• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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Hey, Reader. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Hi. I'm Tony. My life just got messed up big time,
I thought today was going to just be a nice, normal Friday morning. I was wrong. Horribly wrong. I've woke up this morning in the furry white hooves of a pony. Rarity to be exact. In a new body, that I have no idea how to use, I have to find out what has happened to my body, and find out whether or not if I'm the only one in this boat. Only time will tell as I trek across the states in attempt to find out was has gone awry in my once happy world of being human.
Rated teen for excessive use of foul language.

This is my first fic and part of PonyEarthverse

Chapters (33)

This story is a philosophical and comedic telling of my journey, becoming one with Fluttershy, after waking up one morning quite yellow and quite confused.
Set it the "PonyEarth" verse (group here: PonyEarthVerse)
Rated teen for mentions of sexuality etc. (and guns!)


The picture is being used with permission from the artist, original here: Soapie-solar

Chapters (80)

Oh, umm..hi, my name is Danielle. Today I became a pony, a derp-eyed blonde-maned mare named Derpy. Best way to start a morning right? Part of the PonyEarthVerse.

Chapters (3)

Dusk Shine has dealt with many trails throughout his life. From clashing with Nightterror Nebula to outwitting the mischievous Eris to thwarting King Nymphamos’s invasion, he'd seen it all.

All in all, Dusk Shine would admit that life was hardly easy. And now, Dusk finds that his mentor's self loathing is the least of his problems as he finds himself thrust into a world where he and his friend... are mares?

edited by Saylux and OverlordCornutt

Chapters (5)

Inspired by the story image, RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse and Trinary's "Rainbooms and Royalty", I give you my take on the alternate universe concept. Namely, a universe where Spike is the pony and Twilight is his dragon assistant.

The thousandth Summer Sun Celebration is approaching. With it will come the return of Nightmare Moon. Celestia has no student to call upon to save Equestria, and is doing all she can to make the last day of peace meaningful for her people.

Meanwhile, Spike "Purple Prose" Flail is a reporter for the Canterlot Sun. He finds himself being shipped down to the boonies with his longtime friend and assistant, Twilight, to cover the biggest festival Equestria has seen in a millennium!

But even with a visit from the princess, there's no way someplace as boring as Ponyville could ever be newsworthy. Right?

A/N: Credit for cover image goes to dzetaWMDunion on Deviantart art.

Story would also include character tags for Thunderlane and Cheerilee if not for the character tag limit.

Now has a TVTropes page!

Chapters (20)

After failing to stop Nightmare Moon in the ancient castle of the pony sisters, Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life. As Twilight recovers from her ordeal, she finds that she is left with a difficult choice. Either live her life as a lie or sacrifice her innocence to protect the ones she loves. The path before her is set and she must now walk it alone. The sands of time continues ever onward, with everyone already trapped in its muddy depths. The sun will rise and the sun will fall. Waiting for its call, Death awaits for all.

Tags, rating, and characters can change.

Art created by:
http://cuteskitty.deviantart.com (top)
http://ventious.deviantart.com (bottom)

I just put the two together

Chapters (17)

My name is Reid X.P., and one day I woke up in a body that wasn't my own. That was a bit unusual. Even more unusual was the fact the body was pink. And female. I mean, I'd been a guy before!

Oh, also, I was apparently a pony.

Thus began my epic adventures with the body of Pinkie Pie, which would involve cross country trips, dancing librarians, and possibly the apocalypse. Trust me, waking up as a fictional character soon became the least of my worries...

Picture by Frankier the Seventy Seventh. Part of the Becoming Ponies collaboration.

Chapters (47)

Discord managed to free himself from his stone prison, but some difficulties occured and gave him a new perspective as a pony. How will he adapt to these changes? And will his plan work this time?

Comments are filled with spoilers.

Chapters (39)

This story is a sequel to When The Wind Changes

When somepony loses their nature and their element which makes them special, how far can one go to reobtain what was lost?

Discord was once a feared creature, only spoken of in whispers but now he's in the public eye as a father. But through changes, he realizes what was lost and is desperate to be found in time. But will he have enough time?

Sequel to When The Wind Changes. I strongly suggest that you read it before this one. Spoilers of both the stories can be in the comments.

Chapters (16)

After the changelings' failed invasion of Canterlot, Twilight tries to soothe some of Ponyville's rampant paranoia by casting a spell to prove there are no imposters hiding in the town. But her spell leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry ponies who just don't believe her when she says she is Twilight Sparkle.

Or, at least, she was Twilight Sparkle, anyway...

Featured on Equestria Daily, 2/17/13
Cover art is by the awesome and amazing Conicer

Chapters (9)