• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


Just the average fan giving back to the MLP Community

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Twilight discovers that, even with the collective research, intellect and intuition of the entire Equestrian archaeological community at her back, nothing beats the source material when it comes to archaeology.

Smoulder is more than happy to oblige.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria’s Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress

Mirage and Kyria are the beloved daughters of Princess Alternia of Equestria. Raised in a world shaped by their forebears, the two are growing into their own.

When they are abruptly thrust into an adventure, they will be forced to confront how they see their family’s past, each other, and themselves. Most crucially, they will have to use every lesson their parents have taught them, and every skill they have ever learned. 

Because at stake are not only their lives, but also their very future.

Cover art courtesy of: GoldenGriffoness. She is very good! Check out her page.

Thanks to pre-readers:
Dr. Tarbtano
Wanderer D

And pre-reader/writer of guest chapter:

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen

This story is a direct sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen. Reading that first is necessary to understand any part of this story.

Co-authored by vren55 and Zervziel

Alternia, sister to Chrysalis, ruled Equestria for a thousand years, disguised as Princess Celestia, while the alicorn slumbered in a healing sleep. Now revealed, Alternia prepares to become Equestria’s first changeling princess, and prove herself to the ponies she loves at the side of her co-rulers Luna and the newly-returned Celestia.

But even as the crown descends onto Alternia’s head, something is stirring in the depths of the Eastern Sea, something that will turn the surface world onto its head. Some power that could destroy Alternia, and all that she loves, before she can even regain the approval of her own ponies.

Will Alternia restore the trust her ponies once placed with her? Will she found a hive? Will she find love?

All that is certain is that Equestria, and the world, will never be the same again.

Now with a TV Tropes page.

Empress Tethys and the Kelpies Created by Zervziel

That Fantastic Cover art is by Plainoasis

Pre-read and edited by:
Courage Fire
Cosmic Cowboy

Chapters (31)

"Because I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and there’s not a single creature with wings I can think of who is exclusively attracted to the opposite sex.”

Now with a reading!

And another!

Chapters (1)

...But Silverstream, of all creatures only just now putting on the uniform…? Okay then. More to the point, she looked adorable in it. Wait, did he just think adorable? About Silverstream? Okay, yeah she was generally cute -loathe as the proud griffon was to admit it- but now she looked cute cute. Oh boy. Oh brother. Oh dear.


Or in short, Silverstream joins the cheer squad and Gallus notices.

(Written for The Discovery – A Young Six Writing Contest)
(Featured on 1/18/2020, 1/19/2020, and on 1/20/20. Thanks, guys!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia The Changeling Queen: Stories Behind the Mask

At the Royal Wedding, Chrysalis and the Changelings were revealed to all of Equestria.

But another mask was torn away that day. A mask born for a thousand years. A mask created on one promise. A mask, that has become synonymous, fused, to its bearer.

A mask that when ripped off, causes Twilight, her friends and Luna to question everything they ever knew about the one pony, one very important pony.

At the Royal Wedding, the meaning of the phrase 'Princess Celestia' changes forever.

NOTE: Chrysalis is NOT Celestia!!! That'd be impossible to pull off.

Credits to: Plainoasis for the design of the cover art
Note 2: Original cover art here: https://angelea-phoenix.deviantart.com/art/Contest-entry-Changeling-Celestia-337023552

Pre-read/edited by Zervziel,
Courage Fire
Aurora Borealis

Side Stories to this can be found: here.

An audio-reading on youtube up to Chapter 21 is up by StraightToThePoint Studios. I'm aware there are others but this is the nearest complete one: [embed]https://youtu.be/X3eMW673CSY[/embed]

There are also 2 print versions of Princess Celestia:The Changeling Queen. Nonexistent Publications run and Ministry of Image's run.

Contribute to the TV Tropes Page (thanks to Babs_Seed72 for getting it up)

Chapters (33)

What happens when you have a guilty draconequus, another dimension based on a board game, and six students that are looking for a new activity doing something new? You have an adventure with rules being made up as you go.

My entry to the Young Six take FIMFiction contest.

Chapters (3)

Theodor Pichler knew joining the Barrow Observatory's winter crew would be a difficult position. He thought he knew the danger--freezing temperatures, gale-force winds, and terribly spotty broadband coverage. What he didn't expect was for an experimental new telescope array to interact with an unusual storm and send him screaming helplessly into the sky.

Instead of falling to his death, Theo landed in an alien world, populated by colorful horses he can't understand. What's worse: the body he landed in isn't his own, and he's not sure anything is where it should be. Having wings might be cool if he didn't have to be naked all the time...

With limited supplies and no help from the Observatory, Theo has to somehow navigate this new land, making new friends and encountering terrible dangers along the way. It will take all his cleverness, and a healthy dose of luck, if he's ever to be human again.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story was a commission for Lucky Ray on my Patreon. Feel free to PM me if you'd like one of your own. It was edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by FoxHatArt. Where chapters have art, it was done by Jasper.

Zutcha was here too.

Chapters (53)

This story takes place after the events of the episode "Keep calm and flutter on."

After Discord's reformation, he decides to have a bet with Princess Celestia. Wanting to see her chaotic side, a bet was made between the two. For one whole week, Celestia will agree to become a draconequus, to see if she can control the powers of chaos itself. Celestia agrees on the condition that should she win, she gets to transform Discord into whatever she wants for a week in turn. However, Celestia has many secret desires and it doesn't take long for her to start abusing her new chaotic magic...

Editor: The Fan without a Face

Cover artist: hikariviny

Chapters (13)

(Collab with Latecomer who suggested the idea. Takes place after "The Hearth's Warming Club".)

Even though he and his friends are staying over the holiday break to be with Gallus, Sandbar has made his own plans for Hearth's Warming. Those plans get upended when his parents have to leave and unexpectedly task him with foalsitting his baby sister, Coral.

Despite Sandbar having some prior foalsitting experience, he decides to rope his friends into helping him with his important assignment. Which is quickly complicated by the fact that none of them know how ponies raise their young.

To complicate things further, Sandbar is soon hospitalized after hitting his head against a tree. So his friends have to take turns checking up on him, and keeping Coral under control. A problem when she is going through "potty training" which is something Sandbar's friends know very little about.

Chapters (2)