take command of a most unusual position...

A position that may have more significance than any of them suspect. Because strange thefts are occurring on the Equestrian Railway, thefts that nopony can explain. Thefts that may have far more sinister intentions than their seemingly innocent nature may convey.

Intentions sinister enough to shift the balance of power in Equestria forever.

Book I of The Dusk Guard Saga.
Epic Fantasy
Has a collection of Side Stories as well, the first of which is here.
Now with a TV Tropes page!
"This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!"
Added to Twilight's Library 11/26/2013
Added to Canterlot's Finest 12/01/2013

Chapters (43)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

When Equestria’s newest member of royalty asks for aid to be offered to her friends from abroad, the best and the brightest volunteer to serve. Captain Steel Song of the Dusk Guard are immediately mobilized to help XCOM defend their world from the enemies that besiege them. However, their first joint operation with the humans takes a turn for the worse and they quickly find themselves fighting for their lives against the full force of the monsters that threaten Earth.

(Stardust/Dusk Guard crossover)
(Coverart provided by a friend of Viking ZX!)
(While familiarity with both stories isn’t required, it is recommended)
(Many thanks to Arzoo for pre-reading!)
(All screenshots can be found at XCOM.wikia.com)
(Featured on 3/13/2013. Thanks everyone!)
(Now has it's own section on TVTropes as part of the Stardust series!)

Chapters (5)