• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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The Ponyspawn have invaded Equestria, and it is up to the newest addition to the Grey Wardens, Twilight Sparkle, to find the means to drive them back! With her friends and allies at her side, can Twilight defeat the evil tide before all of Equestria is devoured?

The Sequel, Pony Age: Catalyst, is available.

Chapters (47)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

There are those that feed on love. There are those that feed on hate. But the most feared, the most hated of all, are those that feed on misery.

Chapters (1)

After Twilight discovers a dusty old book detailing trans-dimensional portals used by denizens of ancient Equestria, she learns that one of these portals is right outside Ponyville. But something went wrong with the spell. Instead of a being from a different dimension, she summoned a pegasus who seems more confused by this than her. When she tries to send him back to where he came from, she gets hauled along for the ride. Turns out the portals match their users to the universe they are entering. How will Twilight handle being human?

Chapters (3)

Don't expect quality from this fic.

Being a creator means creating your own world, where you pour your love and heart into it.

In a stormy night, after a strange event in her office, Lauren Faust gets teleported into the magical land of Equestria. The land... that she created. What will she do now? How will she return to the reality from her own imagination? Will she even be willing to leave?

Chapters (23)

Big Mac sits in his room, pondering an incident that made him question himself; trying to write a letter that he should have written long ago. Featuring a wicked storm, a few weeks at summer camp, and a predatory insect of unusual size.

Contains m/m shipping. Based on a song which can be found here: The Predatory Wasp

Many thanks to prereaders MarshMellowPony, Stormsoul22, and Fluttersky15!

Chapters (1)

Five years ago, something happened to Caramel that has been bothering him since. But he's felt pressured to keep it a secret. Now, he struggles to find ways to deal with his bottled up emotions. (Warning: coltcuddling ahead!)

A/N: This story was written as a sequel to a story I wrote called The State That I'm In. It's probably a good idea to read that first. This story is written in the same style, but from Caramel's perspective. Note that this features the Dark and Teen tags, so it's a little more serious, sort of.

For the sake of consistency and symmetry, here's the song that this half of the story was originally based on: Springfield

And lastly, as always, what you're about to read would look like a pile of manure if it weren't for the incredible WhatTheMoo, editor extraordinaire!

Chapters (4)

Have you ever had a dream that just seemed so real, that it was impossible to say for certain that it was even a dream at all? A dream that, despite all of its impossibilities, seemed to re-write your entire perception of reality, re-writing your sense of what—and indeed, who—you are? Accepting change is hard enough as it is. But when you're a somebody who wakes up as a somepony, how do you cope with the impact such a drastic change has on your mind and body? With changes like these, it must surely just be a lucid dream—albeit a suspiciously accurate one—just brimming with potential and ripe for exploration. So you might as well suck it up and make the most of these distressingly…unusual circumstances, and seize this psychological adventure before you wake up and the dream ends.
After all, this couldn't possibly be real, so the dream must come to an end eventually…right?

Chapters (25)

This will be a series of romantic drabbles based around one concept: take a pairing, apply rule 63 to one of the ponies involved, and see what happens. Characters updated as story goes along.

By the way, Rule 63 of the internet is as follows: For every given male character, there exists a female version of that character and vice versa.

Chapters (23)

I got bored. This is basically just a Rule 63 version script of the first two episodes. If you want to suggest other episodes then feel free to do so in the comments, although they have to be non-gender specific. The cover image is not by me - it is part of a series by the 100% awesome Trotsworth, as are the rest of the cover images.

Just so everypony knows, I won't be focusing on this fic, but will instead work on my other one, The Foals of Harmony. If boredom or writer's block overtakes me then I shall add another episode.

Chapters (10)